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Last edited on 1/16/2016 2:53 AM by briansp; 0 comment(s)

5 Minute Rule Match

Chris was on my back, his sweaty Speedo-clad body wrapped around me – the crook of his right arm's elbow locked under my chin. Both of my hands were grabbing his forearm, my fingers trying desperately to pry him off enough so I could breathe. “UNNNNNHHHHHHH!” I roared through clenched teeth.

“You’re going OUT Brian!!” Chris grunted in obvious exertion.

His arm was slick from sweat, as were my hands – making it difficult for me to dislodge him from my carotid arteries. As I felt his left hand cup the back of my head – I knew I had to get free or this fall would be over. I surely didn’t want to tap – or worse – to be put to sleep!

We were a good forty-five minutes into the match. Already we had subbed each other twice, wrestling under our “five minute” rule. Once you sub your opponent, he has to let you put him in whatever hold you want and the victor gets five minutes to work the loser's package.

This was a first to cum loses match, so losing a sub meant you had to endure long enough to not shoot your load. After the time was up – we return to our feet to wrestle until the next sub.

Over the last few matches we implemented a few rule modifications. After the first sub against your opponent you could not reach inside of his Speedo.You could, however, do anything you wanted to him from the outside of his Speedo. Each successive sub added one minute to the time you got to work your opponent over – so 2d sub was 6 minutes, 3rd sub 7 and so forth.

At the second sub and beyond you could reach in his Speedo, lube him, jerk him, suck him – whatever it took to make him cum. After the third sub on your opponent each time you won thereafter you could call “Booster” which meant that if you won the next sub you got 2 extra minutes – but if you lost a round that you called booster then your opponent gets three extra minutes on you.

This would be the third sub against me if Chris was able to make me tap – which meant a 7 minute work over. I’d already endured two falls, and my dick was pretty welled up ready to explode. Chris' dick was in roughly the same boat as me, however.

I knew this because I won the last fall. After my last sub on Chris I had put his head into a fig 4 lock while I laid across his body. For the first minute I lightly stroked his cock and balls from outside his tight white with blue stars Speedo.

The Speedos we were wearing had a pouch like front – so our cocks and balls were there for the taking. Our Speedos had no liners, so we felt every stroke, touch and sensation the other applied. After that minute of teasing him from the outside, and since it was my second sub of him, I pulled his Speedo down around his knees and alternatively sucked and stroked his cock and balls. By the end of the six minutes his knob was almost purple and his body was shuddering with each stroke and he moaned loudly. I almost had him.

But I couldn't finish him off before the time sounded - so we wrestled on.

Which led to me fighting off Chris' rear naked choke hold. I tried to roll to get free – but that didn’t work – Chris was on his back with my back on his torso. His arm was still tight around my neck I was losing strength. He wrapped his legs Indian style around my thighs and waist, digging his toes into my pouched package.

“It’s appropriate that I have you in a pink Speedo!” he snarled, “given that you lost to me last time too!”

“I haven’t….lost….......yet….” I tried to reply as I blacked out.

I awoke on my side with my neck in sort of leg scissors – all I could see was the back of Chris’ calves. His skinny ankles crossed above my head – and the light blond hair on his legs was pressing into my face. He had my body twisted so that he could alternatively work and suck me if he wanted – my pink Speedo had been pulled down around my ankles and I felt Chris tickling my nuts. They were recessing into my body cavity and getting harder as he teased me .

“You awake yet Sleeping Beauty?” he taunted.

“Yeah…” I said groggily, “how much time is left?”

“Haven’t started the timer on my phone yet – waiting for you to wake up.”

“BASTARD!” I yelled, feeling my man juices welling up, “Start the timer already! How long have you been stroking me?”

“I dunno. Just a few seconds after I got you in this nasty hold!” he said, squeezing his legs together around my skull. “Okay, I’m starting it now!”

“ARRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH” I moaned, both in pain but also in pleasure. I felt Chris wipe some sweat from my torso and use it to stroke my knob. I squirmed as he applied pressure up and down my shaft. My toes started to curl – something that I try not to let happen as it shows my opponent that his work is affecting me.

Chris started to laugh, “THERE’S THE TOE CURL!” he said in glee – as one hand worked the underside of my balls while the other continued the stroking.

“You ought to deduct a minute since you’ve been working me at least that long before I came to.”

“Nope. You have to be awake for it to count.”

Since I couldn’t see what he was about to do to me the anticipation of the next sensation got me that much harder and closer to climax. Over the next few minutes I felt him wrap his lips and tongue around my cock and suck me, he tickled then licked my nuts, licked the inside of my thighs, and lubed me up and stroked me.

“You are a squirmy wormy!” he extolled. I WAS squirming – which is something that you’re not supposed to do when you are being worked per our unofficial rules, but I couldn’t help it. I felt like I was reaching the point of no return. But as my breathing got shallow and I got close, Chris would back off – edging me unmercifully.

Over the course of the seven minutes he would take me up to the brink then back off time and again. He could finish me at any time now. I wondered if he wanted to finish me off this fall or wanted to torture me some more.

I had my answer when the alarm went off. I was almost wishing it hadn’t and that I had cum. As we unwrapped our bodies – Chris’ deep blue eyes looked at me the way a cat stares at prey he is about to devour, sweat dripping from his blond locks, a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Ready for more?” He taunted.

I pulled my bright pink Speedo back on and tied the drawstring, “You made a mistake not finishing me off when you could,” I said, slowly getting to my feet. My hard on was evident. My dick was leaking precum, forming a darker spot in the front of my pouch. But Chris had a precum stain too. If I could just sub him this time maybe I could pull the match out, I thought.

“I’m calling Booster.” Chris said – smiling ever so slightly. That would mean that if he subbed me he’d get 10 minutes, not eight. But if I won I’d get the same 10 minutes since my third sub on him would have been 7 plus the three bonus for winning a booster fall that the other guy calls. Ten minutes is an eternity. One of us would definitely lose in the next fall.

Without replying, I lunged quickly at him, trying to surprise him but it didn’t work. We locked arms with one arm on the back of each other’s head, dancing around. Sweat dripped into my eyes, making it tough to see. Since I’m the more muscular of us, I pressed my weight against his chest while wrapping my right leg behind his left – he went down with me on top!

I scrambled to apply a submission hold so as to even the match.

“Oh FUCK YOU I’m not falling for an arm bar!” he yelled extending his arm high above his head to thwart my move pulling me down with his other arm into a half guard. I had a half mount on him, but couldn’t get the full. Our muscular legs struggled against one another, each of us grunting and groaning.

“I’m going to edge you like you just edged me!” I said while trying to take his side. If I could get some leverage I might be able to cradle or spladle him. That didn’t work so I went to his legs – maybe I could get him in a crab or a leg bar.

Bad move. He twisted his torso as one knee popped me in the chest, sliding down my torso as he locked his ankles. I was in a friggin scissors around my gut.

“GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAA” Chris yelled locking them on good and tight.

“FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!” I yelled in agony, trying to pry his legs off my midsection, flipping around like a fish on the deck of a boat.

“I’M NOT LETTING UP!” Chris yelled driving his knee into my diaphragm, making it hard to breathe.

“DAMN IT!” I yelled, tapping. The pain was too much. Chris flexed his legs one more time for good measure, “UUUNNNNNHHHHHHGGGGG – STOP IT! I TAPPED!”

Lying on the mat staring at the ceiling in disgust, I realized that Chris was going to have a full ten minutes to do me in. He walked on his knees up my torso in a sort of school boy-pin – flexing his muscles, sweat from his chest dripping down on my face. He pulled my face into his Speedo.

“HAR HAR HAR!” he roared. “You’re MINE! And when you cum you know the stakes!” He released my head so I was looking back up at him.

I just stared back.

“Oh – you’re a TOUGH guy now!” he smirked as he reached back feeling along my Speedo to the drawstring, which he pulled to release. I bent my knees with my bare feet on the mat, still not saying anything.

He reached to the edge of the mat, picked up his cell phone and set the timer, “TEN……FUCKING…..MINUTES…..think you’ll not shoot Brian!? No fucking way you hold out for TEN MINUTES! Then it’s gonna be PARTY TIME FOR ME!” his dick was growing already in anticipation of winning the match.

He massaged the outside of my Speedo getting me back to a super rock hard state. Chris climbed off me, sitting on his knees at my feet with one hand in each side of my Speedo. He started pulling it off me – so I lifted up my hips. It came off. I was a sweaty, naked, defeated man with a hard on sticking up to the sky.

He stood up with me still lying on the mat. He had all the time in the world, so Chris was in no rush. His feet circling me, “What should I do first?” he said, placing his bare foot over my hard on – flexing his toes into my package while he mockingly flexed his biceps as if in a BGEast match and getting his picture taken over his fallen opponent.

It felt good. “mmmmmmmm” I moaned lightly.

“Yeah, enjoy it…” he snarled, getting back to his knees and folding my legs over my head. He had picked up the bottle of lube from the side of the mat while circling me, and was applying a healthy dose to my hole, starting to finger me lightly, “Get used to this feeling buddy!” He applied more lube to my cock as he continued his trash talk.

He worked my hole with his the fingers of his right hand, holding my legs over my head with his left. Then he moved one of his legs over mine to secure me in this pretzel like hold, freeing up both of his hands. He stroked my cock lightly as he rimmed me. He worked his way up to my knob each time – applied a little pressure and a slight shake, then slowly back down to my base. Meanwhile, his tongue explored my hole like there was no tomorrow.

The feeling was SENSATIONAL. “OOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo” I moaned, my dick growing in his grasp, my whole body shuddering in pleasure. I involuntarily spread my toes as he worked me.

After three minutes of this I was more than ready to shoot. He must have known this as with each lick my whole body quaked as if I was going to climax while I moaned.

He released my legs, which flopped down. I bent my knees again - the soles of my bare feet on the mat. Chris climbed 69 style on top of me, wrapping my head in a figure 4 and applying pressure so my chin was forced right into his Speedo clad ass.

I worked my fingers between our bodies to massage his package. “That’s right – just help get ME ready for when I win!” he said. He liked the sensations - I felt him getting hard as his dick grew inside his Speedo pressing into my belly.

I felt him take me in his mouth while his fingers cupped and played with my now super sensitive nuts. At first he sucked slowly but then he’d get more aggressive, then he’d jack me for a while and get back to sucking.

My toes were curling again. “AAAaaaahhhhhhhhUUUUNNGGGHHHAAAA” was all I could grunt out. The timer, perched against the wall, still had 3:37 to go in the countdown.

I’m sure that he sensed that if it got under a minute or so I might be able to hold out – so Chris really amped up the pressure. He sucked me assertively – I could see his head bobbing up and down and the sensations were crazy. I was quickly getting to the point of no return when he stopped sucking, put on more lube – then took my dick into his palm to finish me off.

“Got you NOW Brian! Give it up!” he said stroking quickly. I was squirming big time now. My toes spreading as the soles of my feet stomped into the mat.

“AAAAAUUUUGGHGHHHHHHHHGHHHHHNNNNNNNN” I moaned as the orgasmic waves spread through my body. I was holding it in the last couple of strokes but now couldn't any longer! Here it came!!!!

I shot a load high into the air splattering Chris on his chin, chest and even launching some onto his shoulder!

He laughed and giggled, “MAN! WHAT AN EXPLOSION!” he said, still milking me to the point of it tickling like hell!

“AH STOP STOP STOP! AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” I pleaded, the tickling sensations were unbearable.

Eventually he did, collapsing next to me on the mat, wiping my cum that was on his hand over my face. We looked at each other and laughed. Another great ending to one of our 5 minute rule matches.

“Now you’re mine buckaroo – stakes agreed to before” Chris said with an evil grin on his face.

"I know," I said still catching my breath, blinking my eyes cause the room was still spinning.

“And for next match - you stay in PINK!"

Last edited on 8/09/2015 6:05 PM by briansp; 4 comment(s)

He answered the door and introduced himself as "Mike". Mike was taller than he appeared in his profile pictures - about 6'1" and looked to weigh around 175 with sinewy long muscles. He was only 32 years old, with a nice tight body, six pack abs, blue eyes and a mop of red hair. He was HOT!

"Thanks for hosting," I said, looking around the condo. I noticed that the mats were set up in the sun room.

I followed him through the open kitchen where he stopped at the fridge. "Do you want a water or beer or anything?" he asked. He seemed a little nervous.

"Sure, I'll take a water," I answered, smiling. Mike smiled back and seemed to ease up a little as he handed me a bottle. "Are you nervous?" I asked.

"Yeah, I're hot!" He said with raised eyebrows, "you ARE muscular just like your pictures.."

"Thanks," I said, "Loved our chats - I'm excited to roll with a hot stud like you," I said. I drank some of the water and put it down as we entered the sunroom.

We both started to strip and agreed that we'd wear singlets. From the bag I had brought in I took out my red one with the white side leg panels and started to slip it on. His singlet was white with blue side leg panels. Both of our N2N singlets were cut like square cut speedos with shoulder straps, hugging our packages tightly and leaving our navels exposed. These weren't the kind that covered our torsos all the way up to our chest - all the better to have access to each other's package.

Because his singlet was mostly white, I could see the outline of his growing member clearly through the thin nylon. We stood barefoot on the mats facing one another, circling slowly. There was a tube of lube in one corner, and a wadded up pillow case next to it.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" He taunted with a devilish grin.

"BRING IT!" I answered, slapping away his hands as he tried to grab my wrists.

He made the first clumsy move, lunging at my legs - which gave me the opening to jump on his back. He grunted as I pressed my weight on him and wrapped my left arm under his chin and crossed my legs around his torso. This was going to be too easy! I rolled on my back with him on my belly and went for the choke hold, pushing his head forward into my arm while I arched my back so his back was arched too, with his bulging package pointing up to the ceiling.

His hands grabbed at my arm secured around his neck, but he wasn't going to be able to pull me off him. He was having trouble breathing as my python-like hold applied more and more pressure. I reached around his body and massaged his cock and balls as I was choking him out. "MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm VOOF VOOF VOOF" he moaned in pleasure while trying to get oxygen from my choke hold. He tapped before losing consciousness.

I released him, raising myself to my knees with hands on my hips. We were both heavily catching our breath.

Mike had an exasperated smile, looking a little frustrated that I subbed him so quickly. His expression turned serious - more competitive - "So what are the stakes?" he asked, his gaze looking me straight in the eyes, but still with a cocky smirk on his face.

"I dunno - I already have one sub on you!" I replied, grinning at what was sure to be a hot, erotic match now that he knew what he was up against. I thought for a moment before suggesting, "How's a BJ for the winner? First to cum loses match?"

"You're ON!" Mike answered quickly with fire in his eyes.

Our hard-ons bulged our singlets - both of us charged up at the thought of the stakes we just agreed to. We began to circle one another again. We locked up, this time with our arms straining against one another as we held the back of each other's head - both of us trying to press the other down towards the mat. We danced around the mat in this embrace for what seemed like a long while, grunting and groaning - trying to find an advantage. My eyes were fixed on his juicy cock, strategizing how to attack him.

I didn't notice Mike wrap his right leg behind my left, and he pushed me backwards. I lost my balance and fell. Mike immediately pounced on me, taking a side hold, rolling me toward the mat's corner near the lube and the pillow case.

"NOW I GOT YA!" He excitedly shouted.

I was on my side trying to escape and could tell he was reaching for something - I heard what sounded like metal jingling about. Meanwhile Mike had grabbed one of my arms and was trying to pull it behind my back. I swiveled my head to see that he was removing handcuffs from the pillow case!

"SHIT!" I yelped, very surprised.

"You said in our chat that I could bring some toys to the match!" Mike grunted, still trying to pull my arm behind me.

I rolled through his grasp, grabbing his ankles, and yanked him onto his butt!

"FUCK!" He cried, shocked that I was able to get free. He dropped the handcuffs with my violent jerk of his body.

I decided to try to immobilize him, so I quickly scrambled around to his back, getting him in a half nelson while we were both down on the mat. I extended my right foot back to where the handcuffs were, and was able grab them with my big toe, then slide the handcuffs to my free hand.

"What's good for the goose..." I said, smiling while clicking one handcuff on his left hand that I held firmly behind him.

"DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!" Mike grimaced as he was trying to spin out of my grasp but I just spun with him. His action on the mat slowed as he began to tire.

I pulled the cuff back with some force, causing his shoulder blade to strain. "OOOOOOFFFF!" He grunted in pain.

Mike tried to balance himself with the fingers of his right hand splayed out on the mat. I sat on his left arm, forcing his shoulder and face into the mat with my left leg. I reached down, grabbed his right hand, pulling it behind his back to secure the other cuff.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Mike yelped.

"HA!" I laughed as he squirmed helplessly underneath me, hands cuffed behind him. I slid both hands under his side and flipped him over onto his back, then climbed onto him in a schoolboy pin. I pulled his face into my cock. "DO YOU LIKE THAT TWINK?!" I said, rubbing my nylon clad package over his eyes, nose and mouth. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR TRYING TO HANDCUFF ME!"

"MMMMMFFFFFFFHHHHHHH" I heard his muffled groan against my cock. I released him, and I turned around to sit on his chest while facing his feet. He kicked and flailed, trying to throw me off his body. It wasn't going to happen. I punched him in the abs - not too hard to hurt him but hard enough to get his attention. "UUUUFFFF" he grunted. I did it again. And again. He stopped kicking so violently and I noticed that his dick was hard.

"Now you be a good little twink and I'll take care of you." I said as I rubbed his cock and balls through his thin singlet. He was tenting it pretty good now.

He stretched his legs and his toes spread as I explored him. "MAN! That feels good!" he gasped. Within a couple of minutes I noticed a good precum stain leak over his nob. I pressed down on the wet part of his singlet with my thumb, then massaged his knob with my thumb and forefinger through his singlet - the nylon friction coupled with the slippery precum caused him to moan some more.

He was MINE now - and he KNEW it.

I got off him, going to my knees - grabbing a fist full of his red mop in my hand, lifting his body off the mat to his knees. I looked into his eyes. He was still smirking at me - which told me that he was enjoying the fun. I punched him again the abs, and he went down backwards with a grunt. I repeated the pulling up and punching him down a couple of times. His cock remained rock hard the entire time - and his precum stain expanded with each volley of pain laid out on him.

I was having a GREAT time watching this stud's now glistening, sweaty body squirm on the mat with his hands securely cuffed behind him. "I'm going to finish you off now!" I warned.

I climbed onto him again, reaching into his singlet to pull his throbbing member out, squirted some lube into my hand and went to town. I greased up his growing dick with my thumb and forefinger, alternating between sliding my fingers down his shaft to below his balls and then using my palm to stroke his knob some more.

"OH GEEZ OH GEEZ!" He exclaimed. I felt his body tense up and quiver underneath me. He sighed deeply. I knew I had him close when his hips started thrusting in rhythm with my strokes.

I positioned myself 69 style - shoving my ass into his face. There was nothing he could do to resist me. I pulled his singlet down to his ankles, and took him in my warm, wet mouth, using my tongue aggressively to get him near climax. I alternated stroking and sucking. "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" His moans got deeper and louder - he stopped struggling - and his hips continued to thrust in conjunction with whatever I was doing to him.

"I'm NEAR..." he grunted.

I kept sucking and yanking. His breaths got short but his moans louder. I was tickling and stroking his nuts at the same time. They recessed into his body cavity and got hard. I used my fingers to increase his sensations, wiping them with his precum and exploring between his nuts and his hole.

"UNNNNNNNHHHHHHH - I'm REALLY near!" he grunted as even more precum squirted from his throbbing dick. I wrapped my lips around his member again, using my tongue to apply pressure and stroke the underside of his knob. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he moaned as his hot gushing load exploded into my mouth. He gasped and squirmed as I continued to suck him - causing him to laugh uncontrollably and wiggle as it tickles like hell when the stroking doesn't stop after the orgasm. I finally let up, and watched as his tight, muscular stomach expanded and contracted with heavy breathing as he recovered from the episode.

Holding his cum in my mouth, I straddled over him - both of my arms outside of his shoulders. He had his eyes closed and mouth slightly open - still breathing quite rapidly from his climax. Perfect! I leaned down to kiss him, pressing my tongue with all of his cum into his mouth. "Taste of your own medicine" I said in between the kissing. His hands remained cuffed behind his back.

"mmmmmmmmmmmm" He smiled while struggling weakly - with his own cum now dripping from his lips. "Now what?" he grunted, his eyes barely open through slits. He already had that post-orgasmic sleepiness setting in.

"Now you get to compare flavors, kind of like Baskin & Robbins..." I said, smiling while pulling off my singlet's shoulder straps. I squirted some lube into my hand and stroked myself into a hard on, positioning myself over my fallen and still handcuffed studly victim while pulling my singlet down.

"Open up!" I ordered, straddling my package over Mike's face, in a push-up like stance. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth - his tongue still coated with his own cum. I lowered my now fully erect dick into him for a fantastic skull fuck.

As I felt his lips and tongue wrap softly around me I moaned in ecstasy "Oh man that feels GREAT!" I gasped as I started to rhythmically thrust my swollen member down his throat...

Last edited on 12/28/2014 9:52 PM by briansp; 5 comment(s)

I met him through global - he was a bit older than me but I thought from his description he'd be fun. We met outside the hotel - he had a full head of greying hair and deep blue eyes. I thought - "I'm going to OWN this guy". We entered the room, closed the drapes and stripped out of our clothes and into our speedos. Mine was a royal blue and his heel black.

We introduced ourselves. He is bdsubmit on the wrestling sites - but for privacy purposes I'll call him "BD" here. I noticed that despite his age he had a muscular, rock hard body. I was excited to get this match on.

While adjusting myself to get my cock positioned just right, BD stood toe to toe with me, cupping my balls with one of his large hands, running his fingers along the seam of my speedo. It felt great, but I slapped his hand away - "No touching the merchandise!" I said forcefully.

Without any notice that we were starting the match, he pushed me down on the bed and jumped on top of me. "CHEATER!" I yelled. An evil grin formed on his face as he quickly mounted me, wrapping his legs around the outside of mine. Since my powerful legs are my best weapon, I realized that he had neutralized me. I tried to escape by using my huge shoulder muscles to push him off, however BD was surprisingly strong. When I extended my arms with my hands on his shoulders he grabbed my wrists and pushed my hands down into the mattress, my arms now helplessly trapped and extended over my head.

"You're no match for me!" BD chortled, pressing his nose against mine, his deep blue eyes staring at me point blank. He had me in a grapevine, frottaging me with his package. As he spread his legs out, it strained my hamstrings causing me to grunt in pain, but the feel of our nylon speedos grinding against one another made us both hard. I was clearly tenting my speedo which caused him to grin even more. I sweat easily, and the hot grinding action made our bodies slippery.

As he continued to grind our packages, I struggled to free myself. Suddenly BD pressed his lips into mine, holding the kiss long enough that I had trouble breathing. "mmmmmmmggggaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" I objected, squirming and kicking, but BD locked the kiss on, his tongue flickering seductively against mine. He held the kiss a long time in an attempt to deprive me of oxygen and make me easier to defeat.

I arched my back and turned my torso to try to flip him off me but BD anticipated the move. He quickly rolled underneath me so that my back was on his torso at a 45 degree angle which allowed him to simultaneously wrap his left arm around my neck, immobilize my left leg with both of his which he locked around it, leaving my right leg dangling free but unable to get any traction. BD shot his right arm between my legs, brushing my ass as his hand grabbed my package, aggressively exploring me.

"Remember Brian - this is a first to cum loses match," he reminded. In the past several weeks leading up to our meeting we had laid out the ground rules and stakes via chat messaging. Nothing was said about how the match would begin - which was my mistake. So here I was, with my opponent massaging my cock and balls, going after my cum. I had to figure out a way to turn the tables but this guy was a lot more powerful than he looked. My prospects didn't look good.

"oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh" I moaned, my toes curling in pleasure as BD wiped his hand on my very sweaty torso then reached into my speedo to work my cock and balls. Occasionally he'd also lick his fingers or spit a wad directly onto my dick to increase the lubrication, but it wasn't long before my precum gave him all the lube he needed.

My body quivered and I gasped when he used the tips of his fingers to stroke and squeeze my precum over my knob. He stroked me all the way down to a sensitive spot under my balls down to my ass. "You're going to be my BIG MUSCLE BOY TOY!" BD exclaimed. I was enveloped in his grasp and couldn't escape, like the antelope slowly losing energy in the lion's jaw. He was having his way with me - and he was VERY good at it. I closed my eyes - almost involuntarily - as the pleasurable feelings took over.

"You never...even gave me...a wrestle..." I moaned, feeling myself getting closer to the point of no return. It wasn't going to be long now. I felt my body relax and give in to the pleasure. BD must have felt me relax too as he quickly sprang to his knees while using his powerful arms and back muscles to lift me up and over his head, flipping me onto my back again.

No sooner had I bounced on the mattress was he on top of me again, this time in a 69 position. BD wrapped his legs around my head in a figure four headlock, grinding his speedo clad hard-on into my muscular chest.

"AAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY" I wailed in pain as his legs crushed my skull. I knew my time was running out or I was definitely going to lose this match. That's when I felt his fingers search for my speedo's drawstring - he pulled at it, releasing my speedo, and he pushed it down to my ankles. I kicked off one foot so it was only around my right ankle as I didn't want my feet entangled it in so that I couldn't move freely.

It wouldn't matter. BD was in complete control. My hands were on his knees trying in vain to pry them off my ears and keep them from crushing my skull - but his leg lock was too strong. Even so, he had free access with his hands to continue his march toward victory.

"I give....I GIVE!!! I GIVE!!!!" I yelped hoping he would release me.

"What did you say?" he snickered, ignoring my pleas. "You want more?" And with that his legs applied even MORE excruciating pressure.

"NO! NO! NOOOOO!!!" I cried, my body squirming, my bare feet helplessly stomping on the mat.

He wanked me making my dick super hard. His stroke was masterful, starting at the base and moving up to my knob, giving its underside a squeeze, then lightly shaking my cock as he returned to my base, while both massaging and licking my balls the entire time.

"You'll enjoy this.." he said, laughing. I couldn't see what he intended to do to me as his ass was pressed up against my chin, forcing my head back just to be able to breathe.

Just as I was wondering what would happen next, I felt BD's lips wrap around my swollen cock, while his fingers gently stroked my balls causing them to harden and tense up - forcing my man juices into prime position for an explosion of epic proportions. His tongue was doing magical things - I moaned as I felt the first orgasmic waves pulsing through me to my member.

"I'm.....cummmm.....mmmming soon" I grunted. But he didn't stop sucking, licking and stroking. He just snickered evilly.

"I know!" He exclaimed in between his going in for the kill, "Soon you'll be mine!"

I felt my cum well up - I was trying to hold it in but I was past the point of no return - the feelings were too intense not to release.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" I primevally grunted as I shot a huge load into his mouth and down his throat, which he happily took. But BD didn't stop - he sadistically kept sucking my cock til it tickled like hell! I was laughing and guffawing from the sensation - my whole body writhing and struggling to escape his grasp - my legs bicycling uncontrollably.

Apparently BD had done his research on me by chatting with others who I had wrestled before. They all told him that when I get a guy to cum I don't stop wanking as I know that tickles and I enjoy watching my victim laugh and squirm. Apparently they encouraged him to inflict that same punishment on me if he had the chance.

So he did.

Finally and mercifully, after I couldn't take any more - he stopped.

I laid there exhausted, breathing heavily. BD was still on top of me, playfully milking the final drops of my cum out my now deflating dick. Our sweaty bodies stuck together where our bare skin touched. I couldn't believe that the match ended this quickly and that I had lost so decisively. I had been thoroughly and completely humiliated.

BD slowly lifted himself off my naked, sweaty, exhausted, pleasured self, using his forearm to wipe the cum dripping from his lips.

"Now I get to enforce the stakes!" he exclaimed, untying his drawstring to a now very tented black speedo while smiling broadly in anticipation.

"Yes you do," I said, gasping for breath. "Yes you do."

Last edited on 12/28/2014 9:36 PM by briansp; 8 comment(s)