osakarob's blog

Singlets vs. Speedos

Muscled young fighters constitute the majority of wrestlers in most commercial wrestling videos.

So it's heartening to see so many veteran grapplers making content on Watch Fighters these days. Very impressed with guys like Canwrestle, Krush, Singletman, Marcwrestler, Sir Dark, Fighting4Fun, Bo Jo, and The Colossus who are both still battling on the mats AND recording and sharing their work.

And there are tons of experienced mature guys also sharing their stuff with us here on the video section of MF. (WrestleDad, Bowolverine, SFBeef, Silex, RhodyRaybo, etc). There's actually way too many guys to even mention. So much great content has been shared by many.

(Apologies to any of these guys for characterizing them as "old". I just consider 40+ to be "seasoned" or a "veteran wrestler").

I uploaded my latest contribution to the older vs. older genre with the video titled Rivals: Hotel Fight. Hope you mature fans will check it out: Rivals: Hotel Fight

Last edited on 2/05/2023 2:25 AM by osakarob; 21 comment(s)

Erotic Oil Fight

1. When plans change and a match gets cancelled – even up to the day it was planned –resolve to take perspective. Count your blessings and acknowledge the great encounters you’ve already had. One change of plans matters very little in the grand scheme of a lifetime of matches.

2. Enjoyable past opponents deserve to know how much you appreciated the experience with them. Resolve to tell them that the match meant more than just two bodies crashing together for a few hours. The wrestling connection two friends have is therapeutic for many – reminding us that we aren’t alone in the world and that others really care about us.

3. Resolve to try new wrestling styles. What you thought you didn’t like years ago may have changed when you experience it with a talented practitioner.

4. If fighting is important to you on any level – for sport, for eroticism, etc. – recognize that you’ll have to make some investment to make it happen. Don’t spend years pining away for the imaginary match with someone that you really want to meet. If money is the issue; save for it. If time is your challenge; find a way to make time. Naturally, those can be difficult – but life will pass you by regardless.

5. If there’s something about your appearance that you don’t like or feel precludes you from getting matches, be willing to critically ask yourself: “Can I actually do anything about this?” If the answer is yes; consider an action plan. If the answer is no; consider some additional level-setting with yourself. For example, one’s age, race, physical limitations, etc. are things that can’t be altered. But we can re-frame how we see ourselves and can recognize that there are others out there who may actually appreciate those qualities – it just might require more effort to find them.

6. Read the dude’s profile before you send them a message. Don’t waste their time or yours by sending out feelers to someone who’s match preferences don’t align with yours.

7. Keeping your wrestling interest private and your identity a secret is totally your call. You are entitled to discretion. However, asking a stranger to meet you for a match may require you share a face pic, a cell phone number, etc. Recognize your opponent deserves the same level of safety and respect that you do. Him asking for those things doesn’t violate your rights. It protects both of yours.

8. Matches are inherently physical and intimate. Regardless of whether you are doing it for sport or for eroticism, resolve to demonstrate respect your opponent by showing up clean and showered before your match (unless you’ve mutually agreed otherwise).

9. Resolve to make a donation to this site. MF is an extraordinarily helpful platform that provides us all with connections, photos, video, chat, and a genuine global community. If you value it as a service in your life; consider supporting it financially.

10. Resolve to be a better opponent in the coming year – in whatever way that makes sense to you. It can be big things such as picking up the tab for the ring rental if you can afford to and your opponent can’t……to small things such simply being polite and replying to messages you receive - even if they aren’t someone you’d like to meet. Our reputations are built moment to moment in life. And you’ll never know how or when yours will be defined. Cover your bases and resolve to strive to be better.

Last edited on 12/26/2022 4:35 AM by osakarob; 11 comment(s)

Recording Matches