I love wrestling, but there are times when wrestling is not enough. At those times, I will gladly reach for some leather and put my hands inside it. However, I do not like getting punched in the face. Full contact boxing, or more importantly the migranes it induces, is not for me.

Nonetheless, I will not be denied some of the joys of boxing. I like to throw gloved punches as much as the next guy, so I will happily entertain body boxing. The only difference between body and full contact boxing to me is that the target area is restricted to below the neck and above the belt line. Full force blows can be thrown. Unlike full-force boxing, many more people are willing go go barefist. Matches can start gloved and work their way down to bare fist or grappling gloves.

Body boxing is more than just gut punching. Gut punching assumes that one guy takes while another gives, or they take turns giving and receiving. Body boxing blows get thrown whenever a boxer wants to throw them. There is strategy involved, such as where to aim, what kind of punches and combinations to throw and when to clinch.

Assuming reasonably sized (16oz or less) gloves, body boxing is more than just punching at gloves and arms. While the guard has a tendency to go lower than full contact boxing, even with gloves it is hard to protect everywhere at once. Even in body boxing, there is a risk of getting hit in the head, and if your opponent scrunches up, he might just get his head knocked halfway off. I must admit that it can get a little frustrating at times. On the other hand, it is not static and repetitive like a gut or pec punching contest.

Ultimately, body boxing is a contest of endurance. Since there aren't likely to be any one punch KOs or bloody noses to stop the contest, it often comes down to how long the opponents want it to last. Rounds can pace the fighters or they can go until one is dropped or quits. Knockdowns are quite possible from hard blows or exhaustion. It is as competitive as the guys doing it want it to me and requires more than just the ability to absorb punches.

In the body boxing matches I have had, not a whole lot of effort is wasted maneuvering to get the best shots. Excess blocking and other defense is generally scorned. There is a lot of clinching, pushing and shoving. involved. Body boxing works best when your opponent is fully prepared to receive your shots as well as give his best. Its great for people who love gut punching because that will be the most frequently targeted area. Lovers of hard, sweaty clinches will also find enjoyment in the sensations experienced during a body boxing match.

Last edited on 8/23/2014 1:35 AM by Wrestling Beast



Guysmiley (41 )

8/25/2014 3:53 PM

I myself prefer grappling with body shots, mixing wrestling with punching. It isn't that much different than what you have described but combines the two elements quite effectively.


Wrestling Beast (23)

8/27/2014 6:08 PM

(In reply to this)

I enjoy that very much, but it generally doesn't work well with boxing gloves of any size.


Guysmiley (41 )

8/27/2014 6:35 PM

(In reply to this)

I prefer bare nucs myself.
