With the wrestle I had in Berlin this August I had no particular need to wrestle more that month. But this Berlin wrestle was more a way out following the no-show I had from Flensburg in July. As I do all my wrestling when I am abroad or making use of the rare opportunity that a MeetFighters wrestler happens to visit Copenhagen and wants to wrestle me here, I of course was trying to do some wrestling when I later that month was to visit my Trenton friend in New Jersey for participating in the annual Delta bondage camp. For on top of this Delta camp I had added some extra days before and after the camp, days I had hoped to use for wrestling.

I already knew a few wrestlers in the area, guys I maybe could have a re-match with, but while the one guy had no time to wrestle during the days I was in New Jersey, the other one simply didn't reply to my messages. But one guy, Pete, aka Hairywrestler midwest, would be happy to wrestle me. And since he was working in my new neighborhood and had a hotel room here he also had room for wrestling, which my Trenton friend did not have. So he picked me up at my friend's place and took me to his hotel. He was a bit lighter, shorter and younger than me and we also had about the same number of previous opponents, but he seemed to feel more home in a wrestling match than I did. Apparently he had more experience than I had, for it seemed that he liked to put me in some hold and then lean back to see what my reaction was before he moved on. This was repeated in our second round, but I must say that he kept our matches safe and sane, just as we had agreed on.

Following the Delta camp I had two more matches, and for those I could only hope that in these I could stay overnight, for those matches would not be in Trenton. The first one was with a guy Tom, aka ats. Initially I had planned to book a hotel in New York, for this guy lived on Upper East Side but spent his summer in Stone Harbor on Jersey Shore, and since I could stay the night with him there I dropped the plan of staying the night in New York. Tom was older than me so with him I should have a chance. And maybe I could, but I was charmed by his hospitality. I had arrived in the right time for his usual Happy Hour and it was an enjoyable time to sit on his own pier sipping a drink while enjoying the view over the sea. Yet we finally got to wrestle the following morning but maybe I was a bit too unfocused, so it was easy for him to pin me down as well. But I hope to visit him again when next time I am in New Jersey - and not just for having another Happy Hour with him.

I anyway made it to New York after all. Earlier I had chatted with Neil aka yonkerswrangler about wrestling him while I had planned to have this hotel room in New York, but this match I wanted to cancel as I no longer would be staying the night in the hotel and thus no longer could offer a place to wrestle. But Neil had mats in his own apartment and also offered me to stay the night, so when I realised there was a direct bus from Stone Harbor to New York I saw no reason not to meet this potential opponent and was happy that I did. We had about the same stats, him a bit shorter and a bit heavier than me and with about the same number of opponents, so this should be a fairly even match. He preferred to wrestle in speedos, but with his good body it was obvious that our match slowly had an erotic edge. We both were into a sweaty wrestle, and this was what we got, but while he could stick to wrestling I had difficulty in keeping focus clear. Safe and sane had always been the top of my list when wrestling, and Neil taught me a few tricks I did not know about. So Neil is one more guy I can only hope to wrestle again.

I returned home with three wrestling matches, and all of them I would like to repeat next time I come to New Jersey. But I have learned that I should focus more on what I would like to do when wrestling, for it seems that I mentally am too fragile to give me a sure outcome. Though I also think that it is important for both guys to have fun when I wrestle. Next match will probably be a hotel wrestle when another American wrestler will visit Copenhagen later this month!

Last edited on 9/14/2017 4:01 PM by alpinisto



surrey71 (21 )

9/14/2017 4:58 PM

It is always important for both guys to enjoy the match, to have fun, to be safe. I always ensure that we are both very clear about rules and limits before the match - that way it's possible to have a long, sweaty and enjoyable bout!


kimmetje (150 )

9/20/2017 11:35 PM

What a fantastic blog entry, thank you for sharing your experience and giving us all the desire for more action!
