Here's the story I promised. wouldn't it be great if all neighbors worked out this way? Enjoy.

The Duplex
It was a bright, warm Saturday morning and it found Joe and John in a familiar position, a naked writhing fighting mass on Joe’s living room floor. Two naked bodies rolling and fighting for position, two hard throbbing cocks grinding between them. The fight would end when one opponent would climax.

This all started about a month ago when Joe moved into one half of a duplex. The spacious 2 bedroom house was his first place after 20 years in the Navy. He moved to a new town to get a fresh start in the civilian world. The other half of the duplex was empty, but the landlord said that wouldn’t last long. Joe hoped his new neighbor was someone he could get along with. He arrived home one Friday to find a car parked in front of the vacant half of the duplex.
“Guess it’s not vacant any more.” Joe muttered to himself. He made a note to meet his new neighbor. He entered his home and went to the bedroom. He peeled off his clothes until he was in his briefs. He caught a glimpse of his nearly nude body in the closet mirror. “Not bad.” He thought. At 45 he was still slender, but not skinny and bony like he was as a teen and young man. He kept his 5’10” 150# frame toned with regular exercise, noting his flat hairy gut and fit chest. He slipped on a pair of shorts over his briefs and his feet into a pair of flip-flops. He padded to the kitchen and pulled a cold drink from the fridge. Exiting through the patio door in the living room he relaxed in a chaise lounge chair on the small concrete patio. Sipping on his drink, he let his mind wander and unwind from the busy work week.
John paced and fumed in his living room. It was one of those weeks where everything went wrong. He was ready to chew nails and needed to find a way to vent. Dressed in old gym shorts over his briefs, his bare feet scuffed the carpet. He grabbed a water from the fridge and went back to the living room and through the patio door. He caught something unexpected out of the corner of his eye and whirled toward it.
Joe heard the patio door next doo open and sat up. His eyes locked with a guy about his size standing on the patio staring at him. He was dressed similarly, shirtless, shorts and no shoes. Even had a hairy chest and belly but a shade lighter brown hair.
Joe smiled and got up from the chair. “Hi, I’m Joe, your next door neighbor.”
John relaxed a bit. “Hey. I’m John. You startled me, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be out here.”
“No problem. Pull up a chair and join me.” Joe offered.
“Okay, but I may not be much company. I’ve the most unbelievable week.” John warned, dragging a chair.
“No sweat. Just want to get acquainted.” Joe replied.
The two sat and made small talk, getting each other’s back story. When John finished his water, Joe offered him something stronger. After they were almost through their second drinks, Joe made a suggestion.
“You look like you need to get something off your chest. I’m a good listener.” Joe offered.
“Well, it’s a combination of things, not just one thing. I don’t want to burden you. I’m trying to think of a way to put this out of my mind, ya know?” John sighed.
“Know what you mean. I may have a solution.” Joe said.
“Yeah. How about a wrestling match? Fight to submission, you and me.” Joe challenged.
“Hmm. That might work, but my ‘issues’ might make me pretty aggressive.” John said.
“I think I can handle it. I can be pretty aggressive too.” Joe replied.
“Okay! Let’s do it.”
“Alrighty, then.”
They got up and moved to the grass. The backyard was large with a 6’ privacy fence surrounding it. The two faced off and crouched. Slowly circling each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. John lunged first and grabbed Joe by the biceps in a firm grip. Joe retaliated in kind and the two pushed and shoved each other around the yard. Joe was able to break free with one arm and lock John in a tight headlock. John tried to do the same, but could only get Joe’s mid-section. They scuffled back and forth until their legs tangled and they toppled to the grass. Landing in a heap of arms and legs, Joe’s hold broke free and they scrambled to position. John was able to turn Joe onto his stomach and get on his back. He slipped his arms around Joe’s and locked his fingers behind Joe’s neck in a full nelson. Joe struggled and squirmed against John’s vise tight grip and planted his feet on the grass. He managed to roll them over and buck John off his now sweaty back.
They rolled apart still on their hands and knees. They lunged at each other again and their sweaty bodies slammed together in a tight bearhug. They struggled and grunted on their knees until they toppled to the grass again. Joe locked his hairy legs with John’s equally hairy ones and they rolled back and forth across the grass. Their sweaty bodies made keeping this holds difficult at best. As they slipped apart, Joe managed to get John into a scissor hold around John’s gut. John’s struggled and strained to ease the pressure on his gut from Joe’s leg hold. He managed to squirm a hand in between Joe’s legs and pry them apart. He scrambled on top of Joe and tried for a pin. Joe wrapped him in a dual bearhug and grapevine and rolled them over. John, of course, retaliated in kind and they rolled across the grass. It was about this time that Joe felt his hard cock rubbing against John’s hard cock. Thinking he was going to get along great with his new neighbor he suddenly found he was on his back and John was inching up his torso. He squirmed under John’s weight until John’s crotch was pressed against his chin. He tried to arch his body in a bridge to dislodge John, but John was ready for that each time. After several minutes, at least it seemed that long, Joe relaxed.
“You win this round, neighbor.” Joe said.
“I feel much better. Thanks!” John said, standing and helping Joe up.
“Glad I could help. Like I said, you win this round. I demand a rematch.” Joe challenged.
“You’re on. Any time.” John accepted.
“Okay, but next round will be a cockfight.” Joe said, staring at the tent in John’s shorts.
“Kinda figured that.” John replied, staring at Joe’s crotch.
Then they noticed it was nearly dark. “Hey, how long have we been fighting?” Joe asked.
“Dunno, but time flies when you’re having fun.” John replied.
“Yes it do.” Joe said, easing up to John.
He reached down and stroked John’s still hard cock through his shorts. John moaned and reached for Joe’s cock. They stood in the grass stroking each other’s cock through their clothing. John unbuttoned and unzipped Joe’s shorts and reached into his briefs to find his throbbing dick. As his shorts slid to the grass, Joe pulled the waistband of John’s shorts and briefs to release his hard cock. In the dimming light, they noticed their cocks were similar in size, about 6” cut with fat cum slick purple cockheads. They leaned into each other, wrapping their free arms around each other and jerked each other off. They suddenly gasped and moaned as their dual love cannons spewed hot creamy goo onto their hairy bellies, pubes and hands. They milked each other limp and dry and separated. They stepped out of their clothes, picked them up and went into the respective houses.
After Joe got up the next morning, he was ready for a rematch. He was about to go out the patio door when he noticed John standing there. Joe opened the door and John came inside. He immediately dropped his shorts and stood nude and hard before Joe. Joe stripped off his briefs and they stood facing each other, their hard cocks pointing at each other. With their hands on their hips the approached each other. Once they were close enough, they swung and batted their hard cocks against each other. They stepped closer so they could thrust and parry their hard-ons in a fleshy swordfight. Stepping even closer they trapped their throbbing dicks between each other and ground their hips together. John could feel his fat hairy balls bouncing against Joe’s and their wild thick pubic patches grinding together. Their fat purple cockheads were wet and slick with pre-cum as the danced around the room. Joe moved his hand to John’s hairy butt and pulled them tightly together. John did the same and they locked their brown eyes with each other. Thrusting harder and faster, their throbbing dicks were grinding against each other and their hairy bellies. In the midst of the grinding and thrusting, they toppled to the carpet in a heap of arms and legs. Still in their dual bearhug, they wrapped their legs around each other and rolled across the carpet. Their breath came in short gasps as their sweaty bodies fought on the floor. John suddenly moaned and gripped Joe tighter as his cock exploded in a geyser of hot creamy goo. As John’s cock unloaded between them, Joe’s cock added to the gooey mess spreading between them. When they were limp and dry, they released each other and lay on the carpet panting. When they were able Joe staggered to his feet and helped John up. He led them into the bathroom to shower off the fight and cum.
“We’re even.” Joe said, drying John off.
“Yeah, until the next rematch.” John agreed with a challenge.
“You’re on.” Joe replied.

Last edited on 1/15/2019 9:38 PM by joeran



vonsueno (8)

1/16/2019 12:48 AM

Well, we don't know if John got it off his chest, but he must at least have gotten on his abdomen. :)
Sorry, couldn't help that.

Well written, good descriptions. Grammar without error. No typos.

Thank you. Hope you continue to share; appreciate your effort.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

1/16/2019 2:07 AM

Good story and characters. Hot action and dialogue.


roy65 (107 )

1/17/2019 5:28 AM

a great story !!!


Snakee (4)

1/17/2019 6:51 AM

Great story. Wouldn’t we all love to have a new neighbor like that! I hope there will be more installments


Denver1 (28)

1/18/2019 8:26 PM

Nice job! Enjoyed it.


vonsueno (8)

1/18/2019 8:42 PM

If there is someone who can objectively and accurately comment on story telling it is Denver1; he is a master writer, and everyone should take advantage of reading is creations on the blog site portion of Meet Fighters. He is also an awesome fighter, too!


Denver1 (28)

1/18/2019 10:09 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man. Too kind.


vonsueno (8)

1/18/2019 10:14 PM

Not being kind, just telling it like it is; of anything you're the kind one and I haven't forgotten your understanding; really appreciate it, too. Hope to repay it two ways in the future: a dinner extraordinaire and perhaps a match, too.
