I have a secret to admit to you.
I can't take my eyes off of your junk.

With every profile photo that you post, it's the first thing I look at.
I gaze at it. I fantasize.

Looking at it makes me wonder what kind of a man you are and what kind of a match we might have.

That's right....I'm talking about all that junk behind you in your profile photos. Ha ha ha....

Take a cursory glance through member profile photos or galleries and you are certain to find some very interesting objects in the backgrounds! I get it...most of us aren't expert photographers. And maybe when the moment strikes to snap a selfie of us flexing, we are concentrating more on sucking in that gut than tidying up the crap in the background. But it's amazing what we forget to remove.

Pill bottles.
Dirty sponges.
Curious wall hangings.
Piles of dirty laundry thrown next to the bed (?!).
Lamps without lampshades.
Antiquated audio equipment.
Movie memorabilia on the walls.
Is that a medieval ax?
Your wife's tchotchke collection - glass bells, figurines, etc.
Your dog walking into the frame.
All manner of hair gels and product.
"Wait. Do you use beach towels everyday in the bathroom or was this photo taken at your beach house?"
Industrial grade metal file cabinets. (In the living room?!)
Photos of your kids.
Makeshift hangers with clothes dangling. (Perhaps because of lack of closet space?)
A bag of Doritos.
"Folk art".

And let's not even discuss the rat-packed antiquities piling up next to the makeshift fighting spaces in the basements of our homes. Good lord, you would think that half of the members here were boxed up and ready to move house next week!

Obviously, this is a tongue in cheek blog post. I mean no disrespect to anyone's galleries. I'll be the last person to cast stones because the rooms in my house either look like A) I just moved in and haven't unpacked or B) Fratboys live here.

But I am curious.....what have you seen in a profile photo that made you think "Um, no thanks. I'll pass."

Last edited on 10/28/2017 1:01 AM by osakarob



JasonFL (23)

10/27/2017 8:55 PM

Not "No thanks, I think I'll pass", but one of the "Old school wrestling gods" from years ago put his dog in a singlet and posted it as his profile pic.

Thought it was funny, but I believe the site made him take it down.

Glad someone else notices the background!


osakarob (77 )

10/27/2017 8:57 PM

That's awesome! Maybe not suitable as a profile pic, but putting something like that in the galleries would certainly show he has a sense of humor! And dog lovers will find that entering too, I'm sure.


Spruceman (55 )

10/27/2017 9:07 PM

I think it's neat such stuff shows in the pics. It show that the guys LIVE in their houses rather than lead a sterile existence in their homes. Ever consider some of the items are purposely placed for the pic. I've seen pics where certain tools and other implements are placed for a 'more manly existence" look, or an "industrial look." It's akin to 'product placement' in movies and TV shows.


edscissors (30 )

10/28/2017 11:45 AM

I'm always encouraged if there are BOOKS in the photo.


StrikeFighter (74 )

10/28/2017 3:01 PM

Photos taken in dirty mirrors!!!


osakarob (77 )

12/29/2017 9:06 PM

(In reply to this)

I love that you have photos of your "Mats and Gear" in your gallery.

That strikes me as very organized! Manages the expectations of any prospective opponent.

My oldest wrestling connection had boxes and boxes of gear. They were a playful dream come true, but they looked like a crazy man had accumulated them. There was no way to find what you were looking for!


untouchable1 (12)

10/28/2017 9:54 PM

I find it shows personality and can help start conversations! Gives you something to chat about in person too.
My teddy bear and wrestling figure collections are people’s favourites, lol


osakarob (77 )

12/29/2017 8:59 PM

(In reply to this)

I absolutely agree, Untouchable. There is a profile on this site where the wrestler seems to have a collection of anime stuffed animals. I think that is great! It shows he probably doesn't take life too seriously - or at the very least appreciates manga or animation. It's great to have some hobbies.

I agree with you that it shows a side of the individual's personality that can't be communicated in the profile and I personally would find that very attractive.


edscissors (30 )

10/28/2017 10:04 PM

By the way, you write well, osakarob. Brilliant attention-grabbing headline ... and a really amusing blog article which looks as if it will provoke some interesting responses.

I've already mentioned that I love to see BOOKS in the profile picture.

I wonder what other items shown would convince you that this is NOT the person you'd really like to meet? I'd better not start.


osakarob (77 )

12/29/2017 8:57 PM

(In reply to this)


Books are certainly a good sign that your opponent has both a brutish and intellectual side. Maybe you'd be delirious if a profile had stacks and stacks of volumes on wrestling! Imagine how satisfied you'd be then.

As to your second question - items that would convince me that this is NOT the person I'd like to meet - that was really my intent in writing this blog.

I personally don't live in a luxurious estate and by most standards, my home is spartan. I have vey little patience for clutter and years spent in Asia have allowed me to accumulate very little "stuff". I also like to houseclean by purging unnecessary junk whenever possible (though I have a spouse who doesn't see the world the same way.) So, I'm often amazed when I see photos that highlight not just the wrestler but the sheer volume of detritus in a room. It's amazing what people "collect".


Spruceman (55 )

12/29/2017 9:06 PM

(In reply to this)

Let's not get carried away here and refuse to meet or do a 180 upon meeting because the guy's home is not a candidate for a special issue of some house-beautiful magazine. Unless the house is to the point of being egregiously and dangerously unsanitary, I don't consider it anyone's business. We're here to wrestle; not do feature stories for Better Homes and Gardens. I had a guy here a couple years back who did a 180 (and did not wrestle me then or since) because I'm not incomed enuf to have a house as beautiful and modern as the one provided by the guy who was "keeping" him


osakarob (77 )

12/29/2017 9:20 PM

(In reply to this)

Well, Spruce, an invitation into someone's home for a match is most definitely a gesture of hospitality. And that should be acknowledged.

At the same time, I'm sure you would agree that just as there are varying degrees of expectations in a match (intensity, style, gear, etc), and that some folks too will have expectations for the environments in which they are willing to lock up.

You've written extensively on this site about how you personally will take any serious minded opponent and that your home facilities include both indoor and outdoor options (with neighbors who are aware of your wrestling interest). And that is certainly a sign of earnestness. But for some folks, the "experience" matters as much as the grappling. Do you have a sense for what was "off putting" about your place that your opponent turned on his heel and left?


Spruceman (55 )

12/29/2017 9:32 PM

(In reply to this)

Sure do----Had nada, zilch, zero with clutter, it had to do with not having all the stuff assd with a high income. The "poor" kept boi felt he was in a den of lowlife entering a home without the newest in expensive furnishings, and home decorating. He got to see how the "other half" in piss-elegant Washington DC has to live. As a wrestler/mma guy, I used all my discretionary income to make sure I have safe and clean mats rather than spending it on some garish piece of furniture which would be out of place amidst all the other furnishings which would need decade's worth of discretionary income to replace. My mistake probably was admitting him via the front door rather than the side door leading down to the mat room.


NorthPole (7)

10/29/2017 10:58 PM

I agree.

I am an amateur photographer, whenever I take someone's pic, I make sure I clean up the background as much as possible before I click the pic. Most people are oblivious, though to photo-bomber's and the junk that crops up in their photos.

Great well-written post, and the headline is just Wow!


osakarob (77 )

12/29/2017 9:24 PM

(In reply to this)

I LOVE the pristine white cabinets in your profile photo!

Now we need to see more action shots of *YOU*. :)


FLGripper (8 )

12/29/2017 8:49 PM

I try to clean up the background in my pics as well.... now and then you see the junk when I post quickly.... LOL


osakarob (77 )

12/29/2017 9:04 PM

(In reply to this)

Yup! Looks pretty clean. Ha ha ha.

Obviously, my blog wasn't meant as an indictment. It was just a silly essay on things i had noticed when I looked at profiles here.
