The_Kestrel's blog

first grapevine meet!!!!!

I had my first grapevine meet this weekend! I thought it would be a good idea to write something up on it, so any new guys may see this blog and want a go, or encourage any guys who gave not been in a good while to show their faces again.....

I confess i was bloody nervous to start with, didn't know what to expect and did not know what the guys are like that were turning up. I came into the matroom and was warmly greeted by andy (matroom owner) and pat (small_gladiator), a cuppa and chinwag with these guys helped calm me nerves down before more started to arrive.

Soon dave (matworker) arrived, things livened up considerably at this point, and like the other guys i found him very chatty and relaxing to be around.

As we were waiting for more to turn up, i had explained i had some good basics shown to me in a meeting with colin the week before, though i would be keen to learn more. After changing into our trunks this had prompted pat and dave to display some more to me as more arrived for the meet, they made it fun to watch as well as educational.

Then the wrestling began, i could spend forever writing this in detail though it would become a blinking novel. So in a summary over the next few hours as more arrived over time everyone took turns to challenge eachother in 3 minute bouts. I managed to have the privilege of challenging 6 guys before i hit my brick wall. It was great as every guy had a different style for me to try against. I came to learn and practice and i sure got that as the hours went by. When not wrestling i found everyone good to talk to, either sharing more tips and info on wrestling to me or just talking about everyday stuff.

Then after 6 (event started at 1!!!) Things seemed to wind down, everyone started to shower off, and dave became the groups torture toy while waiting for the shower que to go down. It was approaching 6.30 before i said goodbye to everyone and made my way back to my car.

Aching some today but it was a great day i had and i would not hesitate to go again. I fully recommend these group meets to anyone new to wrestling.

Last edited on 2/08/2015 12:10 PM by The Kestrel



WW (18)

5/13/2022 7:25 PM

Torture toy.....I like that....
