Hi guys,

This blog post is to inform you that the default theme of MeetFighters is now the one with the light background.

If you want the dark background back, please change your preferred theme on the Preferences page. As always, your patience and comments are appreciated.

I am currently working on a series of changes designed to make the site more responsive on tablets and mobile phones.

I would like to thank everyone who gave advice to new users last month. I have incorporated your contribution into the Tips for New Users page. The contents of these pages are now automatically sent to new users over the course of a few days to get them up to speed on how to best navigate the site.

– Admin

Update 30th July

Thanks for all the comments! Most common complaint was about the light blue colored links. I agree, they were hard to read. I have now replaced them with a darker shade of the same blue. I will continue making tweaks, hopefully it will all fall into place eventually.

A little stroll down memory lane... Those of you who have been with us for 1.5 years might remember, last major change was the new message center which replaced the old message interface. We did the same thing then that what we're doing now: introduced the new version months earlier, let it mature, listen to comments, and then switched the default, while leaving the previous version available for those who preferred it. What happened was that there was almost no feedback in the beta testing phase. Once the new message center became the default, there was a number of constructive criticism that got incorporated into the code quickly, mixed with an intense hatedom from about 1% of the site's membership. (Granted, at 14000 members, that 140 people.)

What we do in every case is observe what percentage of the site's members still use the legacy version regularly. In the case of the previous example, use of the old message page dwindled fairly quickly. It's still available today, because we didn't invest time into its removal, but it's use declined into single digits. This is just one example. Had we found that most guys kept using the old message page, we would have just rolled back the new one and never looked back.

I ask everyone to give the latest changes a fair chance and be patient. If you see some bug or something is not working on your device, please use the Report and Error link at the bottom of the page.

P.S. There is no need to use your fighting words when responding to a change. Every time, there's a bunch of guys who think they can make themselves heard better if they carefully search their vocabularies for the most extreme adjective and then just use it. Trust me, we listen just as closely if you express yourself moderately. (Maybe even more.)

Last edited on 7/30/2017 8:17 AM by Admin



officewrestler (7)

7/29/2017 8:36 AM

The contrast is terrible!
Please change to the old default colour (Black!!!)


bayridgefighter (3 )

7/29/2017 8:53 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes just bring it back to what it used to be it's fine thank you George


carioca fighter (45 )

7/29/2017 1:11 PM

(In reply to this)

The contrast is actually strange. Black is much better than White. As you have ever done to improve the site i think it's better you back to the the original color, black!!!!!!!!!!!


guywhowrestles (0)

7/29/2017 2:49 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes. I agree..........stop fixing what works.......just return to something pleasing for both computer laptops, desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

I'm getting kind of sick of people who think they are "improving" something while making it worse for everybody else. Those people probably need a basic course is consumer satisfaction, also known as being a waiter or cook.


WestCheshireWrestler (14)

7/29/2017 8:36 AM

Thanks for the new Brighter Format. One comment I feel is worth making, would it be possible to darken the number pages ,as it is very difficult to see which page you are on and which page is next when you are checking through the On Line members etc. Just a thought and thanks for all the hard work.


Brett UK


wrestleone (0)

7/29/2017 8:40 AM

You have GOT to be kidding me??? This white is HORRIBLE. It looks totally unprofessional and I hate looking at this. If you leave it like this expect to lose MANY members.


GoodBoyMtl (8)

7/29/2017 1:16 PM

(In reply to this)

Lose many members To go where? Lol stupid comment especially because he said you can change that anyway lollll


wrestleone (0)

7/29/2017 8:41 AM

Oh, i see you can change it back. Thank god. It was an assault to my eyes.


bayridgefighter (3 )

7/29/2017 8:56 AM

(In reply to this)

Your probably right I rather do my assaulting in the ring not on a website


Jvallee8 (0)

7/29/2017 7:07 PM

(In reply to this)

Your right💪💪💪


Vpower (17 )

7/29/2017 8:42 AM

If you want feedback on mobile usage, I tend to check the site on my phone from time to time :).


a victor (48 )

7/29/2017 8:42 AM

Before saying that you don't like it, READ the announcement,
it clearly says that YOU CAN CHANGE it on your preferences.


wrestleone (0)

7/29/2017 8:44 AM

(In reply to this)

The change shouldn't have been made so no need to get an attitude. Who ever heard of having to change a background for a site like this?


dancerguy87 (13 )

7/29/2017 9:17 AM

(In reply to this)

He was just making a valid point. I wouldn't take that as having an attitude.


bayridgefighter (3 )

7/29/2017 8:52 AM

HI thank you for looking to improve this site. But it for the most part what part don't need to change color schemes. I'm using a smartphone I can see everything in it to see with or without glasses thank you but I basically have no problems using this site up till now. Now when I click on the gear symbol the usual menu does not come up that's confusing me I thought there's something wrong with my phone. How do I get it back to what lm used ? it's confusing. Thank you and good luck with the site I hope to be a donating member soon. I don't want to subscribe with Vital Information on the Internet it's too risky. I rather mail a check if it's possible. Thank you thank you thank you for a great site take care bye. George


hantsgut (5 )

7/29/2017 9:22 AM

It certainly looks alot more contemporary. Many thanks for the brighter look. Laughing at the over reactions above, not realising you can change it to how you like it :D

Thankyou for all your hard work in keeping this site going in spite of all the negative comment


vostok scissors (5)

7/29/2017 10:01 AM

dark background should be default, bright one looks terrible


fitman (29)

7/29/2017 10:33 AM

Oh dear....comments above make me laugh...over reaction as though life depended on it. Come and wrestle me..that is real life.

Well done btw for your continued hard work for the site and members.much appreciated


toxic (13)

7/29/2017 10:55 AM

Thanks a lot for your constant efforts to improve this great website.
I still prefer the dark theme and like those minor changes in colour that provide a more eye-friendly contrast.


alpinisto (85)

7/29/2017 11:07 AM

I can only agree with the ones who don't like the white background color. Especially when the other parts (on top and left) are kept black. I know that it can be changed back to black in the Preferences, but this change is not an improvement but a nuisance!


Gran Mitico (0)

7/29/2017 11:13 AM

Bianco mi piace, perché mi piace il cambiamento, detesto quando le cose sono sempre le stesse.


Leanmachineuk (63 )

7/29/2017 11:48 AM

Don't understand why some of the writing and other features now appear in blue instead of white.For those of us whose eyesight is not as good as it could be it makes for rather difficult reading.Please consider reversing this decision.


Bamm-Bamm (94 )

7/29/2017 12:03 PM

Oh my, such drama.
Must contribute:
I prefer the dark background. And I'm glad I can change it to that.
I also prefer dogs over cats.
Except for Hello Kitty. I love Hello Kitty. My Hello Kitty spoon helped me beat many opponents. It's white, pink and yellow mainly.
Respect for the site-update: it's an indication that this site is alive, which is positive. Keep up the good work.


matslam (197 )

7/29/2017 12:17 PM

(In reply to this)

Love your stance!
Made my weekend..


synxiec (74)

7/29/2017 4:33 PM

(In reply to this)

This is why we get on so well.


GrappleViking (116 )

7/29/2017 12:25 PM

Hey Admin,

The new font on mobile looks really slick and polished. Well done.

The blue colour on certain things looks good, however, I would suggest changing it back to original colour on profile names. When you scroll through a profile to see past opponents, the blue doesn't quite stick out as much as one would hope, looking for POs. Also, on the recommendations page, should be original colour, not this blue (IN MY OPINION!).

Thew new update which shows the favorite box:

                • is your favourite! Remove from favourites

is in some kind of a distasteful green (? I might be colourblind), and (again, in my opinion) looks absolutely disgusting.

Again, these are all just my opinions, and should be seen as constructive feedback, which you can do whatever you want with.

I love that you're keeping the site alive.


womanwrestler (0 )

7/29/2017 12:43 PM

Please remember is not all guys
There is a few ladies like myself here


andrewj (21)

7/29/2017 7:40 PM

(In reply to this)

"guys" outside of American, Australia and New Zealand is genderless.

Even in the UK it's generally used to address a small group of any gender, so please don't take the Admin's use of Guys as a slight, it would have been one of those words which is different in different cultures.


Davey716 (45)

7/29/2017 1:54 PM

In web design, this low-contrast display trend is called "flattening". As an aging hipster (with the eyesight to prove it), I am not a big fan of flattening. Thanks for giving us the option to keep the original display.

Thanks also for your hard work on the site, as always.


Yonso21 (25)

7/29/2017 2:25 PM

Thank you for the news :)
I admit i don't like at all, so i will change and back to the old background ^^
Maybe you could make the darkground in default instead ?


Grip (12)

7/29/2017 2:28 PM

The white background is ugly and should not be default. Just an opinion. :p


rassler (4)

7/29/2017 2:46 PM

White is TOO white and everything looks bad. As long as we can change it back to black (like I've just done) ok, but it's a pointless complication.


slim4thick (1)

7/29/2017 2:56 PM

Thanks for all your hard work on the site!


synxiec (74)

7/29/2017 4:39 PM

Light background as default being as common as it is for almost every website in existence, I can understand your choice here and that's cool. Bonus points for leaving a means to change it to dark default if we wish.

I use this site almost exclusively from mobile, so I'm happy to add input.

Finally, thank you for announcing these things and being open to input and feedback. As these things related to UI change often go there will be some things that are... best ignored.

I look forward to what comes next.

I work in website design and feel your pain


synxiec (74)

7/29/2017 6:15 PM

(In reply to this)

Sidebar: the font change is stellar.


LondonHeel (4)

7/29/2017 5:34 PM

The near-white background is great for me as I tend to get after-images from trying to read white text on black backgrounds so thank you for that.

However the light blue in clickable headings is too pale - in terms of accessibility guidelines - WAI and all that - it needs a bit more contrast to make it clearer as the pale blue is a bit hard to read.

Other than that, great stuff and as ever, thanks for all the hard work you put in. It's appreciated - by most of us anyway :)


synxiec (74)

7/29/2017 6:15 PM

(In reply to this)

I wish I could upvote this post.


Spruceman (55 )

7/29/2017 7:12 PM

On the old format option (which I prefer), some of the lettering is such dark blue that is difficult to read. Could you make it a lighter blue or white? I could opt for the new scheme if the white background wasn't so bright – It is brighter than everything else white on this or other sites, that it is overwhelming and would require resetting brightness every time entering/exiting the site.


tough gut (6)

7/29/2017 7:29 PM

Change is always good when its for the better. Not so much in this case / at least thanks for the option to change back to black individually.


andrewj (21)

7/29/2017 7:48 PM

This seems to have gone a bit wrong on firefox, I've a mismatch of black and white.

but think that's more down to me needing to get rid of firefox, lol

On a side note, if the intent of this change is to improve performance on Tablets and Mobiles, I think you need to take into consideration that a white web page uses significantly more power than a black page.


Lion71 (8)

7/29/2017 10:18 PM

I prefer the dark background, not only because I am used to see it, but also because it is more suitable to a social network where men meet to organize a fight. White background is a eyesore


JNMich (0)

7/29/2017 10:24 PM

I voice my vote against the change. When I first logged on, my first thought was "oops, someone broke the site". IF everything that was dark is supposed to be, or will be, light...then that might work. But right now it looks like a half-complete coding job.

And the light blue links on white are harder to read than the yellow links on black.


Lion71 (8)

7/29/2017 10:26 PM

I prefer the dark background, not only because I am used to see it, but also because it is more suitable for a social network where men meet to fight. The white background is a eyesore.


bayridgefighter (3 )

7/29/2017 11:09 PM

Can somebody tell me how l can unsubscribe to this conversation I'm not able to read Communications from other wrestlers from the commenas about the new improvements to this website how do..so I lile to unsubscribe to this conversation I don't see a link anywhere when I click unsubscribe or read conversation thank you george here


Lion71 (8)

7/29/2017 11:28 PM

(In reply to this)

At the beginning of the comments, on the right of the title "comments", there is a rectangular link where you can find the link "subscribe" or "unscribe"


tote (39)

7/29/2017 11:24 PM

Thanks for your efforts to improve the site. However, tha original color: black, is much better than the white one.


bayridgefighter (3 )

7/29/2017 11:26 PM

Yes I agree the blueprint it's so hard to see especially in brighter light being outside dark black white backgroun or a tan background. White is too. Bright for some of our eyes. So the light blue print disappears. Please again tell me how to unsubscribe to this conversation thread preciate it good luck with your decisions and your suggestions but bring it back to the original is fine with me or give us the option to do that if you can thank you



7/29/2017 11:52 PM

It's worst than the previous version.


Vanman (87 )

7/30/2017 12:42 AM

Why are people using the phrase "the original black" - the site wasn't always black. Originally it had a horribly sh1tty brown sort of beige colour.

Unfortunately I still get that colour when using the site on a mobile. It may be something in settings but I can't find it.

Admin - people don't like change, but they will get used to it.



7/30/2017 8:16 AM

Thanks for all the comments! Most common complaint was about the light blue colored links. I agree, they were hard to read. I have now replaced them with a darker shade of the same blue. I will continue making tweaks, hopefully it will all fall into place eventually.

A little stroll down memory lane... Those of you who have been with us for 1.5 years might remember, last major change was the new message center which replaced the old message interface. We did the same thing then that what we're doing now: introduced the new version months earlier, let it mature, listen to comments, and then switched the default, while leaving the previous version available for those who preferred it. What happened was that there was almost no feedback in the beta testing phase. Once the new message center became the default, there was a number of constructive criticism that got incorporated into the code quickly, mixed with an intense hatedom from about 1% of the site's membership. (Granted, at 14000 members, that 140 people.)

What we do in every case is observe what percentage of the site's members still use the legacy version regularly. In the case of the previous example, use of the old message page dwindled fairly quickly. It's still available today, because we didn't invest time into its removal, but it's use declined into single digits. This is just one example. Had we found that most guys kept using the old message page, we would have just rolled back the new one and never looked back.

I ask everyone to give the latest changes a fair chance and be patient. If you see some bug or something is not working on your device, please use the Report and Error link at the bottom of the page.

P.S. There is no need to use your fighting words when responding to a change. Every time, there's a bunch of guys who think they can make themselves heard better if they carefully search their vocabularies for the most extreme adjective and then just use it. Trust me, we listen just as closely if you express yourself moderately. (Maybe even more.)


glaliot (1)

7/30/2017 6:30 PM

Hi Admin!

I usually don't find the time to participate in these metadiscussions or play the beta-tester, but it's impossible for me not to respond on this one...

I agree with everybody that you are doing a super job trying to keep the website alive and on top, way above anything else in that area.
BUT no one is perfect, beginning with me as much as I regret it, and so from time to time you too slip up.

1. Yes, change is annoying to the user. Habits are useful time and energy-saving mechanisms. Procedural learning being the most difficult, procedure changes are the worst. So CHANGE IS BAD by default and should only be considered if it solves a well-documented problem.
1a. Beta testing is hardly something you can expect the average user to get involved in. On the contrary you should expect the beta testers to be mostly "birds of a feather" with you.

2. I'm afraid the title of your post is NOT encouraging in this regard, being of the typical marketing variety for the latest fashion!

3. Ergonomy is the art of improving the usability of the site. But it may be difficult to reconcile different platforms to a single mode. For instance, your change of photo display in the Galleries may work nicely on smartphones where the gesture of wiping is natural and over a short distance, but it is a pain in the neck on a regular desktop screen using a mouse. The tiny navigation arrows at the top are not an improvement over the previous disposition which minimized pointer movement.

4. I can't see how the change of background colour is likely to significantly improve the responsiveness on tablets and phones.

5.However, the use of the black background had a major advantage over white: it is much more comfortable to the eye under most viewing conditions because it minimizes the blue light radiation. Some tablets now have an eye comfort mode which eliminates blue for night-time reading but, apart from the fact that it is still far from being a common feature, it obviously affects very negatively the rendering of photos and videos, and is really designed for healthier e-book reading in bed...

6. It may sound strange to many, but the white background is better adapted to the present page, because it is full of text and makes your own post look like a real letter. Which means that we are subconsciously influenced in our evaluation by the page we are writing on.

7. Related to this, is the comment by Davey716 with which I concur, that anything that reduces legibility is undesirable. On the other hand, a better FONT on the black background would be an improvement :-) Even my eagle eyes have been slowly weakening with time.

8. I also agree with GrappleViking that colouring ALL links in blue is counterproductive because it makes the bottom part of the page (past opponents etc.) less legible for no good reason: did anyone complain that they didn't know these were links?

It is not my nature to be abusive, so it wasn't difficult to avoid bad language :-)

Bamm-Bamm is quite right (and thanks to my friend Matslam for seconding), so now I'm going to Preferences to revert to Black (is black) which I hope you will find the time to improve further instead of turning this into "just another whitey website".


SileX (204 )

7/30/2017 7:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Oh man. I really wanted to sit this one out and not respond to any of the usual hecklers, especially the non-meeting kind.

1. Change is good. Look at what websites used to look like in the GeoCities era. Sites that don't change begin to look obsolete in a matter of years. The language of the web changes and sites that don't keep up eventually fade away.

1a. Oh my god, how could anyone ever ask you do do something helpful and constructive!! Your life is so much more important! Oh wait, you had all this time to just complain. Never mind..

2. Yeah, nitpicking the title is so classy,

3. On desktop I always used the arrow keys and the Esc key. Or the mouse. Those are desktop metaphors. I've honestly no idea what your problem is.

4. Because those were completely unrelated parts of the post in different paragraphs?

5. That is entirely a matter of taste. I get afterimage if I read white on black. Ebooks readers are black on white for a reason, and those are designed specifically for reading. You cannot make a statement so universal and expect it to apply to everyone. Speak for yourself and not for me, thank you very much.

6. You're right. It does sound strange. I agree.

7. How legible the new font is is a matter of opinion. I like it better, you like it worse, let's agree to disagree. Once again, stop speaking for everybody.

8. I've honestly no idea what part of which page you're going on about here.


glaliot (1)

8/01/2017 9:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Everyone has a different switch on whether to sit one out or not. Obviously both our switches got pressed in the end.

I agree: who am I to disagree with you to whom we owe this wonderful place.

So I respectfully have nothing more to say, except possibly:

5. e-books emulate the real paper ones, which is as it should be because both have non-emitting backgrounds, which explains my point 6.

7. Actually, I do like the new font I'm writing with right now, on both backgrounds.

8. I mean the blue on the white background for Past opponents, Fans and Favorites on Profile pages (whose URL says 'users').

I certainly apologize if I sounded offensive, that's the problem when one tries to condense in writing things that are much easier to explain as an oral discussion in an exchange which includes the mood of the moment...
During which one might say, for instance, that change is necessary and vital but etc.
Also that I wasn't complaining much, since we have the choice to revert to black.
And to finish with where we began, I'm hardly the usual heckler since this is my first time :-)
1a. is one of the reasons I decided early to donate, because I felt that was the only way I would be able to contribute in a sustained manner. I guess I'll have to take platinum next year.



edscissors (30 )

7/30/2017 8:08 PM

I usually view the site on a smallish tablet and it looks great. I like the new font - it's clear and unfussy. I'm not always keen on change but I'm sure we'll quickly get used to the new look - and like it.

Thanks, as always, to Admin for all the hard work which is undertaken behind the scenes of this fine site.


gpau1900 (4 )

7/30/2017 11:02 PM

I prefer a black background, especially on mobile.
Many mobile devices, including Samsung, but unfortunately not Apple (yet), use AMOLED screens.
These screens actually use less power with a black background.
More black = longer battery life.
It's a little thing overall, but every little bit counts!


StrikeFighter (74 )

7/31/2017 9:52 AM

The best thing about the new design is that longish phrases of text that were previously confined to buttons that were too small for the text in question are now readable. Well done!


Jake (10)

7/31/2017 5:24 PM

This white is not good for the eyes.
The old black was very good.


Ruffbear7 (29 )

7/31/2017 6:06 PM

I always point out when I receive good service or bad service. I usually complete surveys when asked about my experience. I am quite used to expressing my opinion when required, needed, or requested. In this case, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the changes and actually like the white background because it seems more natural to read black on white after fifty years of doing so with paper documents. It is certainly not the life-defining event that many of the comments imply. The extreme statements defy reason, particularly those that include no explanation.


absfreak (8)

8/03/2017 5:39 PM

The new background looks like a render error. I like the dark theme more, because tzhe nav bars left and on top still are dark and leave a gap between both with the new light background
