osakarob's blog

Who is Your Longest Running Opponent?

Question for some of the older fighters here on MF: Do you have a long-running "regular" opponent who you meet up with for matches somewhat frequently? I'm wondering who's got the longest-running battle streak with the same opponent or opponents?

I know there's a natural covid-gap for the pandemic. But putting that aside, who do you battle with regularly and for how long have you been doing it? I'm also a little curious to know "why" we continue on year after year with certain ones. What makes them the special ones?

Last edited on 6/05/2022 2:28 AM by osakarob



the123champ (24)

6/05/2022 3:11 AM

TNBUD is probably my longest running opponent. Wish we had more chances to roll, because it's always a great match!


osakarob (77 )

6/05/2022 3:14 AM

How many years meeting up with TNBud?


the123champ (24)

6/05/2022 3:23 AM

(In reply to this)

Oh geeze... 20 years or so?


Barriobruiser (75)

6/05/2022 5:29 AM

Ringwrestler, about 25 years now.


osakarob (77 )

6/05/2022 6:57 PM

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I'm thinking 25 years probably will turn out to be the record. I'm assuming that he is not only an opponent, but also a better half?


Barriobruiser (75)

6/05/2022 8:22 PM

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No, my husband is also a wrestler but we too have been together 25 yrs and I inadvertently hit 25 yrs on my longest opponent, it’s been 30 years


osakarob (77 )

6/05/2022 9:32 PM

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That's amazing, Barrio. Would you consider answering my other question: "What makes them the special ones?" I'd like to know what qualities in that opponent - match style, personality, "fit", etc - have made him worthy of repeat matches over 25 years.


Barriobruiser (75)

6/05/2022 10:04 PM

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I've been at this forty years now, I've met many personalities, great guys and some major flakes. I'm from the old school pre internet when there wasn't any real way of knowing who you were actually going to meet until the door was open. Honesty and no game playing is what drew me to some of the guys I now call my buddies.
A handsome face can hide a rotten personality but I often say that good looks are enhanced by a friendly and genuine person, that said, While I respect all styles and fetishes, I'm not searching for hot model types, what I find fits and attracts me most are guys who get the whole pro mindset from gear to sharing pics and videos from the classics to some BG.


Shadow Knight (78 )

6/05/2022 7:48 AM

I have regular jobbers who are in my top two - Readyforit and Jonny Innocent


DPT64 (9)

6/05/2022 1:43 PM

Nu2rasslin for sure. About five years.


Funfighter1985 (37 )

6/06/2022 12:36 PM

For sure Subfighter. At least 11 years or so


chicagowrestbox (25 )

6/06/2022 6:40 PM

I have been hitting the mats with my regular wrestling buddy for 20+ years now. We met on Vangar and hit it off initially because of a shared love for pro wrestling (though I‘m somewhat older, we both grew up watching the same feds and we’re familiar with the same wrestlers). I had a childhood of wrestling brothers and buddies but this was the first man I wrestled as an adult — much more fun. Even after all these years it‘s still a blast, as we‘ve come to know each other’s likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and we‘re both game to keep our matches interesting and fun. It helps that we‘re geographically close and he has an excellent mats setup in his basement. Most important, he‘s a good man and a good friend.


koorwin (56 )

6/06/2022 9:52 PM

Got a friend i have meeting with since 2000


nu2rasln (42)

6/10/2022 10:05 PM

I have a couple of wrestlers that I have wrestle regularly for the last 9 years "Silverfoxfight" close buddy that's lives nearby and DPT64 that just recently left the site, have met him regularly the the last 6yrs.


renguin (38)

6/17/2022 10:12 PM

I have a couple guys who I've wrestled recently, but my first matches with them were decades ago. Some guys I met on the old Wrestling m4m chat room on aol. These great playmates all live in California and I'm always glad and grateful for any rematches that our busy lives allow.

How about you, Osaka? Who are your longest running wrestler pals?


osakarob (77 )

6/18/2022 1:52 AM

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Yes, Renguin, I think distance plays a role in how infrequently we can stay connected to our favorite opponents from the past. For me personally, multiple moves over the years cut into the opportunity to see some guys again and again. So I'm not sure I can count some of those favorites as "regulars" anymore. Though if time and distance weren't an issue, I'm sure we'd still battle.

I think my longest running regular in the current city I live in is about 7 years.
