I apologize for not posting a story sooner. I'm a chronic procrastinator. Here's another story. Have you ever met someone and knew you had to wrestle him?

A new job and a new town mean starting all over again. That’s where Sammy found himself. He’s settled into his apartment and started a new job. Now, he needs to find something to do with his spare time. Fortunately there was a gym on his way home from work. He stopped by on his way home one evening. He grabbed his gym bag and headed inside.
Pete looked up as the door opened. He noticed the slender blond guy walk in.
“Welcome.” Pete said.
“Thanks. I’m new in town and looking for a place to workout.” Sammy replied.
“You’ve come to the right place. We have just about everything you’re looking for.” Pete stated. “Here, let me show you.”
Pete motioned to the floor plan laminated into the counter top. “The main room has all the machines and free weights. There is a row of mat rooms along one wall in the main room. It’s a 10’x10’ room with pads on the floor and walls used for hand to hand combat; wrestling or martial arts stuff. The locker room also has a steam room and bathroom with showers. We also have an Olympic size pool off the main room. Dues are $15.00 a month.”
“This is just what I’m looking for! Sign me up.” Sammy said.
“Sounds good. Just fill out this form and I’ll get you a locker key.” Pete said sliding a form toward Sammy.
While Sammy filled out the form, Pete grabbed a locker key. By the time he got back to the counter, Sammy was done and has his money ready. Pete took the form and cash and gave Sammy a receipt and a key.
“The locker number is on the key. If you lose the key, it’s a $5.00 charge to replace it.”
“Okay. Thanks.” Sammy replied, taking the key.
He headed into the locker room, found his locker and started to undress.

Just as Sammy went through the door, Randy walked in the door.
“Hey, Pete, how’s it going?” Randy asked.
“Not bad. Kind of slow. Just you and one other guy tonight.” Pete replied.
“Oh yeah? Who is he?” Randy queried.
“New guy. Sammy. Shaggy blond hair, about your size. He just went into the locker room.” Pete said.
“Okay, thanks.” Randy said, heading into the locker room.
Sammy turned when he heard the door open. He had just removed his shirt and turned to see who came through the door. He locked eyes with a slender guy with dark brown eyes and hair. He was mesmerized by the sight.
Randy locked eyes with a shirtless slender guy with bright blue eyes and a shaggy mop of blond hair. He walked up to him and removed his shirt. Sammy gazed at the hairy chest and belly of this newcomer. Randy dropped his shirt on the bench and pushed off his shoes. He unbuckled and pushed off his pants and stood in front of Sammy in his tight white briefs. Sammy duplicated Randy’s moves and shed his shoes and pants. He faced this hairy Adonis in his equally tight white briefs. Randy stepped toward Sammy then raised his hands and spread his fingers. Sammy matched the move and they locked their fingers together. They gripped each other’s hands tightly as they pushed against each other. With their eyes locked together, they pushed and strained in front of the lockers. Randy bounced his chest against Sammy’s and Sammy returned the bounce. Randy backed Sammy into the lockers and pressed his body against Sammy’s. He could feel his bulging pouch against Sammy’s with only their briefs separating them. They pushed and strained against each other, their cocks growing fully erect in the process. With their hands still locked together, they separated and danced around the room. Their eyes trailed down their bodies and focused on each other’s cotton clad crotches. Each noticed the other’s hard throbbing cocks straining in their briefs. Randy’s briefs sprouted dark brown curly hair around the leg holes and waistband. Sammy had a thin light brown trail from his waistband to his navel.
They pressed their slender bodies together again, chest to chest and crotch to crotch. Randy felt his hard thick 6” cock grinding against Sammy’s throbbing 7” boner. They quickly tore their hands free and wrapped their arms around each other and gripped their slender bodies in a dual bearhug. Randy locked his wrists in the small of Sammy’s back and squeezed their bodies together. Sammy grunted, but gave Randy an equally hard squeeze. They grunted, strained and danced in the locker room, grinding their bodies into each other.
“There’s a mat room through that door. It will probably be better if we continued this in there.” Randy suggested, nodding to a door on the opposite side of the room.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. I prefer wrestling in private.” Sammy said. Reluctantly, they separated, shoved their clothes into their lockers and donned gym shorts to cover their briefs and raging hard-ons. Randy led them out of the locker room, through the main room and into the first mat room. The room was square with rubber wrestling mats on the floor and matching padded mats on the walls. Randy walked to the middle of the room, shed his gym shorts and took a wrestler’s stance in just his briefs with his hard cock throbbing within. Sammy also shed his shorts, took a similar stance and slowly moved toward Randy. The two slowly circled like two jungle cats until they got within arm’s reach. Once close enough, they locked their hands together and pushed against each other in a test of strength. Their eyes remained locked together as the pushed and shoved each other around the room. The only sounds were the whir of the AC fan and they grunts from the two combatants. Sammy tore his hands free and lunged at Randy. Randy only had time to lock his arms around Sammy chest as they toppled to the mats. Randy landed on his back with Sammy between his legs. He quickly locked Sammy in a scissor hold and rolled onto his side. He grabbed Sammy’s wrists and squeezed his legs together. Sammy felt the air rush out of his lungs as Randy squeezed his waist. He was able to finally free one hand and force it between Randy’s legs. He grabbed one of Randy’s feet and twisted his legs apart. Randy felt his hold slipping and shifted his hold to a bearhug. Sammy anticipated this and forced his way up Randy torso and locked him in a tight bearhug. Randy also twisted his legs with Sammy’s in a grapevine.
They rolled back and forth across the mats, grinding their slender bodies together. Sammy could feel his hard aching cock throbbing next to Randy’s as the tussled back and forth. During their struggles, their fat purple cockheads slipped out of the waistband of their briefs and rubbed together. They gasped as the electric charge of their sensitive cockheads touched.
They quickly rolled apart and pushed off their briefs. Jumping to their feet, they faced off naked and hard. As they circled each other they took the opportunity to size each other up. Randy gazed at Sammy’s hard 7” cock sprouting from a neat thick triangle of light brown pubic hair above a pair of fat smooth balls. Sammy ogled at Randy’s thicker 6” cock sticking out of a wild nest of dark brown pubes that also covered his balls and ass. Randy charged this time and locked them in a tight standing bearhug. As soon as their sweating slender bodies slapped together, Randy felt his fat dick throbbing against Sammy’s. Their purple cockheads were slick with precum as the struggled around the room. Sammy’s fat smooth balls bounced against Randy’s with each step. Randy moved his hold from Sammy’s waist to his also smooth bubble butt. With one hand on each round cheek, he ground his hard cock into Sammy’s. Sammy shifted his hands to Randy’s hairy ass and matched Randy grind for grind. It only took a few rubs before their cocks exploded in twin geysers of hot creamy goo. They maintained the holds on each other’s asses as their love cannons spewed cum between them. Once they were limp and dry and sagged to the mats and lay side by side.
“You always ‘workout’ that way?” Sammy asked, still gasping for breath.
“Only with the right partner.” Randy replied, also gasping.
“Ready for a rematch?” Sammy challenged, sitting up.
“Of course.” Randy accepted, not only sitting up, but tackling Sammy.
Round two started with the two rolling in a tight sweaty cum slick balls of hairy legs and skinny arms. As they rolled and wrestled across the mats, their cocks grew hard again. They throbbing members were trapped between each other’s thighs and resting against their balls. This Princeton rub felt just as good and the cock to cock rub. They locked their legs tightly together and stroked each other’s cocks between their thighs. Their second sexplosion was just as hard and massive as the first. Once they were spent again, they rolled apart. When they were finally able to get up, they used their briefs to wipe up the cum off the mats. They walked nude back into the locker room and into the showers. They soaped and rinsed the sweat, fight and cum from their bodies. They toweled dry facing each other. They went back into the locker room and dressed.
Just before they left the locker room, Sammy blocked Randy’s path. Randy stepped up to Sammy until they were toe to toe.
“Rematch.” Sammy challenged.
“Now?” Randy accepted.
“No, but very soon.” Sammy demanded.
“Deal. I come here every other day.” Randy suggested.
“Same time?” Sammy asked.
“Yup.” Randy replied.
“Good. Our next fight will be first to cum loses.” Sammy said.
“My kind of fight.” Randy replied.
“Mine too.” Sammy said, pressing his body into Randy’s.
Randy pressed back and could feel his hard cock grinding against Sammy’s. They parted, reluctantly, and left the locker room together.
“Well, Sammy, what do you think of our gym?” Pete asked.
“This is an awesome place! I’m glad I found it.” Sammy exclaimed.
“Good to hear that. Randy is one of our regulars.” Pete bragged.
“Yeah, he’s terrific. See you day after tomorrow.” Sammy said.
“Okay, see you then.” Pete replied. “Take care, Randy.”
“Later, Pete.” Randy said.

Last edited on 11/27/2017 7:46 PM by joeran



Tynesider (84)

11/27/2017 9:53 PM

I'm even worse at procrastination! Hold on, I'll post this later.
