Jon paol is recommended by Lutador bjj (1/06/2025)
Um excelente combate hehehe
Resister is recommended by luchagranada (1/06/2025)
Fue una pequeña lucha improvisada. Tiene nervio para moverse bien, aunque la diferencia de peso y experiencia hace que sea algo semi competitivo para darle interes. Poco a poco ira ganando experiencia.
Jay-Ryan is recommended by LionFighter26 (1/06/2025)
Met Jay during my short trip in Dallas, had a really good light boxing spar and was fun trying out his collection of gloves with variety of sizes and he can definitely take a pounding and go on for multiple boxing rounds and overall, i had a great time with him.
wrstlarturo is recommended by Bresse71 (1/06/2025)
Retrouvailles avec Wrstlarturo qui est toujours aussi costaud, fort et engagé. Dommage que le lieu de la rencontre ne permette pas l'engagement en lutte debout mais c'était déjà très, très engagé du fait de l'espace libre au sol qui autorisait pas mal de roulés-boulés. Sueur et testostérone au programme de cette rencontre où l'on a visiblement pris beaucoup de plaisir à se défier et se retrouver.
GrapplingHB is recommended by Monkey Business (1/06/2025)
Strong, skilled and determined. An accomplished wrestler. A really nice guy off the mats, as well. Highly recommended on both counts.
spladle2submission is recommended by SammyUSA (1/06/2025)
Had a nice conversation with this friendly, sexy and intelligent man before we went to the mat. Once there, he quickly turned into a mean powerful beast that made me into his total jobber. Due to his profession, he knows quite a few things about men’s bodies and how to make one submit with unconventional grabs and holds. Still, I enjoyed every minute of the one-sided match. Highly recommended.
NYCBruin is recommended by BigNY (1/06/2025)
NYCBruin was an amazing match up on and off the mats! He’s a strong opponent and knows how to grapple and submit without getting anyone injured. Definitely hit them up for a great match.
N75wr is recommended by BigNY (1/06/2025)
Wow! What an unexpected powerhouse of a wrestler! Don’t underestimate N75wr at all because he hides his experience, strength, and determination to kick your ass up his sleeves! 💪
olivier3721 is recommended by Bresse71 (1/06/2025)
Quelle joie d'affronter Olivier3721, un beau gabarit très solide qui a en plus du bagage technique en catch (avis aux amateurs). Une rencontre qui en appelle assurément d'autres tant il connaît de mouvements et techniques pour la lutte soumission. Il sait s'adapter à son adversaire ce qui le rend très sûr et met franchement en confiance pour combattre.
MKell is recommended by wrestl lad (1/06/2025)
After years of messaging, mkell and I finally found ourselves (briefly) in the same place at the same time, and he managed to come and meet me despite pretty much no notice. Echoing what everyone else has said before, I didn't stand a chance. He's bigger, stronger, quicker and more skilled than me - possibly the most one sided matchup I've experienced. Despite that, he's a super nice guy and gives a lot of tips and pointers while dishing out hold after hold, safe and controlled the whole time. Recommend meeting him if you get the chance.