My limited finances had impeded me from meeting potential wrestling opponents in April, but this gave me the opportunity to wrestle in May. As always I had the chance to have a lot of good wrestling in the Wrestling Camp in Lindow, close to Berlin, but then I got an invitation from g6fighter in Düsseldorf. Him I previously had got to know in 2016 when he had visited Copenhagen and again in February, and he would love to see me again, as he was about to organise a set-up with other wrestlers at his place in Düsseldorf.

From my February trip I knew that a cheap way to get to Düsseldorf would be to take a bus to Berlin and then continue the next day by train to Düsseldorf. But coming by way of Berlin I would also have a chance to wrestle Sperling while there, but after a long winter it had suddenly become too hot, so even though I love to build up a sweat in a wrestling match he figured that in this hot weather it would be too hot for him to wrestle. So I never got to wrestle him that day, and the next day I continued to Düsseldorf.

So I arrived in Düsseldorf in the early afternoon, and soon after the first other opponent arrived. roy65 had arrived from Augsburg and had taken some days off so he could stay in Düsseldorf, but before I was to meet him g6fighter also wanted a match with me, maybe just to make sure that he still was the stronger of us. I had wrestled him the days he had been in Copenhagen and again last February, and every time he had come out as a winner. This time I had not had any real wrestling since I had been with him in February, so I would only be happy to get started again with him. After a while I could feel that it was his intention to put me in a schoolboy pin, and even though he was a bit lighter than me he had the advantage of being on top of me. So we fought for quite some time until he finally could press my arms into the mat. Having his victory confirmed by roy65, who sat on a chair next to the mat, he now rose and told him that now he could take over!

I was not really happy about that, for while I was totally exhausted after the fight with g6fighter, roy65 was all fresh and ready for a fight. Though maybe g6fighter had taken into consideration that roy65 was about 50 pounds lighter than me and had been considering that I maybe would be a too hard nut for him to crack. Anyway, much to my surprise I did quite okay from the beginning, but obviously I soon ran out of power so roy65 could get on top of me and I couldn't produce force enough to turn him over. But I would not tap out, so we put the fight on suspense until the next day where we were to meet again.

Late the following morning roy65 returned from his hotel, and soon after two other wrestlers arrived: Rookie and robertvogt, who both were from the area, and none of them I had seen before. We were expected to become six wrestlers in our tournament, and when the sixth had not arrived by noon the five guys of us started now. Though this soon ended up in quite a mess, for now the other guys wrestled all against all, which I was not used to - and when the sixth guy, Ringermatte, then showed up didn't help much, for he only got on top of the bunch to add to the confusion. However, I could think that I was the heaviest of the group so I should be well adequate to take the bumps which might come, so I laid down on top of the largest group to pour oil on the troubled waters and see what happened.

It appeared that I was well received by the others as that they now had another body to wrestle - and actually it wasn't so bad to participate in such mass wrestling, though it was a bit confusing because I could never know which person this body part belonged to! Apparantly I also had the most hairy body of the bunch, so in the end I was mostly wrestling Rookie as he liked to have my hairy body over me. Though I relieved some of my weight on my elbows so I wouldn't crush him.

And then we stopped fighting, for I was to catch the train in the afternoon so I could get back to Berlin. So after a shower and a sumptuous lunch I was taken to the Central train station so I could rest during the train ride back to Berlin.

Back in Berlin I stayed one more day with kleiner kerl, which I often do when I am in Berlin, for he not only had a bed to sleep in but also a set of mats to wrestle on. Usually he also sees to that there will be other wrestlers I can have a match with, and for the next day he had invited berlinfunfighter and catchbear1, and both guys I had wrestled before. I had the impression that berlinfunfighter was an even match for me, though he was younger than me and therefore also more agile and faster in his movements. On a good day I should have a chance to win over him, but it was not my day today. For after having fought back and forth for some time he used a weakness in my defence to put me down on the mat - and keep me there. Later I found out that he also was a bit heavier than me, and that might be the reason why I from then on never could get on top of him. So after a while I had to throw in the towel so I also could keep some strength for catchbear1 who was waiting on the sideline.

Him I knew was considerably heavier than me and I have often wrestled him when I was in Berlin, so it felt good to wrestle him again. Actually catchbear1 should have no major problems in winning a match with me, for not only he was heavier than me but also had more experience. But either he was more interested in both of us having a good match or he was just kind to me because he knew about my weaknesses after the stroke. Though I felt certain that he did not have as much stamina as I had, so if just I could keep the engine running I would have a real chance. Though we never got a decision this time.

My next planned wrestling match will be in the middle of June, where I hope to meet one or more wrestlers during a vacation in Dresden.

Last edited on 5/27/2018 10:12 AM by alpinisto



roy65 (107 )

5/27/2018 11:06 AM

Es war ein gutes Treffen in Düsseldorf. Mir hat es viel Spaß gemacht!
Danke, dass auch wir uns kennen lernen konnten.
