blackboxer's blog

The Road Back (A boxer's tale)


Is the first thing I remembered hearing. I couldn’t recall what happened, but I knew I wasn’t supposed to be laying on the canvas. My breathing was sharp and fast. My vision was hazy and the world was spinning


I tried blinking my eyes to clear them and looking around trying to figure out where I was. All I could see was right in front of me. I could hear the audience yelling, but at first I couldn’t make out what they were saying. They were cheering “Ryno, Ryno, Ryno” I would find out later. I was starting to sit up when I heard,


I could see the ref’s hands waving in front of my face but I couldn’t figure out why my arms and legs wouldn’t push me up off the canvas.


I could taste the latex of the ref’s gloves as he pulled my mouthpiece out. As he cradled my head I could feel the ring bounce as Ryden was jumping up and down in the corner. His team entering the ring hugging him, as mine came over to check on me. Things were fuzzy, but I remember a bright light in front of my eyes and the ring doctor asking me questions. I knew enough that I had been knocked out. My right eye was swollen and I had blood on my face from my nose and lip

My first loss would come by way of knockout in the 4th round to not only an opponent who took the fight with a few weeks notice, but my former sparring partner, Ryden“The Ryno” Mackenzie. My future shot at the title was in jeopardy, and I had to get my revenge.

*One month later*
The hardest part about being knocked out on a major stage is not the loss of a day memory or the recovery… For me it was the embarrassment. I was away from the world for a few days after the fight. My inner circle supporting me telling me I would get him next time, and that helped my ego a bit. It wasn’t until I got onto social media I saw it…. The memes, the videos, the explosion of emails about the knockout, the forum post stating my glass jaw had been smashed, ‘The “KO Kid KAYOD” in several media post, refferring to my amateur boxing nickname. Each thing a reminder that not only am I not the champ. I loss to someone I used to beat in the gym we trained at.. I had to turn that feeling of depression and doubt into motivation to train and get my rematch!

*Eight months later*

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are at the Simi Valley Arena for “Fight Night”. We present to you Darrius “Lights Out” Jones versus “The Ryno” Ryden Mackenzie. This is a much sought after rematch! As everyone knows not only did Ryden hand Darrius his first loss, he sidelined his path to a championship match.

Ryden upset Darrius ’s plans for championship gold, as he knocked out the previously unbeaten fighter in the 4th round. After that win Ryden became the new rising star in boxing, while Darrius struggled to climb back into championship contention. *Tonight, not only will both men be fighting for the number one spot, but Francisco Vargas will be in attendance watching to see who will challenge him for the title*

In the red corner, wearing Blue trunks, and matching gloves, standing 6’2 weighing in at 215 pounds with a record of 10 wins 1 loss 8 wins coming by way of knockout Darrius “Lights Out” Jones!

In the blue corner, wearing black trunks with black gloves standing 5’11 weighing in at 220 pounds with a record of 8 wins 3 loss 6 wins coming by way of knockout Ryden “The Ryno” Mackenzie

*Both boxers listen to instructions given by the referee and tap gloves before heading back to their corners*

I look at my opponent, trying to hide my anxiety, and read his body for weakness. His face is calm, he knows he beat me and what a win here would do for him and his career, not to mention a bit his shot at the title before me. I look him over, he has lost the spare tire he used to carry around his midsection, not a six pack but flat with the promise of muscle underneath. His arms seem to have grown as well. Hopefully that slows him down, but I know they assure one thing, PAIN.

*Buzzer for the start of round 1*
Round 1:
I come out of my corner touching gloves with Ryan. I want center of the ring, but we both circle each other. We almost mirror each other as we trade jabs. My opponent knows the score as he moves his head and slips into his range, tagging me with 2 jabs that snap my head back. His bigger arms don’t show any sluggishness to them. I want to trade with him, show him who is boss. I throw a left hook trying to rock his chin, but Ryden proves slippery as I hit nothing but air, and he staggers me with a right to my chin. I blink my eyes as I move away a bit unsteady. I bring my hands up as he goes downstairs to the body. Left, right left slam home, as I tense up trying to ride out the storm. A left hook, slips under my elbow cracking my liver, I clinch up immediately as I know the pain will set me up for a first round knockdown or knockout. Unfortunately the ref is quick to separate us, but my adversary won’t be denied! I try to circle out and work my jabs, to establish range. The have the added benefit of halting my his progress for a second. I move back throwing my jabs as he wades through them. I know he wants to get inside my reach, to nullify my reach. He succeeds as he gets in close and rips a hard right hook to the ribs, and barely misses my head with the follow up left hook. I counter with a right cross, left hook combo, snapping his head back and sending sweat flying. Now it is my turn to chase him. I send a few shots to the body….”DING” End of round one. We both tap gloves and nod, walking back to our corners. This is going to be a battle.

I sit down on the stool in my corner, my breathing slightly heavy, as my corner man takes out my mouthpiece. I try to calm myself so I can absorb his advice. I listen as he tells me, “Use your reach and footwork more. Remember the lessons from the last fight. Be patient for the knock out. Don't rush! Keep him off your body or he will tear you up all night” He gives me water, and wipes me down. I look past him to see my opponent sitting in his corner looking relaxed and ready to go. I chew on my mouthpiece and the 10 second buzzer sounds. I stand up ready for the next round, but I see Francisco sitting in the audience by Ryan’s corner smirking, I try not to let that get into my head.

*Buzzer for the start of round 2*
Round 2:
I come out a bit more aggressive in this round touching gloves but straight off jabbing to try and force “The Ryno” to back up into a defensive posture. Ryden frustrates me by making his head more of a moving target. His corner must not have liked how took my shots from the first round. His head movement has improved as I switch it up moving in and making him eat a short right cross, I get a bit sloppy throwing a wide follow up left hook to the head which my former sparring partner deftly avoids and crushes my body with brutal right hook that sends fire through my body! A double left hook to the body and head has me reeling. I stumble back a few steps, and try to keep him back with jabs, that fails as he bobs and weaves. My right hand is trying to protect my head as he fakes a right, that causes me to flinch, he drills in another double left hook body, then head which not only sends sweat and spit flying, but backs me into the ropes. “No this can’t be happening!”, I think as I know I am in trouble. I see a slight grin come across his face. I blink my eyes to clear them as a right explodes on my nose. I can feel the blood smeared on my face as I have a slightly more difficult time breathing through my nose, My eyes water causing more blinking. I move along the ropes only to get the worse news of the night, my back hits the corner of my tormentor. Slightly off balance, I throw a right, hoping to turn this around, but his left rides over my glove slamming into my jaw. A bright flash goes off, then a right hook slams the other side of my face. A warm floating feeling comes across me as I feel like I’m falling but the corner post holds me up. “Fuck” I know I’m groggy as my vision greys, and all I can hear is my heartbeat. The ref jumps in to give me a standing 8 count as Ryden celebrates his dominate performance. I feel sick to my stomach It's only the second round and he's battered me so hard the ref is looking to end this... “A standing 8 count already? What the fuck, Darrius ? Do you really have a glass jaw?” My mind races, I’m torn, as a brawler I want to go out there and blast that shit eating grin off his face, but the boxer knows if I don’t get my head clear I could get caught once more and be left eating canvas and humiliated once again. I awkward wipe my nose. I hear the ref say, “Can you continue?” I nod my head yes almost out of instinct. He turns to motion us to box….”DING” the round ends. Ryno claims his corner, moving me out of the way. Out of everyone in the crowd I hear the champ clapping. I walk the long way back to my corner.

My corner man helps me to the stool and sits me down. My team puts end swells and gives me water getting me ready for the next round. “Come on champ, why are you letting this punk work you over? You have to start fighting back, hit him with some bombs! Stick and move!!” I can hear the exacerbation in his voice, as he thinks Ryden maybe on his way to a title shot. I see what was a white towel, now streaked with red after wiping my nose. I lean back taking in all the oxygen I can. I close my eyes and in a flash the minute is gone, and my corner man is saying “Go get him!” as my mouthpiece is being shoved back into my mouth. “Shit!”, I think.. as I get helped up, as I see my rival already on his feet, not even sure if he sat down, banging his gloves ready to continue making my life hell for the next three minutes, if I last that long.

*Buzzer for the start of round 3*

I can see the hunger in Ryan’s eyes. I swallow my worry. He isn’t going to beat me. He had never been this successful when he was my training partner, and now he has a chance to fight for the title. “I better be carried out before that happens”, I evaluate “The Ryno” lives up to his name charging me, barely letting me out of my corner. He throws hooks, making me cover up, he is trying to create an opportunity to end this. I know I have to do something or I’mgoing to be sleeping soon. Ryden throws a beautiful straight hand aiming for the center of my face, but I’m not there, I see the slight dip in his shoulder before he throws it and manage to avoid it and execute a exquisite double left hook into his floating ribs, I feel the shift in weight as he is halted, I can almost see the surprise as the pain grips him, and my left finds his waiting jaw. It’s almost like we are moving in slow motion as I pull back and finish my possibly game changing combo with a straight right that burst into his nose…he blunders backwards in a straight line, blood dripping from his nose. I rock his head from side to side with a left right hook combo that sends him on his ass. “YES…FUCK YES!, I want to yell. I’m on cloud nine! I raise my gloves and flex as I feel the surge, all the pain, doubt and fear is erased when you knock another fighter down. I snap back to reality as I feel the ref push me back to a neutral corner, he turns back to Ryan, who looks almost confused sitting on the canvas. I don’t take my eyes off of him, as I try to will him to stay down. The ref begins to count, as my foe rolls over onto all fours looking at his corner nodding that he is alright. The ref stands in front of Ryden as he counts to 8 checking his gloves asking him, “Do you want to continue? Walk to me.” The ref steps back as my opposition takes a few steps forward showing he can go on. “BOX!”, The ref shouts I come out of the neutral corner unsure how damaged he is, as his steps do not betray him and his eyes seem clear, I want to be disciplined and gauge him, but I don’t. I come out trying to take his head off, I throw a pair of left right hooks that glance off his gloves as he moves in close, I brace for the left hook to the body, which never comes.. “OOFFF” My mouth forms an “O” as hot air is blasted from my body with a right cross to the solar plexus. I panic, I can’t breathe…No time to calm myself as a left uppercut snaps my teeth shut on my mouthpiece as I look at the ring lights seeing red spray fly above me. My legs turn to rubber, as I reach out to clinch for dear life. He bangs away at my body try to get leverage but I tie him up. My vision is cloudy, the roar of the crowd melts away. He is taunting me, telling me he is going to be champ.. All I can hear my heartbeat and his mocking words then… “BREAK” the ref yells, but his voice seems far away, as he pulls my arms away, separating us. I move away circling to my left, staying off the ropes as much as I can, trying to tamp down the feeling of dread I paw out a left, and I see him twisting to set up his left hook. I bring my right arm in, “uuhh” I taking the thudding shot on my arm, and fire a left hook to the chin. I’m almost giddy as I feel the sting go up my arm as it connects! Clear eyes turn foggy as he walks right into it.I need to make the most of this tide shift! I send overhand right to his eye, left hook to his jaw which lays him out face first at my feet. He is totally limp at first but I see him stir as the ref pushes me back….”1…2..3..” “DING” The 3rd round concludes and I am a torrent of emotions. I see his corner get him up but I don’t know if he can make it to the next round! Hell I need to steady myself so I can make the next round. I have a serious shot of ending this right now. I stride back to my corner with a new spring in my step I feel like I could spit my girl in two right now… I am PUMPED!

I don’t want to sit, but I know I should. This surge isn’t going to last. As I sit down I see Ryan’s corner breaking out smelling salts, I can’t help but grin. A mouse forming under his left eye from my overhand right. In the next 3 minutes I maybe on my way to a championship belt! My cornerman’s slap brings me back into focus, “You had a good round, but you need to stay focused, if you want to knock him out!” He gives me water and the cutman works on my nose, I am gulping in air trying to settle the oxygen debt this fight has caused. I know I can do this, I’ve trained for this, I’ve been in wars before (Or so I thought). I glance over to the opposite corner. He seems to be clearing his head, not the best news but I am confident. I take the last bit of advice as my mouthpiece is put in my mouth.

*Buzzer for the start of round 4*

I bang my gloves coming out quick. I move in my range..2 left jabs find his face as his head snaps back. His hands slower in this round, as he throws a jab, that I slip circling. I move to my left, he moves in jab, right cross. I give him some head movement bobbing out of the way, then jabbing to lefts into his face, starting a bit more blood to come out. I take a step just out of his range dropping my gloves. He takes the bait lunging in with another jab, I duck it and come up with a right uppercut under his chin dropping him to his knees. The dull ache envelops my hand as it connects. I know I’ve hurt him as he bounces back to his feet not waiting for the count. The ref finishes the count, “7…8.. Can you continue?” Of course he nods yes. “BOX”, the ref motions us and I move on him. Up until now I had been content with letting him chase me and get popped, now its my turn. I move in two thudding lefts to his eyes smash his face, he bends awkwardly, and in a flash I see the trap. He springs up throwing a short nightending uppercut. I fade back, feeling the heat on his punch as it passes by, and lunge back in with a right cross, left hook combo that has “The Ryno” tumbled onto his back. I yell out and bang my gloves together. No way he is getting up from that. I am in the neutral corner brimming with excitement. I look over and his eyes are open but no one is home, I know he is in another world! His mouthpiece lays besides him as the ref starts the count then waves it off. “HE’S OUT!” I fall to my knees as I finally feel validated, and my feelings of regrett and revenge have been satisfied. My corner comes in hugging me and congratulating me. “I’m back!” I yell as I stand up going out and waving to the crowd. I point to Francisco, and he has a neutral look on his face. After checking on Ryan, who is sitting in on his stool with the ring Doc checking his eyes. The Ref takes me to center of the ring. “Winner by way of KNOCKOUT in the 4th round…Darrius “Lights Out” Jones!!

Last edited on 1/07/2017 3:59 PM by blackboxer



SilverFoxFight (37)

1/08/2017 12:22 AM

Awesome story...a few mis-spelt words, but well written. Felt like I was at ringside and cheering for you! Deano


blackboxer (3 )

1/08/2017 6:10 PM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for your comments!!


boxingfan21 (10)

2/28/2017 12:31 AM

(In reply to this)

Dude the story was awesome love all the detail during each round.


blackboxer (3 )

2/28/2017 12:35 AM

(In reply to this)

Than you very much! I've been debating on more stories for the series


jabcross2 (9 )

7/11/2017 9:40 PM

Fun read. I need a bit of that redemption in Masters competition.


blackboxer (3 )

7/12/2017 2:00 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks glad you enjoyed it!


NorthAmericanBoxer (12)

6/01/2020 4:29 AM

This is a great comeback. Great details. 👍🥊🥊
