briansp's blog

Mysterious and Intense Opening

Via text messages we engaged in some serious trash talk and figured we were pretty compatible. We had similar stats, interests and were both horny for a sub/erotic match. The accusations and self-serving predictions of victory were going back and forth, each of us drooling for the match.

Mike had mats, he informed me, and invited me to his home. While I was driving to his place however, is when this match got REALLY interesting.

A text message buzzed my phone. I pulled into a parking lot to read it. As I did, my cock started inflating:

"When you get to my house the front door will be open. I'm going to be in a back room. Turn to your left - you will find my master bedroom. A towel and a bottle of water will be on the bed. Help yourself. Get changed into your Speedo. Then come out into the living room where you'll find the mats. Text me 'Ready' and I'm going to come out a minute after I receive your text. No chit chat. No small talk. We just get right to it. We will have time to talk after."

Dusk faded into the dark of night by the time I pulled into Mike's driveway. I sat in my car for a minute, re-reading his instructions, the white/blue light from my iPhone's screen the only illumination. The whole idea of these instructions to open the match was totally hot - but I felt a little nervous. After all, I never met this guy before and had no idea what he was really like. Should I do this?

I had read his recommendations on Meetfighters. He seemed like a great guy from what everyone said. I was convincing myself it was safe. Sure, I decided, this was gonna be fun! I grabbed my gear bag, exited the car and headed towards his front door.

The door was unlocked, just as he said. Upon entering I gently shut the door, but it made enough noise that I'm sure he knew I was in his house. A single lamp in the dining/living room dimly illuminated the area around his two blue mats that were Velcroed together, and looking left I could see the master bedroom he described, so I entered it, turning on a light as I did so. As promised, a neatly folded white towel and cold water bottle were on the crisply made king size bed. A framed photo of Mike and who I guessed was his very hot muscular boyfriend sat on a nightstand.

I emptied the contents of my gear bag onto the bed, searching through my brightly colored assortment of speedos, singlets and thongs for my royal blue aussiebum Speedo, which Mike had previously requested that I wear. He had texted a preference for it since that's what I am wearing in my Meetfighters profile photo and he said I looked hot in it.

I kicked off my flip flops, slipped out of my T-shirt, shorts and calvin klein bikini briefs, and stepped into the blue aussiebum, tying the drawstring. While stuffing the rest of my gear back into the bag I glanced into the mirror on his dresser to make sure my package was adjusted properly as I was already somewhat boned up due to the anticipation. I noticed a small wet spot of precum was already evident. Damn!

I took a deep breath, slowly exhaling my nervous energy as I walked out into the living/dining room. Mike had moved the table and chairs up against a wall, leaving room for the mats. In middle of the table two tubes of lube, one silicon based and the other water based, lay in a large decorative bowl. I stepped onto the apparently new mats, my bare feet feeling good on them. I texted him from my phone - "Ready!", afterwards placing the phone on the table.

I anxiously rocked my weight from my right to left foot and back again as I waited for him to enter from the back of the house, flexing my toes into the soft mat. Waiting for Mike seemed to take an eternity, as the quiet of the house eerily played on my nerves. I believe this was the atmosphere he hoped for.

I heard the creak of a door from the back of the house and faint footsteps. It was finally about to begin!!! My heart raced at the approaching sound of his bare feet on tile. From out of the dark kitchen a figure emerged - I finally saw him. He looked just like his profile picture - bald, muscular, and had on a sexy navy blue pouch speedo with aqua piping. I noticed that he was slightly taller than me when he stepped onto the mat.

We were now toe to toe. Looking directly into his eyes I confidently grinned at him but he returned a determined scowl! He looked serious!!!!


He lunged at me. We locked up our arms - his triceps felt powerful - each of us pawing for the other guy's head - trying to grab the back of it and force it down. We were both somewhat successful as we fell to the mat together, grunting and breathing hard.

"This is hot as hell!" I thought to myself. We were already getting sweaty. I rolled on top of him in an attempt to mount him and get the first sub. This was gonna be one hell of a match...

Last edited on 1/22/2017 11:28 AM by briansp



wrestledude (11)

1/22/2017 5:03 AM

This sounds like a totally hot beginning.... You left me wanting more details and another match with you soon.


briansp (56 )

1/22/2017 5:04 AM

(In reply to this)

you got it stud!


Grakoda (84)

1/21/2017 3:33 AM

You back to your jobber status?


briansp (56 )

1/21/2017 3:35 AM

(In reply to this)

No! And why would you say that? One day I'm dominating you whenever you have the balls to cum wrestle me!


Grakoda (84)

1/21/2017 3:37 AM

(In reply to this)

You stopped your blog after the beginning ... so assumed you're hiding something.

I'm ready!


briansp (56 )

1/21/2017 3:38 AM

(In reply to this)

Just did it to leave some to the reader's imagination. Ask Greekwrestler2 how it all ended.


Slim66 (14)

1/20/2017 4:37 AM

Very good writing. I liked the intrigue and the suspense. Shoot, that got me a little hot and bothered. I hope that the natch went well for you.


briansp (56 )

1/20/2017 4:41 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes it certainly did!
