edscissors's blog

UK meetings

It's quite simple: arranging meetings to wrestle here in the UK is, currently, illegal, even if you've had "the jab".

I'd like to think that MF members are as shocked as I am by the repeated match requests posted by certain UK members of our community.

Last edited on 2/15/2021 12:09 AM by edscissors; 10 comment(s)

Oh Lord - shall we be back to normal early in 2021? I'm sorry but I just don't think so.

Please, PLEASE be patient and tolerant - and SAFE.

Have lots of fun chatting with different, new, people (hello, David!) ... but, beforehand, please try to enjoy the chat and don't actually meet till you know it really is safe to do so.

Personally, I reckon it's enriching to get to know nice people here at MF before an actual meeting ... but that's not everyone's choice.

Have fun, friends ... But always keep safe.


Last edited on 12/26/2020 9:55 PM by edscissors; 0 comment(s)

Covid-19 vaccine

MF friendships

Thank you, Meetfighters, for many wonderful chats, friendships.

I don't use "social media" at all. But the best friendships here on MF, I find, can run into hundreds, sometimes thousands, of messages exchanged - about anything and everything.

MF - thanks for ... being!

Last edited on 10/14/2020 1:05 AM by edscissors; 3 comment(s)