OK, guys, I've decided that enough is enough and it's time for me to reveal something about myself that I have only told a few others on this site:
I am Autistic.
Back in 2003 I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a high functioning form of Autism.
If you want to know more about this disorder, you can look it up on Wikipedia or Google it

However, there are a few things you need to know about me related to this disorder:
My "Obsessions" are:
-Commercial aircraft
-Creative writing
One thing that could be a challenge for other people to handle:
I can sometimes get nervous and call, IM or message people multiple times in one day. I am not TRYING to push people away intentionally. I'm slowly getting better at this.
Also, whenever someone decides to "leave" me (like block me or stops responding to my messages for months on end, it HURTS. It takes a while for me to recover from it, but I do eventually.

ok. I've said my piece, now it's up to you guys. I realize I might lose some buddies and possible matches over this, but at least now my conscious is clear and I've come clean. Although I wish I would've done this a LONG time ago.

Last edited on 8/31/2017 7:51 AM by midwestheel



Peter69 (20)

8/31/2017 7:17 PM

I have a good appreciation of certain aspects of your condition. It affects those who suffer from in many different ways. You should not be worried about the reaction of others. For everyone that avoids you for "coming out" you will get a new friend


boxinboy82 (1)

8/31/2017 7:28 PM

Same I was diagnosed in 2010 after years of saying that I was not bipolar because I had many more symptoms not associated with bipolar. So I was tested and tada it was autism spectrum thanks for bringing it up and coming out kinda. I hope that you have a good one and if u ever wanna talk, shoot me a message.


Brawlbrad (26)

8/31/2017 10:13 PM

This is much more common than currently realized. Good for you for dealing with it.


Ironbull (96)

8/31/2017 10:17 PM

I think it's a great thing to say openly, and courageous. Good for you



Chris55 (2 )

8/31/2017 10:28 PM

All good wishes to you. Appreciate it has not been easy for you. but just keep going.........


jason (27)

8/31/2017 11:24 PM

I support you and if you ever want to talk with me - will be happy to do so.


edscissors (30 )

9/01/2017 9:15 AM

A brave post. Good luck and very best wishes and respect to you.


Mean Mike McGold (4)

9/01/2017 4:37 PM

I applaud your courage and honesty! If more had your veracity, we all would be enriched. Fight the good fight!


HeadSqueezeKing (37)

9/01/2017 10:58 PM

Bravo for your courage in talking about this. For most of the wrestlers I know, this would not be an issue. And you know how I feel about your pics and media files... : )


kimmetje (150 )

9/03/2017 1:22 AM

I don't know how anyone could down-vote this... In any case, good on you to share this information and if it makes you feel light for it, so much the better! - In any case you'll always be midwestheel to me ;)


edscissors (30 )

9/03/2017 1:34 AM

(In reply to this)

There seems to be someone here who systematically adds a "thumb down" rating even to the most positive, up-beat posts. Why on earth? It's so sad.


kimmetje (150 )

9/03/2017 1:52 AM

(In reply to this)

I hope it's a bot, and not someone who has no life :/


Landshark (4)

9/03/2017 8:51 PM

My best friend has the same diagnosis. Once when he realized he had done something a little bizarre that would have annoyed me if i didn't care about him, he said "sorry man, sometimes I mess up, it's no fun being referred to as an assburger all the time." People who know and respect you will gladly put up with the occasional problem your condition may produce. Be open about things, anyone worth knowing will be cool with it.


matslam (197 )

9/03/2017 10:19 PM

My full respect to you for being honest and so brave..


mapuchao1 (19)

7/25/2018 8:10 AM

Now that I met and know you in person, I want to say that I had a wonderful time with you, like I told you I played along with you and had a great time, I consider you as a good friend and you are awesome, keep the good work you are making, don't let nobody tell you contrary, best wishes and a big hug
