beaugeste's blog


As many of you, the Covid Pandemic stopped my wrestling. Two sweaty men, chest to chest, breathing hard and inches from one another just did not seem to be the right thing to do. A contagious disease running rampant, no vaccine available, and seemingly healthy people dying. So at 68, I took a three year break. At my age, this Covid wrestling hiatus could have been my retirement.

Fortunately, I am a more glass is half full guy and said why not, "nothing ventured, nothing gained" . See what you can still do, at 71. Not that I was a good wrestler at 68.

I got back on the horse, so to speak, and had my first match with someone I never wrestled before. While I have lost some muscle mass and strength think mostly due to aging and not inactivity; I did better than I would have thought against a guy 5 years younger and at least 20 pounds heavier.

For me it is less about the match. It is about getting a bit of exercise, maybe practicing holds, and the man to man contact. I may not "win", but if I did well holding my own, it helps me both mentally and physically.

Getting back into wrestling was a good decision for me. Knowing you can still do something that you thought you could no longer do, is a big ego booster. I welcome any ego booster I can get.

Aging was so much fun when we are young. So many new life's experiences and choices were offered to us in our teens and twenties. Now in our 60's or older, aging is not as much fun. Many of the pleasures life gave us are being taken away, or no longer possible. However, be careful. Sometimes we prematurely take these pleasures away from ourselves. Think it is due to fear. In fact we still may be able to do a lot of what we did, albeit more slowly or modified. Be careful to avoid injury, choose who you wrestle wisely, but try to see what you can still do, rather than saying that you can't or shouldn't.

Good luck in your aging process.

Last edited on 7/12/2023 4:54 AM by beaugeste



MIbigguy (7 )

7/12/2023 12:34 PM

Thanks for shaving. I am also a wrestler in his 60's. Wrestling was on hold before COVID due to family and health issues. Then COVID seemed to be the end of it. But the health is stable, getting back to the gym and still not ready to hang up the trunks. Like you I thought I might be premature to stop the wrestling. So, I am back at it. First encounter was more play, but it was great to be back. It is not just the wrestling and exercise; it is being with wrestlers and talking about wrestling and just life. Let's all keep at it and not just quit because we are of a certain age. We may have to embrace our age and adjust to new realities but let's face it, we do that all our life.


Peter Hughes (61 )

7/12/2023 4:48 PM

I totally agree with you, BeauGest, and with MIBigGuy. To me, age is just a number. I admit to my real age (55), but I feel like I'm in my 30s. Exercise, diet and a positive mindset can help you keep from thinking of yourself as a "senior citizen." It looks like we all benefit from a good wrestling match and using the mats to get rid of all the negativity in our lives. So, more power to you!

I feel sorry for the guys on here who hide their real age. Their egos won't let them be true to themselves. SMH...


grapplemedown (43)

7/12/2023 11:54 PM

I’ve been contemplating retiring from wrestling as one of my activities.
I’m just not getting as much enjoyment out of it as I used to.
For whatever reason in recent years, I’ve noticed I can’t go very long without a feeling of shortness of breath and a feeling of lightheadedness. It doesn’t feel like that long ago really (10 years ago) where I could wrestle for hours…while even then I felt my body slowing down when I pushed myself.
I’m happy you are still going strong and having fun with it.


MIbigguy (7 )

7/13/2023 12:33 AM

(In reply to this)

I understand that. You do what you can do. If necessary, you find other activities you enjoy.


edscissors (30 )

7/13/2023 12:18 AM

I read your post after posting my own "Tolerance" blog. I am full of admiration for you.


celtwrestle (46 )

7/17/2023 5:48 PM

