How does one throw all cares away and break out of their normal persona in order to have a great wrestling match? I have received comments from a few guys who claim that my photos look intimidating or that I look tough, when in reality I'm not at all. They are just poses for the camera in order to maybe find someone interested in a fun match. As stated in my profile, I have very limited experience in wrestling and on the very rare occasions I've had one, I wear out quickly and easily. But with those few that I've had, I've always enjoyed myself. The problem I have is that buried deep within me is a guy that just wants to let it all go and enjoy a match the way that I fantasize about. However, when the time comes I actually meet up with someone, I'm too shy to just cut loose. Nerves get the best of me. Wrestling around with another masculine guy in all forms of dress (or undress) has always been a turn on for me ever since I was a kid. The old Charles Atlas ads in comic books that showed the skinny guy getting sand kicked in his face by a big muscle dude was always a big turn on for me. Especially after the skinny guy builds up muscle and kicks the other guy's ass. I guess I suffer from a lack of self confidence and I'm always concerned my opponent won't like me. There are MANY hot looking guys on this site that interest me, but when I see the photos of their past oppenents, I realize that I am not in the same league. I've never been blessed with movie star looks or a hot looking body,  and I think I'm too concerned over my own appearance to actually let everything go the way I'd like and truly enjoy myself. But how do I break out of the true nature of my character? Even if I were to meet someone and put the act of being a "tough guy" on, it just doesn't feel comfortable to me. It seems unnatural because my true personality is more of a kind hearted, sincere and sensitive guy. But just once, I would like to meet up with someone and allow all inhibitions to disappear. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to delve into that part of my desires. Any advice?

Last edited on 10/19/2017 1:23 PM by riverrat



turnbuckl (38)

10/19/2017 4:52 PM

Most men on here have a different personna outside of the ring.. Most are sane, intellingent, professional and kind. We share the same fetish for fantasy wrestling violence so that is a great common denominator to start.. Don't judge yourself or your fantasies. Nothing is weird or bizarre. Just live it- we only have one life so enjoy what you like. If it works out -great..if not-life goes on. Don't place too much emphasis on the end result. A lot has to do with chemistry. We all have our turn ons and preferences and don't take it personally if you get rejected. We are in the frustrating position where we all live far from each other and it is difficult to arrange a match due to scheduling. You hit the jackpot when you can share your fantasies with another warrior. Have fun!


Spruceman (55 )

10/19/2017 8:06 PM

Riverrat: Your pics are great. Nothing in them scare me. They are a turn on. If you were here in reach, I would take you on in less time than it takes light itself to travel a single nanometer :) If your pics scare them away, I reckon you wouldn't enjoy tangling with them in the first place.


olderdesire (14)

1/28/2019 8:51 PM

Thanks for this honest post. I could have written it. I feel exactly the same. I am turned on by your pics. However, I’m drawn to you even more because of your heart. You are a monster waiting to be released. When you are, Atlas will get a but kicking! And, please put me on your radar as well


Pennsypinner (62)

12/30/2021 3:37 AM

Read your blog, and many guys feel like you do. The line that hit me most that you wrote was the one about "guys you are interested in, checking their opponents list, and you are not in the same league". I was very lucky to get on here this year and get a bunch of you know how many guys I wrestled who I was nervous to meet because I did not feel I was "in their league"? Most of them. I am so much like you. I am not very skilled or trained, always doubt my abilities, doubt my physical a nice, sensitive guy just like you are.....but when you get in a match, I forget who I really am and just live in that wrestling moment....cannot really explain how, but I just let myself be that guy who always wanted to wrestle, but never thought he was strong enough, skilled enough, man enough.....your feelings are so much like mine. No one who knows me "in real life" would ever believe I would be doing this....wrestling....NEVER. One of the first guys I met wrestling (back in 2013 before I got on here in 2021) would always tell me that I should be wrestling more....encouraged me....and I finally decided this year to join MF and just let myself go. I am so much like you it isn't even funny. You just need to get matches (yes, I know scheduling-distance are issues, be patient). You will fit right in...just don't dwell on what you think others will think.....most guys I wrestled would wrestle you in a heartbeat if they could. You know I would. You got so much going for you. Relax. Take a chance if you get them. Yes, you are nervous about meeting a new guy....most of us are. But once the sweat starts flowing and you are locked in some holds, you will realize your wrestling dreams and fantasies will most likely be there. I don't care if I win or I try my hardest?....yes....but it is more about the fun, enjoyment, pleasure, man-on-man action, holds, and sweat more than anything. There will always be a stronger guy, a more handsome guy, a more muscular guy, a more skilled just enjoy is you and one other audience to impress....relax, enjoy him, and I bet he will enjoy you as well. Yeah....I am just like you....but I go out, give it my best, be respectful of my opponent, and so far it has been a fantastic ride....met so many great men....all sizes, shapes, but all interested in having some good wrestling fun. Are there some rude and nasty guys out there? Probably...but the good men far outweigh the bad. YES, scheduling and distance will be issues, but just let the shyness and lack of confidence go by the wayside. If I could let that go, so can you. You have so much going for you....go live your wrestling dreams. And, oh hell yeah, I want to wrestle you!
