In November I had my next challenge. It was GymGladiator in Mid-Wales who had invited me to stay two nights at his place, and going there by train from Birmingham it looked to be some great days as the sun was shining from a clear blue sky and the trees had all the autumn colours you could dream of. Pete picked me up at the station and soon after we were in his country house where he not only had his own gym but also a private mat room. I had been inspired to wrestle him for he had the same Armour singlet as I had, only was his singlet in gold colour and not white like mine. I should have thought that there could be a deeper meaning that his singlet was in gold - but I soon was to find out. For in spite of his less number of opponents than me he surely was more experienced than I was, so for his welcome wrestle I could clearly feel his superiority. But as I had expected he was both safe and sane.
That evening I could enjoy Pete's hospitality, for he did some excellent cooking and offered me a guest bedroom where I could stay the night! The following day was fully planned with wrestling and with his permission I had also invited other wrestlers to come and wrestle in Pete's magnificent and inspiring mat room. But although five guys had told me that they would come it was only Peter69 who drove up here from Cardiff, who got here. I found it a bit strange that none of the other guys had made use of this opportunity, for I had used public transportation all the way from Copenhagen, and it had only taken me four hours to get here by use of flight and train.
Peter69 was older than me and less experienced, but we weighed about the same so I was thinking this would be a relaxed match. He had been a bit afraid of my number of previous opponents so we had agreed that I would be easy on him. But I very soon found out that I would have to work harder to keep him down, for he put up a good fight. However, I managed to get on top of him and several times I had to increase to pressure on him to keep him down. After a while I found that the outcome would not change much so I proposed him that he should better give up and save his energy for the next match. But he consistently kept on wrestling into the inevitable and finally submitted. But then he was exhausted and needed a pause, in which I could wrestle Pete again.
This second match with Pete was not much different from the one we had had the day before, as for every round it didn't take many seconds for him to take me down and get me under his control. But I noticed that in one of the rounds he seemed to focus more on my legs, which on one side is my primary weapon while on the other side were my weak point ofter the blood clot. Once he twisted them in a special hold which I had expected to send jolts of pain through my legs - but this did not happen and baffled I could only see how he bend and twisted my legs, and I realised that maybe I should not be so afraid of using my legs for other things than scissors.
After lunch we had another session and I changed into one of my zentai suits which I had imagined could be okay to wrestle in but had never tried. Now I had the chance to test it, for with Peter69 I thought that I had a chance. Naturally my vision was a bit impaired in the zentai suit, but handicapping myself this way I realised that my vision through the black shield over my eyes gradually got better. Afterwards Peter69 told me that he had had a small advantage of my suit, that I apparently had been tamed a bit. Maybe I was, but this couldn't keep me from cornering him against the wall, and this time I wouldn't let him go, for he kept fighting for the three minutes we had agreed on.
I had one final match with Pete before we closed for the day, and since my zentai suit had survived the match with Peter69 I kept wearing it in the match with Pete. But he didn't need that extra advantage from me wearing the zentai suit, for he was just too superior for me. Though in some way I found it was a good feeling to be toyed with by him.
Then it was all over. Peter69 got in his car, the familiar Welsh rain had arrived and after another sumptuous dinner we spent the evening exchanging the pictures we had taken through the matches and saw some videos from Pete's previous matches, showing me that he was not invincible.
The next morning he took me to the train station and then continued to his work. I hope that I can get to wrestle him again, hopefully with a bit more experience! Next wrestling will be a hotel wrestle in December where a guy from Israel will visit Copenhagen, and we have planned to meet for a wrestle in his hotel room.

Last edited on 11/14/2016 10:21 AM by alpinisto



Tynesider (84)

11/14/2016 9:16 PM

Thanks for this report. It sounds like you all had a good time. the non-attendees lost out (as is normally the case).
