alpinisto's blog

Wrestling instead of racism

Coming to New Jersey by the end of August I had the hope that I finally could get to wrestle again after almost three months of inactivity. Initially I had hoped to make an additional travel to Lansing in Michigan, for I have both a friend there plus two local wrestlers, who not only had challenged me, but also were guys I very much would enjoy to wrestle. But finances would not allow that extra flight to Lansing so I had to be content with the wrestlers I could find in the vicinity of Trenton. In my preparation for the travel I had made agreements with three local wrestlers in New York and Philadelphia, and in the end of August I was to meet my first opponent in New York.

This guy's name was Anneil and I was to meet him on the corner of Broadway and 50th Street, and then we took the subway to his place in Queens. Anneil was looking for an easy match, but most of all to feel my scissors on his body. He was lighter and shorter than me, but also younger, so I guessed that his youth and flexibility could equalize the fact that I was larger than him. Of course I would show him what I could do with my legs - I have always been happy to make use of my legs in wrestling - but of course I also would make use of other holds if it felt right in the situation.

I usually say that wrestling should be safe and sane - and fun for both parts, but apparently I did something wrong when squeezing his left leg, for it seemed like a joint popped, for suddenly he was in pain, and this was not my plan. BUt luckily the joint jumped back in the right position so we could continue our wrestling. Though after that moment I was a bit more careful with his legs and I stepped back from experimenting too much and therefore focused on my scissors.

Anneil also had some good legs, but mine were stronger, and several times I made him tap. It seems that I did not give him many chances, for once I had him locked between my legs and he would not be able to break free I could simply increase the pressure until he finally had to tap. But he seemed to enjoy it, and I was happy that my legs were still working fine after the three months of inactivity.

Once we had finished wrestling I was invited to take a shower, and then we went out for some dinner in a local Thai restaurant. I had invited myself to stay the night with him, so I would not have to take a late train back to Trenton, and much to my surprise I was his first opponent who had asked to stay the night with him. But when he had a mat to wrestle on, that mat could also be used to sleep the night on once he had pulled out a duvet. And the following morning, when he took the subway back to his work in Manhattan I joined him to Penn Station and then on to Trenton.

After I had had that match with Anneil I had six days in Pennsylvania to participate in the main reason for this travel to United States: the bdsm camp organised by Delta Brotherhood. But after that camp I had almost a week in Trenton, where I had hoped for a few more wrestling matches. But both fights became nothing, because the one guy was speculating about a potential move, and the second guy had neither room nor place to wrestle. But I had almost a week to find other opponents, for I could see here on MeetFighters that there were plenty of wrestlers in this area, and pretty soon I found two other potential opponents.

I therefore considered renting a motel room so we at least could have a place to wrestle, but my friend in Trenton discouraged this idea because of doubtful hygiene in the motels I had been thinking of, and much to my surprise he offered that we could wrestle in his living room. We just had to move a few pieces of furniture and then we could wrestle on his rug. I had never expected that he, as a non-wrestler, would allow us to wrestle in his apartment, and now there would be no more trouble.

At least I thought so, but when I contacted those two guys they had no interest in coming to downtown Trenton for wrestling! WTF? Sure this neighborhood is mostly populated by people of color, but I had had my vacation here for maybe ten years and never experienced any trouble. I am European and probably there are some American citizens who think otherwise, but I could not avoid feeling that a bit of racism was trying to show its nasty face, which was a feeling that I surely didn't like. For my friend here in Trenton is a guy of color himself, and he is one of the most trustworthy friends I have here.

So there was no more wrestling here in United States this time, but at least I am happy that Anneil showed up so I could have a match with him. The next chance to wrestling I have will come next month where I will travel to Düsseldorf and Paris, both for wrestling. And also a potential opponent from the UK is talking about coming to Copenhagen. So October could become a great month for wrestling!

Last edited on 9/21/2018 4:05 PM by alpinisto



celtwrestle (46 )

9/23/2018 9:17 AM

Maybe racism wasn’t the issue but concerns about safety however misguided that may be. As a couple of people have said to me when warning me to stay away from a certain neighbourhoods the US: it’s not the R word, but economics.


Yngrasslr00 (137)

9/24/2018 11:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Yet..I live literally down the street from public housing in NYC where a prolific hip-hop group was from and I host matches all the time, when people are actually not giving me whatever excuse they have to not make the trip (mostly travel time because I live on staten Island) I for one am with the poster.

I had an experience with literally the only othe wrestler in the area on here who is DL with this community and partnered. I said cool I can host...he was 10 minutes away by car. He kept asking me where exactly did I live, what exact street, asked if I lived the "apartments" down there...yea...mind you this is BEFORE he confirmed a date or time and AFTER I told him I rent a room inside a house but have access to the whole house inclusive of the basement.

Basically, lesson here is don't get caught up in stereotypes. Baltimore isn't the Wire 24/7, gay culture isn't just a nonstop orgy/raving scene, and you won't get shot or robbed from going downtown for one night. Are these wrestlers MOVING there? That's like me denying every match someone can host in the suburbs because I'm afraid to get shot or harassed by cops...see how dumb it sounds? Yea...economics my ass, call a spade a spade. 🙄🤷🏾‍♂️🙄


celtwrestle (46 )

9/25/2018 2:35 AM

I’m wondering. If your place was hard to find, why didn’t you meet them at a public location or landmark and drive/walk with them. If they’re fearful, they’re fearful


Yngrasslr00 (137)

9/25/2018 3:00 AM

That wasn't the issue. It was repeatedly asking questions that had been addressed. And he drives...I mean if he asked I would have met him in the park but he never said anything about meeting in public first. Fearful sure, but the source of that fear is unfounded and only goes one my previous example demonstrated.

And most people who live in really BAD areas are cognizant of that and offer extra accommodations n not leave their potential matches out to dry. It even happened to me in Philadelphia cuz I was living in West Philadelphia that was just beyond the universities...and my potential match still wanted me to meet him like 4 blocks away and walk back to my the middle of the the rain...🤨🤨🤨....I did it...but it was the last time I even entertained such foolishness. Dudes just need to grow up and stop watching so much prime time TV 🙄🙄🙄


nineurea (0)

9/29/2018 5:37 PM

