osakarob's blog

Terms and Conditions May Apply....

The casinos and resorts here in Las Vegas re-opened this past weekend. Anecdotal sightings suggest that a minority of visitors utilized masks. However, many observed the social distancing protocols and hand washing recommendations. Naturally, all workers were masked up and enhanced cleaning protocols were evident.

I DON'T interpret this as everything getting back to normal. But it is SOMETHING.

It means that a number of people have taken a personal inventory and have concluded they are ok with some degree of exposure risk in order to do things they enjoy.

It reminded me of the later years of the AIDS epidemic. By the mid 1990s, millions had already died but thankfully public health messages about safe sex and condoms had taken hold. If you were going to be intimate with someone, you knew what to do: Wear a condom if penetrative sex was planned.

And, similar to today, some segment of the population determined that they were ok with a higher risk of transmission. So, things like sex clubs, saunas, and hookups with strangers persisted even under a frightening uncertainty of whether one was ever truly safe or not.

I’ve heard acquaintances here on MF share that they’ve begun having matches again. The “terms and conditions” under which they feel comfortable doing so seems to run the gamut depending on the individual’s capacity for managing risk.

On one extreme, I heard about two opponents who trusted that each had been in self-isolation for two months and met up for a match in one of their homes. On the other extreme, I’ve heard of opponents who are just less concerned generally and willing to risk exposure for the enjoyment of a match - even solely relying on their new opponent's word of his health.

I haven’t yet sorted out when I’d like to begin having matches again. I put a deferral on my gym membership till Fall just to see whether things seem safe. And I’m guessing it will take at least that long till I meet someone for a match. But it's difficult for me to guess what criteria I'd use to feel safe. Maybe that means it's best to stick to former opponents first who I trust to give me their health updates?

What are your “terms and conditions” for meeting up again for a battle?

Last edited on 6/10/2020 4:28 AM by osakarob



nu2rasln (42)

6/10/2020 5:04 AM

Good Blog question Osakarob! Personally I will only wrestle with those guys which I have met before. Even when they arrive I take their temperature and they shower with antibacterial soap. The mats are wiped down with discenfecant. Then the match begins.


osakarob (77 )

6/10/2020 6:36 PM

(In reply to this)

Nu2rasln, that sounds like a good tactical approach. Thanks for sharing your ideas!


Juggernaut (0)

6/10/2020 8:37 AM

To be honest, there's always been some risk evolved any time you come in contact with someone new. That was true long before this pandemic came along. I've practiced social distancing all my life and was classified by many of my friends and acquaintances as a germaphobe (since when did frequent hand washing become a phobia?)

Anyway, that's to say for me all this is nothing new, and I've been ecstatic since it regained popularity among the masses. As far as I'm concerned, all this is a good thing. On the other hand, being conscious of communicable disease is one thing, but trying to protect against a virus is next to impossible (unless we practice total isolation).

In the case of wrestling, I remember reading this one profile which stated he didn't bath for two days before a match. Needless to say that's where I stopped reading. I realize that this is a no judgment zone, but that one left me flabbergasted. In any event, the best of luck to all those that share that attitude.

For the rest of us, the best we can do is exercise awareness, be cautious, and use common sense and education (didn't we learned about all this in HS?), and don't take any unnecessary risks. In all situations, and under any circumstances we always reserve the right to protect ourselves.


osakarob (77 )

6/12/2020 7:13 PM

(In reply to this)

Juggernaut, your story about the dude who prefers to not bathe days before a match reminded me of another blog post that I wrote called "Your Reputation":

We can acknowledge that guy's rights to do as he pleases - maybe that's his "terms and conditions" even when we aren't in a pandemic. Not my preference, but whatever....

I do wonder how his former opponents describe their matches with him. A lot of things sound interesting before you actually try them. Did he have a lot of former opponents? Many recommendations?


joewrestler (161)

6/10/2020 1:43 PM

I’m very very very fortunate to have about 4 or 5 local regulars buds in my immediate area, only a short distance, less than 2 miles combine, that I wrestle (before covid-19) regularly. We’ve been in touch with each other as we always do, via text, phone calls, zoom groups, distance walks...
Telling each other what we’ve been doing and where we’ve been in case one of us is not comfortable with each other’s actions. We are to the point of meeting with each other. This is not to say that we will be 100% safe — we are trying to be as responsible as we can be, knowing that we will come in contact with each other — it’s still a risk.

For the next few months that’s as far as I will go with wrestling. It’ll be a good while before I meet with my out of town regular visitors, or if I travel out of state or anyone new in town.

Thanks for sharing another great blog, Osakarob.



Crushedandsubmitted (0)

6/10/2020 2:50 PM

(In reply to this)

We are all wrestling with this problem.....


osakarob (77 )

6/10/2020 6:36 PM

(In reply to this)

Joewrestler's comment reminded me of other scenarios that I've read about in the news. For example, two families who have rigorously self-isolated agreed to let their children spend alternate days in each others' houses so that the kids could play together and at least one set of parents could get "work from home" actually done without interruptions.

Joe, you are fortunate on two levels: 1. You have a small group of regulars; and 2. That they have been mindful about protecting themselves.


Jedi (39)

6/10/2020 5:48 PM

A great post.
A new study out of Europe may help some of us; it found those with Type A blood had a 45% chance of a worse case of the virus/ worse outcome with the virus while those with Type O blood had a 39% better outcomes with the virus. I’m blood type A, and with other risk factors (age, hypertension) for a worse outcome. For me, that means continuing to be careful, wearing a good mask, hand washing, social distancing, etc.
For you Blood Type O’s, it is not a get out of the ICU free card, but perhaps a sigh of relief. You can still pass it on, so please do continue to be careful.
I would start with those I know and trust when resuming wrestling. However, that really is nothing new, just a different level.


Crushedandsubmitted (0)

6/10/2020 6:53 PM

Yes the aaaa's and the oooo's
