Playwrestling is recommended by GrappleFun (7/22/2013)
Playwrestling is a great guy whom I met up with again after a long absence. He says he is a novice, but be assured he knows his stuff and can hold his own (!) and is a keen and determined opponent. He looks good in trunks too!! A friendly and engaging gentleman off the mats to boot. Definitely recommended!
subwrestleozravi is recommended by Norcalfur (7/22/2013)
Ravi is a beginner, who wrestles with lots of energy and determination, on the mats. He is also a friendly, upbeat guy, with a great attitude. Always, loads of fun, meet him if you can!
GrapplingHB is recommended by newstravel (7/21/2013)
What's left to say about Ronald ? not much really.
We had our first match together, great experience overall. As you can image from the name of his profile he knows very well how to give you hard time. Get ready for second match
kckboxer is recommended by wrsl247 (7/21/2013)
we fought several times before. great fighter. we have wrestled to exhaustion several times. great guy, safe/sane, but can kick ass. highly recommended.
latinwrestler is recommended by Youngcub47 (7/20/2013)
Had a great time wrestling with him, crazy strong guy and definitely knows what he's doing, can't wait to go at it again!
Youngcub47 is recommended by latinwrestler (7/20/2013)
Strong as an Ox, good skills and tons of fun wrestling. I am looking forward to wrestle him again
Xbox is recommended by Belgianjudoka (7/20/2013)
Xbox is a friendly guy but still on the experimental side of this underground scene. I hope his first match with me will help him find the direction he wants to continue. At least he loved to be hold in my head scissors :-)
wrsl247 is recommended by kckboxer (7/20/2013)
we wrestled often when I lived in LA. One of the best guys you will meet. Very nice,and pleasant,but very tough and enduring on the mats. We wrestled until total exhaustion several times.Rough and tough,but always safe and sane. Powerful legs!
Scotsjay is recommended by mattco (7/20/2013)
Great time. Makes you work hard with the right amount of aggressiveness. A great pleasure before, during and after.
Ricksf is recommended by grapplemedown (7/20/2013)
Have wrestled Rick a few times now. Good guy and I always have a good time.