alpinisto's blog

Barely knock-outet by a Figure4

Time for my half-yearly visit to Dresden, where I six months before had wrestled my heaviest opponent so far, the 132 kg horti. A match which didn't give me much chance, for he just laid down on top of me so I could hardly move, not to mention wrestle. With my opponent this time I expected to have a better chance, for Bennyfighter weighed only half of what horti did and I was also taller than him. But he was almost twenty years younger than me and therefore I could expect a rather intense fight, as with his youth he surely would be faster than me.

Still I was both larger and heavier than my opponent, so if I opened the match the way I had done since I last month had been told by my friend in Berlin that I should be more aggressive, I expected that I still would have a chance.

It also worked quite good from the start, but Bennyfighter was not as compliant as my previous opponent had been. So even though we had a relatively even match in the beginning he soon saw the opportunity to gain control of my body and I found myself trapped between his legs. Probably because of my limited experience. Bennyfighter had about the same number of opponents as I had, but I felt sure that he likely had had more challenging opponents than me.

Before our fight I had read his recommandations, and there were several of his past opponents who had warned future opponents about his leg scissors being very powerful. However, I have always liked to see and to feel some good muscular masculine legs, so I only took a note of these warnings, and saw it more as a challenge for me. For I had always had some good legs myself, and actually I was looking forward to having a leg scissor fight with him.

My God! how he had strong legs, like steel cables wrapping my body. I managed to get free a few times, but every time he swiftly moved around to attack me from another side, without giving me a chance to prepare for my next move. I have never had problems with being bodyscissored, but this guy went more for the head. And not just by a standard scissor, but clearly he knew how to apply a Figure4! I have previously read about that hold, but never experienced it on my own body! But Bennyfighter knew how to apply it. He told me that he had started to wrestle at the age of 18, so he had four times more experience than I had.

There was no way I could break free from his Figure4, and he amused himself by keeping me in this hold. With the pressure he made on my throat with his legs I could hardly speak, but so could he. His Figure4 had really surprised me, and he told me that he had felt needed to learn this hold to have a viable defense to his other opponents which always had been heavier than him. And told me that there was no way of breaking free from a Figure4 - which I believed. Whenever I tried he just increased the pressure, and he was very close to knock me out when everything went black. I just managed to tap out while I still was conscious to do so. That this can be achieved simply by the use of the legs was really a surprise to me.

Saved by a bell - suddenly his mobile phone rang and it was time for him to proceed to his next meeting. He was working from home, and he had only had these two hours' time between two of his meetings. On the other hand I would not be sure that my body could take wrestling him any more today. Though I hope that I can wrestle him again some other time - maybe he can teach me how to apply this Figure4. Going from a standard leg scissor to a Figure4 felt like moving from the Stone Age to modern technology. And the nausea I felt after our match lingered on the next days, so I better had to postpone my planned dinner appointment that evening.

Now I can look back on a year with good wrestles and hope I can continue that in 2018. Though I have no wrestling planned for January yet, so time will tell if I also am to start the next year with a month of no wrestles. If not I can only hope that there will be more wrestlers coming to Copenhagen this January.

Last edited on 12/17/2017 12:27 PM by alpinisto



surrey71 (21 )

12/17/2017 7:20 PM

Or we can hope that someone as talented as yourself can take the time to visit London/UK so we can see what you’re made of against the Brits who want to take you on?


alpinisto (85)

12/17/2017 9:28 PM

(In reply to this)

I'd love to visit the UK again! In former days I went there about twice a year, once in London and once somewhere else. But my financial situation nowadays make it hard to arrange a visit in UK. My last visit was a year ago to Mid Wales, and I hope to get to London again some time next year. Would be great to meet you Brits in High Barnet matroom!


surrey71 (21 )

12/17/2017 9:53 PM

(In reply to this)

I think there’s loads of guys who will welcome you back to London and show you we’re the best wrestlers in Europe!


alpinisto (85)

12/18/2017 1:31 PM

Could be - but the guy who had invited me to London and offered me accomodation appears no longer to be a MeetFighters member. So it is probably not going to be another London visit next year!
