There are a few Wrestling Personals sites, and unfortunately this is not the largest site. By largest I mean the greatest number of active members. I would suggest that it is not as large as a certain site, which I will call "Site G", but larger than another site which I will label "Site B". Of course, people can hookup on craigslist and other places, but my rule is that if someone is not willing to at least post a profile on a wrestling personals site, they are probably not going to be a good match.

This site is the best organized of all three sites. Site B is a mess, and site G has a design and layout behind the times. It generally takes fewer clicks to do things. Uploading photos and videos is relatively easy. Descriptions can not only be as long as you like but you can also apply formatting to them. Not so with Site G.

This site has a clear sense of purpose. Site B is odd, it want to do everything with wrestling. Site G is mostly trying to peddle gay porn. This site's purpose is to make it as easy as possible for two or more people to meet and wrestle or box. It does have interest categories for people have interest in the erotic side.

This site does not always try to hit you up for money. To be fair, Site B does not either, but Site G wants to make it as inconvenient for you as possible to meet other guys without a paying membership. On this site, I can contact message any member and give as much detail as I want in my message. On Site G, unless you pay you can only send generic messages without any detail and hope you can meet someone in the chat room. If you do chat with someone and want to give them contact information using an email address, the system will try to censor it. "Gmail", "Yahoo" and "Hotmail" all get turned into *******. Of course it is absurdly easy to get by the censor, but still.

If I want to chat, I need not use the website engine. I can use any IRC chat program, and there are program available for just about any computing device that can display text. I don't need the site to be open. Site G requires you to use its cumbersome and decidedly mobile-unfriendly browser-based chat. Site B's chat room seems dead.

There are perks to being a donating member, and these perks are fair and reasonable. If I never gave this site a dollar, I would still find it just as useful for meeting wrestlers.

Last edited on 11/14/2013 8:56 PM by Wrestling Beast




11/15/2013 1:37 PM

Thanks for your kind words! :) It's OK to use the G-word and B-word. I think competition is a good thing. Even if MeetFighters is the underdog. :)

For a fair review, there are uses for Globalfight and Bearhugger. For example, they are a lot more liberal in the photos they allow as profile pics; this is a big plus for those who insist on posting a webpic or something erotic as their profile photo. Someone who uses them more often might point out more things where MeetFighters is more lacking. I would be interested.

On the point of money: I like it. It's good for the site. There is no obligation, though, so don't feel compelled. You might receive a gentle reminder every few months. :)


RhodyRaybo (102)

11/16/2013 4:14 PM

I very much agree that this is the an excellent site. I have gotten numerous matches through it. And I do tend to agree with the Craigs List guys. I've wrestled many of them and it does attract local guys, but they are usually the most unresponsive when dialogue ensues or if you do wrestle them, it's a one shot deal or months before you hear from them again for a rematch.
