Hey guys, I'm not 100% sure where this is going to leave me, but here it goes:
This past Wednesday, February 26th, I suffered a major epileptic seizure while I was at work. I was assisting a customer, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground with the Assistant Store Manager and paramedics standing over me. After being conscious for a few minutes, I passed out again, and didn't come back around until at least 30 minutes later when I was in the emergency room at the hospital. It wasn't until I awoke in the hospital that I was told what happened.
Now, I will be returning to work, but I won't be driving until further notice. Don't know where this whole incident will leave me as far as wrestling goes.... will provide further updates as they come.
Thanks for your understanding.

Last edited on 3/02/2020 5:53 AM by midwestheel



jobberasian (27)

3/02/2020 7:00 AM

Ok - just take it easy and get better. Hopefully it can be controlled with medications and you'll experience no drop in quality of life (or wrestling). Keep me posted.


BilBeaux (0)

3/02/2020 10:37 AM

Very scary.
Take care.
Glad that folks responded to you fast!

(Used to date a gal who used to have seizures but I luckily never witnessed one.
She had mood swings - one time tried to kill her self by overdosing on her epilepsy medicine.
She called me and I rushed to an ER to pump her out.
That was scarier to me.)


Subduded Dude (6)

3/02/2020 3:39 PM

I hope this is something that doesn't impact you much long-term. Follow the doctor's advice and we'll hope to see you back on the mats soon. Your videos are super-hot!


midwestheel (8 )

3/02/2020 3:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks. Too bad you're retired, I'd have loved to have worked ya over.


Stallion5455 (1)

3/03/2020 9:21 PM

Take it slow and praying that you are OK from here on out!!!


kimmetje (150 )

3/05/2020 12:21 AM

Take it easy, and reduce as much as possible the sources of stress. I have a work colleague who faces the same reality as you and unfortunately there isn't much one can do about this. We're with you!
