I am 31 soon and just hating my
Body. Any tips. I get lazy and do not want to go to a gym and nervous of being judged. I want to tone up and gain abs and pecs. Just look better

Last edited on 5/23/2022 3:53 AM by ant-tor



BamaJDon41 (10 )

5/23/2022 7:10 AM

Lots of vids on youtube. Trainers giving tips on best ways to get the best results. Then just stick to a routine.


diamondcutter (31)

5/23/2022 7:50 PM

I can recommend DDP Yoga if you don’t mind investing a little cash. In terms of videos on YouTube, Joe Wicks has some good stuff as does Sascha Huber (it’s in German but I don’t think you really need to understand it). Best ti just start small and build from there by doing a little bit a few times a week.


gymrat (37)

5/24/2022 11:37 PM

The specifics of what you do doesn't matter - machines, free weights, calisthenics, whatever. Your root problem is clear from what you wrote - you're not doing ANYTHING - because you fear being judged.

Step Back. Most people are not Arnold. Or "pick your Favorite". SO few people will judge you, and those that do - who really cares? You do need to commit to whatever you do - it takes time - years and consistency to get even a little "built".

At my gym there's such a mix! 80-somethings. Bodybuilders. The local football team. Middle aged housewives trying to get it back. Fat guys getting it back. How can you really stand out in any bad way? You can't - only in your mind.

But it can be so rewarding in many ways from feeling better to being truly healthier. Beta the diabetic syndrome. become more active when you age (I'm 61).

If you really dont want to go exercise in public, start at home. During Covid I built a very simple gym in my basement. But you can do tons with zero equipment. If you run (and by the way, run FAST, not slow long jogs - you want to build muscle right?), do push ups, do pull ups (find something to pull up to!), and something for your core (NOT sit-ups - crunches I guess) you will make tons of early progress. Alone. In private. For free.

Then as you make progress you can consider heading ot the gym to show it off :-)

read my blog - lots of really solid info there. Most stuff is hurst plain commercial BS or yakking from people who don't know what they are talking about.

Good luck.

feel free to reach out directly via messaging.
