The COVID stay-at-home order has probably given us all a lot of time to reflect.

During this time, I've identified 2 regrets:

1. I regret that I didn't record ALL of my previous matches. I have a few - some even dating back to before we all had cameras on our phones. But wish I had recorded many more of them.

2. There are guys who I've wanted to have matches with for years - but never did so because they were "too far away."

I wish I hadn't hesitated to get on a flight and travel for a weekend just for those matches.

I hope to turn these regrets into positive resolutions when this is all over!
Has the lockdown made you think of anything similar?

Last edited on 4/13/2020 7:51 PM by osakarob



grappling hooked (33)

4/13/2020 8:21 PM

I've taped about 15 or so of my matches over the years, out of probably 150+ encounters. I captured some great ones (which are helping to keep me sane right now!) but I missed so many others.

It's not always comfortable asking a first-time opponent to trust you to that degree, so I didn't used to ask about video until after the first match. But the problem with that is, the first match is almost always the best one! :-)

I'm a little less shy now about asking guys if they're up for taping that first encounter.


osakarob (77 )

4/13/2020 8:47 PM

I completely agree with you, Grappling Hooked. There often isn't any relational trust built up when you meet someone for the first time. And you are correct, it often seems like the first match is the BEST!
Nonetheless, we naturally feel shy about asking "Hey, can I record this?"

It requires that your opponent be really comfortable with themselves and their wrestling interests and have some degree of trust.

I'll definitely take your advice in the future and not be shy when asking new opponents. If there is one thing COVID has taught is that we should all seize the day!


Sparrhawk (9)

4/14/2020 2:44 AM

(In reply to this)

I've always enjoyed your well written blogs. I regret not telling you before, and I regret that you don't live closer to me.


lilgrappler (19 )

4/13/2020 10:17 PM

you can add it to your bio of your interest in taping matches, not sure if will deter people from contacting you but it at least will be a starting point letting people know you are interested in it.


osakarob (77 )

4/13/2020 11:31 PM

That''s a great idea, Lilgrappler. I'll consider it!


osakarob (77 )

4/14/2020 3:24 AM

Sparrhawk's kind words gave me a smile today. And smiles are few and far between these days! So, thanks man!


Sparrhawk (9)

4/15/2020 2:58 AM

(In reply to this)

No problem. Thanks for being part of this community.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

4/14/2020 3:50 AM

I too have regrets. I regret that I ate all the pie. And I regret that there's no cake in the house.


BilBeaux (0)

4/19/2020 6:59 AM

I used to work with a guy 25 years ago - who was into “private” wrestling matches.
Long, lanky, almost swimmer build. He was funny and I liked him.
No - I was not in his league - but I duplicated some tapes for him.

He had one of the first Sony DV camcorders - with a normal or wide lens setting.
He shot his bouts with the wide lens to capture his living room. I had to tell him to NOT use white sheets on his rugs for bout space - the camera would not expose correctly for them.

His rationale for taping was two-fold. Either a trophy video for himself (or his opponent) or as a safety camera if someone got hurt.
Some times he did not tell guys that he was taping.

I duplicated trophy vhs tapes for his opponents - DV was a rare tape format back then. DVD recorders were still new - so vhs was the best format for giveaways.
He kept the original DV tapes for his collection.

I have long lost track of him, he must be about 60 now - but wonder if he still has his collection?


DM Mask (2)

4/19/2020 9:49 AM

1. I regret that I didn't get to have any fight or gym training.

I was really aiming to start on March (though I'd probably have second thoughts as well, as always), but the pandemic threw that all away. I'm doing some workouts at home, though, since I have a lot of free time anyway.

2. I regret that I didn't get to wrestle more guys, especially guys I really wanted to wrestle.

I already accepted that it was largely and realistically impossible to wrestle anyone in the site because I neither have the money nor the privilege to do that. I'm just really worried that once the pandemic ends, some of the guys I've really wanted to wrestle may have become fatalities of COVID-19. Even if it was impossible, I was just hoping for even just a tiny possibility that it could happen, but the pandemic is putting it in danger of being wiped out.
