boston kid's blog

Match 157 - for Boston Crab fans

Hope you enjoy this.... you may need to be a Boston crab obsessive to read it all!


His ad had read

Wrestling 28, 5ft 10in, 12 st, dominant good looking muscle hunk seeks workout partner for submission bouts. Must have high pain threshold.

As I approached his house I was already anticipating meeting him. His photo had been a real turn-on. Even though he was fully clothed it was obvious that he had a well muscled taut body. His face was ruggedly handsome, with a hint of malice that suggested something deeper. His letter had told me more.... it had read 'I am really into humiliation. I make my opponents suffer until they beg me to stop, but that is only the beginning. Are you man enough to take me on?'

I had of course written back pronto, and was looking forward to our meeting. I knew I was tough - after all I had been wrestling now for 8 years and had taken my share of pain. This guy, something told me, might just make all of that pale into insignificance.

His house was large and tidy looking. I knocked on the door, clutching my holdall. And then there he was. In the flesh he was even better looking and even more malevolent. He was wearing a pair of grey shorts, white sports socks, trainers, and a black vest. He was beaded in sweat. 'Come in' he said. I entered behind him taking in the well muscled shape of his calves, his large strong thighs, a trim waist, broad muscular shoulders, with biceps that rippled as he moved. The guy was well built and he knew it.

As he led the way upstairs I spotted a set of weights and a bench in one of his downstairs rooms. He must have been working out when I arrived. We went to the top floor, what must have been the attic at some time. He opened the door to a very large well-lit room, I entered. The room measured about 30 feet square. Two walls were lined with mirrors, and there was a video camera set up on a tripod. This pointed at a large area of mats, set up in the corner where the mirrored walls met. There was also a large screen television set up so that wrestlers on the mat could see their action, magnified larger than life.

The walls were lined with large black and white blowups of him applying submission holds to various unlucky opponents. Each hold was masterfully applied, each opponent looked exhausted and way beyond the point of submission. This guy really knew his submission holds. From the look of his worn opponents he also did not like to release them. There was a large bookshelf devoted to videos, neatly labelled from 'Match 1' to 'Match 156', as well as a large collection of wrestling books. What was most intriguing though was a series of folders labelled 'Submission holds A-G, H-P, Q-Z' and a folder labelled 'Submission holds: research'. I reached for this folder. I caught his eye as he grinned at me 'Wanna help me with my research?' he said. So far he had been a man of little words, which I did not mind. Obviously the wrestling was something he had a lot of enthusiasm for. I flicked through the folder. Lots of hand-drawn sketches of potential submission holds, none I had ever seen in professional wrestling before. This guy was obsessed, he was trying to develop the ultimate submission hold. I noticed that most of his holds were variants on the full Boston crab, and said so. 'Yes', he said ' that is the most painful hold I could start with, I've been trying to improve on it'. 'Mmmm', I said, wondering if he knew that my ultimate fantasy was to be held in the full Boston crab, or more....

'So, think you could help me with my research?' he said, peeling off his vest. His pecs were beautiful, square, golden brown, hairless, and his nipples were slightly erect. Just the scent of this room seemed to affect him, and me. 'Definitely' I replied feeling a mixture of intense excitement tinged with a bit of fear of the pain I might have to go through. He pushed down his shorts to reveal a white jockstrap. Then he went over to a small chest of drawers and beckoned me across. He took out a pair of small black speedos which he slipped on. They hugged his buttocks beautifully and I could see the bulge of his growing cock. He gave me a pair of purple arena swimming trucks and without a word went over to turn on the video camera and recorder.

As I slipped into my wrestling gear I looked at him stretching in preparation. His body was beautiful, well proportioned like a swimmer or gymnast, and the muscles rippled as he moved around catlike. I began to wonder if I had bitten off more than I could chew..... he beckoned me onto the mat. Suddenly he sneered and tripped me over flat onto my back. As fast as lightening he rolled me onto my stomach and was behind me squatting on my lower back and grabbing my chin with his hands. I noticed the digital clock on the video. It read 10.03.

He pulled me up and pulled my arms over his knees. Within seconds I was in his camel clutch. He had me angled towards the mirror. I could see his powerful chest and arms hooked around my head. His legs were spread either side of my head and my arms hung limply over his muscular thighs. He grinned evily 'Got ya now boy'. I felt uncomfortable but nothing too bad, I had been in worse holds before. He grinned and leaned back a little grinding his buttocks into my lower back 'Think this is easy do you boy?'. I began to feel a dull ache in my lower back and a tension in my neck. He moved his legs forward adding more of his body weight to my lower back. I could see in the mirror that he was keeping my stomach and crotch well pinned to the mat while bending the rest of my chest back in a steep arch. He knew what he was doing alright. Most guys let your lower stomach up a little and that means reducing the curvature of the spine and is less painful. This was beginning to really ache and I tried squirming to reduce the pain. It was hopeless trying to get out. He had full control of my upper body and my arms were locked. But I was unprepared for what came next....

10.04 He pushed my forearms around the back of his muscular calves and inched his buttocks forwards on my back so that his thighs pressed down on my arms and pinned them still more forcefully. I definitely could not move them now. To my surprise he released my chin, giving me a breather, but this was a short break... He reached back and grabbed my legs, pulling my ankles forward until he had each ankle hooked under his armpits. Although I tried to flex my legs as he did this I could not. His abdominals were so strong that he was able to pull himself forwards with them. Then I saw his plan... he was going to now grab my chin again with his hands and the hold would be complete!

10.05. Too late. He had me. His hands were tightly cupped around my chin, my legs were arched Boston crab fashion and my arms completely trapped between his calves and thighs. The pain was becoming more intense, my back especially was in agony. 'Ow, ooohhh , owww' was all I could say. 'Good uh?' came the reply. I could see in the reflection the large screen TV image of us, even larger than life. He was really getting into the hold now, moving his legs forward to apply more body weight, bending himself forward at the waist to arch my back yet more. He was incredibly strong. Each time he adjusted himself to a new more determined position I hoped he could not go any farther. I was reaching heights of agony that I did not know existed ... yet he kept on. 'No, Oh No, aaah please, No' I said. 'Too bad boy, you're in for it now, let's see how long you can take '.

10.09. 'No oh no please, aaah please. Ow Ow Ow'. I groaned and moaned but his hold was relentless. If anything with each complaint he inched the hold on still tighter, using my squirming to find the weak points in his hold, perfecting its power every second. My back was burning.

10.10. He rocked to and fro adding more agony. I did not think it was possible to be so well trussed up.... I was to be proved wrong many times that day.... 'Like this boy?' he sneered. 'Ah aaaah aaaaaaahhhh, no' was all I could say.

10.11. He then bought his legs in front of me, using them to support my body and arch my upper body yet farther. 'Aaarrrgghhhh No!' .'Yes' he said as he managed to slip both of his arms right around my neck, strangle-hold fashion.

10.12. Now I was in real trouble. I could feel his breath on my neck and the tight flexing of his biceps as he tightened the hold more and more and more. I was in complete agony. In the mirror I could see his face sneering with glee 'Good hold uh? Now let's see how five minutes of this feels'. I could not even reply, my neck was bent back so viciously.

10.13. Five minutes to go and now I knew I had no choice. I had to take the hold. He was not going to let me go until the time was up, and he was going to make sure I suffered like I had never suffered before. Every muscle in his body was flexing, he was tightening on the hold even more. The guy was a pro. I could see and feel his muscular calves pumping his legs up and down adding to the bouncing motion he was inflicting on my spine. The pain in my back, neck and thighs was intense... beyond anything I had ever experienced. Yet I knew that this was only the start. I was sweating profusely. I had been in this hold for almost ten minutes now. The last four, as he had tightened on the final version of the hold, had been the most excruciating four minutes of my life. Now I had five minutes of this body wracking agony.

10.14. My back felt like it was going to snap in two, 'Please No, please, please, let me go, I submit I submit' I begged. He just grinned all the more and flexed his muscles harder, putting more pressure on my weakened back and legs.

10.15. I was now sweating profusely, my aching back was all I could think of, the end of the hold was all I could hope for yet I knew I had three more minutes to endure 'Please have mercy, please', 'No way' he sneered. Impossible as it seemed he inched the hold on tighter still. I screamed 'No, no, aaarrrgggghhh please please', and gasped as the pain flooded through me. My lower back was on fire and the waves of pain were spreading up and down my back muscles.

10.16. I began to think 'it will all be over soon, hang on, hang on'. His legs were pumping up and down more now, setting up a very powerful rocking motion which alternately gave me moderate agony and then complete overwhelming agony. 'Aaaaarrrrrrgggg no!!!!'

10.17 I was lost inside my pain now, I could not imagine it ever ending. I felt completely dominated by his will. He had shown me no mercy and somehow that made me respect him all the more. I looked at his hard handsome face in the mirror and saw him lost in the pleasure of applying his hold so perfectly, knowing he had not let me have an inch of manoeuvring space, knowing that he was inflicting as much pain as the hold would allow. He knew he was in control.

10.18. I saw him grin as he released the hold and let me fall aching and pain-racked to the mat.

He stood. As I rolled over to look up at him he pushed one of his feet into my face. The aroma of his sweaty sport sock was exciting, my cock throbbed, and I saw that his was bulging even more. He looked even more pumped now. The hold had required a good deal of sustained power. His golden body glistened with a thin sheen of sweat. He walked over to his video shelf and picked out a video. I wondered what he was doing.

He put the video on. On the screen I saw the wrestling room. In the corner, where I was now lying on the mat, was a young well muscled blonde guy. He was wearing purple speedos which he filled amply. He had on trainers and short white sport socks. He looked like a football player, with large well developed thighs and calves and a very slim waist. His abdomen was ridged with muscle and as he stretched I could see the muscles of his lower back standing out either side of his spine. His buttocks were tight and well proportioned. As the video progressed my opponent came on. He was dressed once more in tight black speedos, white sport socks and trainers. He pushed the young guy to the mat and proceeded to painstakingly apply the camel clutch hold he had applied to me. To see it and not be in it was incredible. The young guy was tough but I could see the pain and panic on his face especially as his legs were arched up and caught under my opponents armpits. He had obviously not been expecting that. I watched as my opponent added more and more power to the hold. The young guy was sweating and trying to squirm his way out of the hold, but with each movement the hold was locked on tighter until he could not move one inch. I knew then what he was going through. I had arrived at the same position myself. My opponent completed the hold and repeated the five minute order. The five minutes of sheer agony the young guy went through was incredible. At the same time I could feel my cock hardening as I recalled being trapped in the same way.

Release finally came. The young guy lay sprawled on the mat rubbing at his back. My opponent hit the remote and the video spooled trough a few minutes. The action now began again, but this time it was different. I noticed that on the video my opponent had changed into a pair of tight fitting red speedos. He had slipped on the same pair as he moved towards me. 'OK ' he said 'Let's see how you and he compare'. I wondered what he meant.

10.30 Suddenly he reached down for my ankles and calves. He grasped them tightly tucking my ankles under his armpits. I knew what I was in for now. I wondered what his Boston crab would be like....... I did not have to wait long to find out. He hoisted my legs up until my whole body was hanging. He arched his back and thrust his crotch forward so I could see his very muscular pecs more and he could start to turn me. My eyes flicked to the large screen. The young guy was in exactly the same position. My opponent started twisting my legs towards his left. I tried to resist but he was incredibly strong and just kept up the pressure. I put up a determined struggle but eventually I was being twisted over, my stomach being turned towards the mat. He lifted his right leg and stepped over my still twisted body, giving him a greater degree of leverage to complete the turn. 10.32 and I was over.

He was still standing. My calves were trapped by his biceps under his armpits while the rest of me hung under his buttocks and my chest was pinned to the mat. I flexed my legs to try to break the hold before it was too late, but he was rock solid. Using his strong back, abdominals and thighs he just held me there. I could see him in the mirror, grinning, arching his back a little so as to accentuate the curve in my spine. I tried to ease myself towards him. Several previous Boston crab experiences told me that was the least painful way. However he was not having that. He moved his feet away farther from me and at the same time arched his back more. This pushed my chest harder into the mat, making movement impossible. This guy knew what he was doing. The scene on the video paralleled our live action. The young guy was trapped in the same position as me. He looked perplexed, I wondered if he realised what was coming next..... he did not have to wait long to find out. On the video my opponent started to gently lower himself down onto the young guy. As he did so the arch in the young guys back became more severe and he grimaced with pain and gasped.

10.34 As I appreciated this sight my opponent lowered his weight gradually, inexorably onto the small of my back. I felt a dull ache beginning in my lower back. In the mirror I saw my opponent settling his buttocks into the small of my back, his red speedos accentuating the curve of his buttocks and brushing against my buttocks made taut by their flexing in my purple trunks. I also saw the young guy held in the same lock on the large video screen. This was hot stuff..... I could feel the excitement building in my balls. 'Aaaahhhhh' I sighed as he finally settled some of his weight on to me, pushing the air out of my lungs. Breathing was harder now and the ache was turning into a dull pain, growing in intensity second by second. This guy certainly knew how to place his body weight to exert maximum pressure on his suffering opponents. He sat on my back inching his buttocks around a little, finding the exact point where he would be able to exert most pressure and leverage. And then he just sat there. The same was happening on the video. In the mirror I say his face grinning fiendishly as he enjoyed his position of control. I tried to push out of it but he just pulled harder on my legs and shifted his weight onto my back until I could not move.

The pain was growing and growing. I had wondered why he did not just finish me off... if he pulled hard now I would have to submit. Yet he didn't..... and I soon realised why. Instead of the pain becoming tolerable the pain gradually climbed in intensity as the constant arching of my back took its toll on my lower back muscles. It was agony, especially coming on top of his last viscous camel clutch move. I tried to move to reduce the pressure but he had set up the hold good and proper already and there was not an inch of leeway.... unless he allowed it. As I squirmed he tightened the hold still more, making small adjustments which hugely increased the pain I was feeling and made me feel totally trapped. This was far worse than a quick submission. I had my eyes on the video clock.

10.35. Had we only been on the mat a total of 32 minutes? It had been only one minute since he had lowered himself into this Boston crab. It felt a lot longer. The young guy was going red in the face, grimacing and blowing hard. He was suffering a lot but he seemed to be able to take it and I could see by the bulge in his purple speedos that he was enjoying the prolonged agony.

10.36 I was suffering now, really suffering. It was hard to breathe, yet I knew he had only completed the first part of the move. What more was to come I wondered? How long would I have to take this hold? He was still enjoying his position of total control. I could see him closing his eyes drinking in the ecstasy of his position of power. The guy was completely into domination. I felt my cock twitch at the thought. I looked at the contours of his calves and thighs in the mirror. Well muscled and firm. As I looked I saw him shift his feet away from my body.... a well applied tactic for increasing the weight on my back. I soon felt the increase in pressure. His legs were stretching out now. They still had farther to go, and I knew that any farther would bring yet more agony. He stopped there and let the pain seep in. 'How's that feel boy?' ,'OK, no problem' I said, hoping to fool him. He made no comment. He knew exactly what I was going through. He grinned to himself and said 'Well that's good cos there's a lot more to come'. I saw his upper back muscles flex as he suddenly pulled back hard on my legs 'Aaargggghhhhhh, No!! please please No!!' I screamed. I couldn't help it. The pull came on so quickly and forcefully that I had to gasp for breath. 'Just a taster boy' he said keeping on the pressure while I grimaced and struggled to reduce the angle of bend in my spine. It was useless. I could do nothing, he knew just what he was doing and I had to take the consequences of my attempt to fool him. 'So how's that feel boy?' 'Aaaarrrrggghhhh, aaarrggghhhh, ow, ow' was all I could say.

10.37. God it felt a lot longer... his sudden increase in pressure had only lasted less than a minute and I was completely crushed with pain. My face was bathed with sweat and I was gasping for breath. Then he released the pressure a little, and I could see by the look on his face that he wanted to get back to his procedure for applying his hold. He let my legs go back to their original position. I felt a sense of relief but deep down I knew that this was just a temporary respite before he got down to the real torture.

10.38 He inched his hands down my calves, and each time he gripped them he pulled my legs back farther. My calves were tucked more and more under his armpits. This was agonising 'Ow, oowwww, whoa, please, whoa..'. He ignored my complaints. I saw his face in the mirror, he was looking deep in thought, pondering his next embellishment on the hold that was already devastating me. 'Please, oh please' I begged ' let me go!!'. He grinned to himself ' You're joking mate, you're in for a lot of punishment now'.

On the video I saw the young guy similarly locked in place. He looked totally wrecked, worn out by the excessive punishment he was receiving. I must have looked the same. On the video my opponent stretched his legs out still further, bringing to bear his full weight on his young opponents tightly arched back. 'Aaaaarrrggghhhhh NO!!!' came the yell from the video. I knew now that I was in for the same treatment, how long did I have? 'Your turn' said my opponent, and there was my answer.

10.39 He moved his legs out away from me, I tried to grab his calves and had hold of their firm muscularity for a split second before he shook me away and moved his legs beyond reach. 'Aaaarrrgggghhh, no no no, oh please stop, please' I begged. To no avail, in the mirror I saw him grinning with satisfaction at a job well done. Was there to be more I wondered? How much more could I take? Already I had experienced an intensity of pain far higher than anything I had ever experienced before.
He started grinding his buttocks into my lower back. I could see them encased in red in the mirror and the bulge of his thighs sweeping away from me. I tried to grab at his thighs and unbalance him, but he was as solid as a rock. The pain was now devastating, and then he moved his hands down to grab my knees. Pulling on my knees he inflicted even more pain, 'Oh God, Oh God, please, aaarrrggghhhhhh please', 'Tough luck boy, I've only just started'. My back was on fire, my thighs were stretched to their limit, my chest was being pressed so hard into the mat that I could barely breathe. I could see that he was applying the hold masterfully and confidently. My stomach was pushed hard into the mat and the angle of bend of my spine was almost ninety degrees. There was no slackness about this hold, no possible way I could reduce the pain for myself. And no way to escape..... I had to endure this grinding submission for as long as he wanted...

10.40 The Boston had been on for six whole minutes, and it felt like an eternity. He was really enjoying himself, grinning at his reflection in the mirror, looking at his own muscular powerful body on the video, rocking his weight to and fro on top of me, knowing he had me just where he wanted. 'Fun eh guy?' he said with a smirk. I could feel the sweat from between his buttocks trickling onto my back. It was hard work putting on so much pressure but his gym-honed body was up to the job. I didn't need reminding that even the weakest of guys can inflict a crippling Boston crab. My opponent was showing me what an instrument of torture it is for a muscular heavy man. 'Aaaarrrgggghhhhh NO!! Please NO!! Please please stop!!' I pleaded. I was really feeling the intensity of the hold now, I thought my body was going to rip in half. 'OK' he said, 'Now let's see which of you is the better man...' On the video my opponent started to really lean into the hold, pulling the young guys crotch still farther from the mat, arching his back extremely. The young guys feet were yanked towards his own head, only about six inches away such was the power of the move and the bend in his spine.

10.41 'Oh God' I thought to myself, knowing what was coming to me next. Already I had suffered much more than ever in my life and still my opponent had more to dish out. 'Oh please, please let me out, ooohhh, aaaarrrgghhh' I begged and pleaded. I was already in excruciating agony. 'Too bad boy, you're mine now' he said and laughed to himself. 'You will suffer as long as I say boy' ,'Oh No please please I beg please let me go, please!!....Aaarrrrrrrggggggggg'. He had ignored my pleas and was using his strong back muscles to pull back hard on my legs. His whole body weight crushed my lower back and stomach into the mat, and my back was bent at more than ninety degrees to the mat. I could see in the mirror that my feet were close to my own head and he was almost lying horizontally on me, such was the angle he had me at. The pain was indescribable. I was panting for breath, and my cock was swelling more and more, especially as I saw his hard muscular body in the mirror.

10.42 'OK guy now let's keep you in this till he gives' My back was burning up now, the muscles were in spasm, I thought I would never be able to survive such pain, but he was not letting me go. I gasped with the pain, sweat poured down my face, 'Oh please I submit I submit, please stop!!!' , 'Not till he gives' he replied. I looked at the video, the young guy was in excruciating exquisite agony, his cock was outlined against his purple trunks, bulging with excitement. Mine, despite the intense pain, was doing the same. Come on give why don't you I thought. The young guy kept taking the pressure, forcing me to stay in this most devastating hold longer and longer. Every second seemed like forever. My opponent tightened the hold more and more with every second. I gasped for breath and with the searing pain that pulsed through my back. He sneered. He was proud of his Boston mastery, proud to know how to wring every last bit of pain out of his opponents. He had worked his body hard in the gym, practised his hold and was going to give it all he had, and inflict as much pain as possible.

10.43. 'Aaaarrggghh please, please, let me go, please, please, I can't take it.' ,'No way boy, take the pain' ,
' Ow, ooowwww, pleeeeassse stop!!' ,'NO'. The agony was unbearable. He tightened the hold still more, his hard muscles tensed to the maximum, my feet were almost touching my head. I had never been so completely dominated before.

10.44 The blonde guy submitted and was dropped straight to the mat. 'OK please let me go now' I said 'Uh-uh, you have to last one more minute'. I looked in the mirror and saw his body powering into me, pulling so hard on my legs that my feet were almost touching my head, saw his muscled back straining to pull still harder, his taut abdominals adding power to the pull and his thighs and calves stretched out fully and pushing from his firmly planted feet. The minute ticked by so slowly but it was as if I had crossed some kind of threshold. The pain was immense but as I looked at his hard powerful body I was moved by my luck to have him so completely dominating me.

10.45 'OK guy' he said as he dropped my legs to the mat. I could barely move, I wanted to roll over but did not have the strength. It was all I could do to lift my head and look in the mirror. He was standing astride me, rubbing his crotch, his cock straining at the elastic of his red trunks. He was panting and covered with fine sweat and his muscles were even more pumped than before. He had a grin on his face as he stepped forward and sat on my back once more. Yanking on his deadly camel clutch I heard him say 'So how about some serious wrestling now?'.

Last edited on 12/03/2020 6:19 PM by boston kid
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TBLHockeyGeek (80 )

12/03/2020 10:35 PM

Good lord I wish someone would do that to me.


SWInnes (18)

12/03/2020 11:01 PM

Great story, how I can only dream of being in such a situation.


davewhittle (13)

12/04/2020 12:15 AM

Thanks for that story, told to perfection.
