osakarob's blog

Is it better etiquette to just block?

A hypothetical situation based on real events:

My hometown is located in a state that is 2,000 miles away from the location in which I now live.
However, I fly back to my home state about twice a year to visit relatives.

Naturally, before traveling back home, I check out profiles to see whether some matches might be possible.

I've sent messages to several potential opponents that caught my eye there. I included a brief but polite message that ended with something like "....let me know if we might be a potential fit for a match."

If I receive no response back, I certainly realize that there is no interest on their part. And that's fine.
I'm not owed a match with someone just because I want one. I respect that I probably don't meet their preferred criteria.
And I never message anyone who clearly indicates age, weight or body type criteria that I don't have.

But I'm forgetful. I don't always remember the profiles I've looked at and have sent messages to.
After months and months have passed and I begin planning another trip, I'm probably clicking on the same profile pages again and again.
And I'm sure those guys probably find that irritating.

So, would it be better etiquette to block those to whom I've not received responses? What do you think?

Last edited on 4/17/2021 12:32 AM by osakarob



passermontanus (28)

4/17/2021 5:23 AM

While I totally understand your logic and can relate to that to some degree, I think it's better not to block for a purely practical reason; won't we all run out of 50 block limit pretty quickly if we blocked everyone who show no interest?


osakarob (77 )

4/17/2021 5:37 AM

There's a block limit? Really?!
Ha ha. I had no idea.


DM Mask (2)

4/17/2021 5:46 AM

It's better if you use the Private Notes option instead, and maybe even specify the date in which you determined you won't be getting a reply. That way, even if you check them out again later, you'd have a reminder that they're not interested, and that should likely decrease your frequency of checking them later.

Personally, I think the block function should be reserved for something more serious.


joewrestler (161)

4/17/2021 4:32 PM

(In reply to this)

Agree with this. Notes is probably a good feature we are not taking advantage of.


MixedBear (7 )

4/19/2021 4:20 AM

(In reply to this)

Totally agree with you on your response. Keeping notes makes more sense and the the blocking function to more serious situations.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

4/17/2021 6:59 AM

I don't see why anyone should be annoyed by having anyone look at their profile. How full of oneself does one have to be to determine who may or may not look at their profile.


JasonAnders (181)

4/17/2021 2:19 PM

I just block people that haven't responded to me after a couple days. Makes it alot easier.


NJWoodbridge (141)

4/17/2021 3:36 PM

I agree with DM Mask. I have used the Private Notes feature in this circumstance for years because I semiannually traveled to Philadelphia from my home in Northern New Jersey. (The feature is indispensible for recording names and other information about all of your opponents or prospective opponents.)


mcic (153)

4/17/2021 10:02 PM

Personally I would only block if someone is a complete asshole. If I message someone that doesn’t reply, I assume they are not interested. If someone replies saying they are not, I’ll reply back with a thanks for responding and wish them luck. As a donating member, the messages don’t expire. So if I look later and see the old message(s), I just move on to the next interesting profile


Hardmatch (100)

4/18/2021 3:39 AM

I am in the same boat as DM Mask in that I would reserve blocking only for guys that are abusive or insulting.


lighthouseguy (6 )

4/18/2021 5:51 AM

Profiles change, new opponents get added, temporary locations are listed. Some guys are new or shy, and they may look at a profile multiple times before feeling comfortable sending a message. I'm not sure how having your profile viewed a lot by the same guy is harmful. It's considerate of you to be concerned about offending someone. Just not sure anyone would be offended.


robrslr (58)

4/18/2021 5:29 PM

I lately got a match with someone who had not responded to me in the past. So maybe not block just because you did not get a response.


SeattleFight (477)

4/18/2021 7:02 PM

If you’re a contributing member, all your past messages are saved, so I just check to see if we’ve corresponded before. There are very few people I’ve blocked.


wstlguy (56)

4/18/2021 10:48 PM

If everyone followed best etiquette there would be no reason for the block feature - which is why I believe for the vast majority of MeetFighters members the block feature is not often used.

I do believe there are a few members that are bothered when they see another member viewing their profile repeatedly - perhaps they do not like the notification popping up, or perhaps they somehow think of it as being stalked by a member they have no interest in communicating with, or perhaps they are here to look and not be looked at - but for those few members they will likely block you (with no regard for civil etiquette), which will actually achieve what you had in mind by asking about blocking them.

As others have mentioned, I use the prior messages (which do not expire for a donating member) and sometimes the Notes feature (particularly if there was communication within Chat that I want to recall) to avoid contacting a member repeatedly that did not respond or expressed no interest.


dcwrstldude (27)

4/20/2021 5:12 PM

I think blocking should be used as a last resort, for someone who is rude, harassing or in the rare case that they are threatening. I’ve only had to block one person luckily!


JHK49 (50 )

4/22/2021 1:01 PM

I have never blocked even a jerk on here. I actually get a perverse joy out of thinking they're seething because I won't rise to their bait. As to the non responders, I always leave the door open to them. As an example, I messaged a guy twice over the past two years telling him of my interest in wrestling him and got no response. A third time, several weeks ago, I messaged him with a question about a past opponent of his and he responded quickly. We're set to meet for a match next week. You just never can tell what might get someones attention at any given time.


grappling hooked (33)

4/23/2021 4:35 PM

I use a combination of Notes and blocks. Notes help me remember prior Chat conversations I've had with someone and maybe other details of our interactions.

However when I reach out to someone in a friendly, appropriate way and they completely ignore me, then I've adopted a policy of blocking them. This is partially so I don't keep clicking on their profile and re-discovering that they ignored me, but also it's as close as I can get to dishing out some kind of consequences for their being rude.

Yes, rude. I don't subscribe to the school of thought that it's normal or acceptable to ignore someone who politely says hello to you... online or anywhere else. And honestly, anyone who does that to me, I'm not going to want to meet with anyway.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

3/25/2022 11:06 PM

I would not use a block to keep track of people as sometimes situations and people change and the person who did not want to wrestle you has changed his mind. To avoid repeat messages, assuming you are a donor, the past mail on his account will show the messages, thus just check those before sending a new one if you can't remember if he said yes or no in the past or ignored you. Thanks
