Vpower's blog

First blog on Meetfighters!

Original title eh!?!?!? eh!?!?!?!?!?...No not really :(.

Anyways, I haven't been on this site for long, and I already received tons of messages...! Probably because I'm a new account? Not sure, but I think so!
Well, Gotten a few messages from the Netherlands, but also from outside! Some random Favorites and Challenges without any messages afterwards... And if they are from a place far away, I just don't know what to think about that... I should probably just say thank you for the challenge!

Hmmm, but I should probably start why I joined this site, Since I don't have any Martial Arts background... Except for a few weeks of Karate Workshop lessons (High School)! I remember the teacher wanting to show moves to the group with me as dummy... Every time he needed somebody, he chose me. On the last lesson, we had to punch and kick a kicking/Striking pad... Everybody had to do it for 1 minute straight without any breaks... The teacher gave me 2 minutes... So I guess he thought I was either pretty good...or I was one of the students who paid more attention lol.

After a whole block of text about my Karate workshop... We should probably go back to the question why I joined this site... Well, I've always watched pro wrestling especially because of the men in it (I didn't know at the start that I liked men, so I thought I loved seeing the wrestling). Afterwards, I started liking to see submission moves being done! Those long held submissions moves... I somehow always thought (mostly the backbreaker ones), that it would somehow feel nice to be in those holds... Not because of the pain, but just something like yoga or a Massage or something! (weird I know). And to be honest...I've also looked at a lot of ''Low Blow" moves in Indy/Pro youtube videos. I later on also looked at the more erotic wrestling company videos...
So I joined this site thinking I would find likewise people! Mostly because I saw a lot of people being gay...And also because of the fetish groups and whatsnot.

So now you kinda know why I joined... Oh and I already met one person 1on1! Sid's a lovely guy and he and I were pretty much the same... In the way we thought about Wrestling, our personality... A lot of things! Except... He goes to MMA training and I ...Did nothing (except for that karate lesson)...Well, I did do Volleyball, Skating (roller and ice skate) and dancing! (modern/Hip Hop)
So what did we do? well, we warmed up with some punched towards each other's hands... Then added a few low kicks (soft). Afterwards, he showed me a few MMA basics stuff on the ground...That was awesome! We also did some Pro Wrestling moves afterwards, just to try. We had a lot of fun! And I actually enjoyed being on the receiving side of those moves... Especially the Bearhug!
We had so much fun, that we decided to meet up again a few days later! Pretty quick haha! Tried some more Pro Wrestling moves! And I also got to punch and kick his punching bag! Apparently I still know how to kick, since I turned my left foot (I'm a righty and kick with my right leg) so I can turn my body better... And stuff like that. Was a lot of fun!

After a week of silence in terms of wrestling (Had exams), I met up with Sid again! (Was last Saturday) I got to hit his punching bag again and we tried some more pro wrestling moves, so much fun! Got to sleep at his place, and the next day we went to the Fight Club in Club Church, Amsterdam. There I got to meet more people from MeetFighters! They all wanted to get me on the mat, but I'm too shy to go when I know pretty much nothing about wrestling ... haha! But they were all lovely! It was a lot of fun to watch what they did, and I got to know how they all are... Which is what makes me a bit more comfortable to meet them again, but then 1 on 1 or something!

Sadly I also had to cancel one meeting, because of my ''Colitis Ulcerosa" acting up... When it's acting up, my bowels are irritated and I don't like to be physically active... Too bad, because he was only here for a few days... Was somebody from outside the Netherlands :(. I'm really sorry for that!

I also get to look forward to meeting a lot of people :). Already received a lot of challenges, also from outside, who will be in the Netherlands for some days. Please take care of me when we meet (And stretch me real good ;) ).

But so far, I'm on some kind of adventure to see what I like and what I don't like... So far, I like to be on the receiving side of (Pro Wrestling) Submission moves, just being dominated! But I also feel like I sometimes want to take the upper hand... But I that isn't always there, just a few moments.

Welp, that was my first Blog post!.... I may be posting more, if I have something to say :p.
But so far, I like Meetfighters! <3.

Last edited on 7/06/2015 2:41 AM by Vpower
