sfbayarea's blog

A quick submission and edging humiliation

Jason and I were laying out tanning on the back lawn. I looked over and admired his bronze muscled back and tight ass packed into his tight speedo. He matched my 5’7” slender build and the the silkiest long jet black Filipino hair.
We had been randomly getting into sneak attack wrestling matches all week and I was determined to pounce on him and make him submit, humiliate him, and have my way with him.
As I gazed from his broad shoulders to his muscled calves I could feel the excitement building as my now stiffening cock began to strain again my own speedo. I silently got to my knees and positioned myself behind my unsuspecting prey. I quickly pounced entwining my legs with Jason’s and putting him into a headlock. As Jason grunted and struggled twisting his body is rock hard glutes ground into my hardening cock, sending shivers through my body.
I rolled us onto my back as I kept my python grip around Jason’s neck and with my legs still wrapped around his muscular legs began to spread his legs wider and and wider. Jason groaned as I stretched his legs tp their limits and he was clearly getting aroused as I could see his thick cut 7 inch cock straining to break free from its lycra prison. His six pack abs flexed and contracted as he struggled to escape but failed each time. His hands grasping at my forearm finally tapped in submission. Keeping him trapped in my grip I released the pressure as Jason caught his breath.
My eyes were fixed on Jason’s beautiful abs and now rock hard 7 inch cock peaking out of the top of his speedo. I freed up on of my hands and ran it down Jason’s chest, tweeking his right nipple, tracing the ridges of his abs, before finally plunging it in to his speedo and tightly gripping his cock in my hand. Jason let out a low guttural moan as his cock was mercilessly trapped, throbbing in my grip. His ear next to my mouth, I bit down before whispering, “You ready to shoot that cum for me like the little loser bitch that you are?”
Jason trembled and moaned as I began stroking him. Over the next half hour I would bring him to the brink of orgasm before releasing my tight grip on his cock. Precum drooled obscenely from his cock pooling in his abs. Finally as I felt his cock swelling even larger in my fist, I decided it was time to finish him off. His breathing quickened and I started to feel his back arching away from me and every muscle in his body tensing. I whispered my command in his ear, “Cum for me you little bitch!”
Jason screamed as his cock erupted shooting cum nearly 3 feet into the air in rope after rope of milky white semen, his cock pulsing in my grip as I squeezed every last drop from his balls. After Jason was covered in his own cum I released him and pushed him over onto his stomach. I stood up and planted a foot on his back while flexing my biceps as he lay twitching in submission. I grabbed him by the hair and guided him to his feet. “Let’s go bitch…it’s time to service the winner”, I said and led him to the house to claim my prize.

Last edited on 11/18/2023 1:44 AM by sfbayarea



Guri Brasil (3 )

11/18/2023 3:27 AM

This story is incredible. Congratulations. What was your prize?


hellcatedy (47)

11/18/2023 4:09 PM

Hot story! Makes my own dick throb.
