What I liked about old school heels was that the best ones enjoyed being evil. Enjoyed watching Killer Karl Cox repeatedly bite away at his opponents forehead until it was a bloody mess or a wrestler concealing a foreign object as the fans screamed at the ref. You knew he was going to use it and it was only a matter of when. I also enjoyed the idea that the heel enjoyed being sadistic and brutal that his opponent was unaware of the evil he was about to be subjected to. Those cheating heels that would brutalize an opponent long past what was required to pin him and focused on using dirty tactics more often than holds. Far more interested in working him over than winning. Those are the heels that got me going and made me a fan of wrestling forever

Last edited on 4/03/2016 10:13 PM by busted open



Squashlad (245)

4/04/2016 1:11 AM

Exactly! The sorts of heels wrestling still needs plenty of!


Dennis (1)

7/21/2017 5:47 PM

(In reply to this)

agree 100%. always rooted for the heels. loved to watch the brutality and the bloodier the better.


wrestlerspig (14)

2/11/2018 5:29 AM

I always wanted to be the unfortunate jobber to be in the ring with those heels. I really envied those jobbers being punished, I wanted it to be me instead.


fightjunkie (3)

2/20/2018 2:58 AM

Exactly! Better still is when the ref or doc insist the match be stopped, but the heel keeps working over the jobber way past the ring of the bell. Then, just when you think the heel has had enough, they carry the poor broken jobber out on a stretcher, soaked in his own blood. Then the heel attacks AGAIN!!!


busted open (5)

2/20/2018 3:22 AM

(In reply to this)

Now that's my kind of pro wrestling bud....love to climb into the ring with you and make it happen


wrestlerspig (14)

2/20/2018 4:45 AM

(In reply to this)

Agreed. I would envy that jobber for real.


QuinnUK (51)

2/16/2021 7:47 PM

The absolute best heels were the ones who were prepared to get in the ring and mix it with other heels. Like this for example:


wrestlerspig (14)

2/16/2021 8:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Gee, what about us jobbers who could only dream of being in the ring with those heels?
