bobster's blog

Be Watchful!!

This is my first attempt at a blog entry so if it seems awkward it probably is.

I have been recently contacted by a member here. He is a young man who claimed to be 35 yo and is from another state. He has a photo and is an attractive young man.
He started off by simply messaging me and saying "Hi", and I sent a like reply. We started conversing and he suggested we use a chat identified as "WhatsApp".

The long and short of this is he was gaining my confidence and comfort level was going up. The first bell went of when he called me "handsome" if you look at my photo you can understand the bell went off.

There were promises made if he was here in Charlotte and what we could do. By the second day of chatting he mentioned that he had a relationship that went bad with another guy so he had to move away and was staying in a house owned by another person who was in Europe and he was watching the house, second bell went off.

Now came the big play while he was still calling me handsome. A few yrs ago his Father passed away and had some dealings in the UK and he was the sole heir since his Mother is also deceased. He wanted me to travel with him since he was unsure of what to do. (Have we all heard something like this before?)

I gently replied I could not go since I don't have the time, the funds and my passport has expired. He still continued the following day with his requests he could come down here and I could loan him the money and he would repay me with interest.
I just told him good luck.

Look we have all received e-mails and messages like this in the past. It is a pity there are individuals who till try to use avenues like the web site here and other sites to run operations like this. I am hesitant to use the guys identity but I will say he claims to be in Dayton, Ohio.

My name for real is Robert W. Shephard (Bobster)

Last edited on 5/03/2019 5:50 PM by bobster



BamaJDon41 (10 )

5/03/2019 8:01 PM

Don't know why you'd be suspicious of being called "handsome." Guess it depends on who it's coming from. Good thing you didn't say the guy's name. You can get suspended that way.


sportsri (51)

5/04/2019 1:46 AM

Is there really a rule that says you can not say another wrestlers name on this site in a blog and that if you do it would get you suspended? Considering the number of wrestlers who have had bad experiences with wrestlers who are no shows etc it would seem that a blog would be a way of warning other wrestlers of who they can not trust. My experience at the NYC WrestleFest 2019 was my worst wrestling experience ever. It would have been great to have a resource to search for wrestlers who can not be trusted.


tupsi (55)

5/04/2019 9:28 AM

(In reply to this)

You can mention another wrestler in a blog, but not “name and shame”. See point 3 ( This rule is there for a very good reason. If you had a bad experience setting an abuse flag is probably more appropriate than having a rant in a blog. Especially since when saying things in your own words while still angry, it often tends to be more colourful than it really was.
You can see abuse flags in the profile before agreeing to meet up.


sportsri (51)

5/13/2019 2:58 AM

(In reply to this)

So if one can not give the name of a specific wrestler and describe his bad behavior can one give a pseudonym for the wrestler and describe a series of bad behavior. For example, could one say Wrestler M invited me to WrestleFest and every day we spoke and set up a time to wrestle and every time he was a no show.
