TakeThePunchesAI's blog

I'm Tired Of My Generation Being Called Emasculate

Like I had an argument with this dude on a social media app over the Jonathan Majors (the guy who trained his body for Creed 3 coming out next month). Because of his colors and his pose, he was saying he's not being masculine and looks sassy. Like I'm really getting tired of this shit with older generations (not saying you guys, generalized statement) saying that my generation is not masculine. While I'm still 29 and Jonathan is 33, we're both millennials and part of the same generation. Like the color you wear should not determine if you're masculine or not. Whatever clothing you have on should not determine if you're masculine or not.

And I hope we're not treating each other like that on here. I may not look masculine to some of you, fine. Some of you might think my colors are not masculine, fine. But just know that's you're opinion not reality. I might look cutesy but if you look at my recommendations, everyone I faced was bigger than me. 50-110lbs bigger than me might I add. While I'm not the biggest guy, I'm just not a genetically built guy to be big. However, I'm an athlete and I train like an athlete. AI can take the punches because he's durable. Yeah I like to wear crop tops sometimes, that's because I think it looks masculine and I'm proud of achieving the abs I worked hard to build.

But I don't know if you guys encounter this stuff but I'm tired of seeing it and hearing about it because I've seen it brought up twice with two prominent black men in culture today. But it's not a black issue, this is a men of today issue. Thanks for reading this what I guess is thought-out rant, lol.

And be on the look out for my BG East vid, whenever it gets up, lol.

Last edited on 2/20/2023 3:08 PM by TakeThePunchesAI
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synxiec (74)

2/20/2023 4:07 PM

Yeah. This is a long problem with a lot of complications. The biggest of them being that people feel like we should value and see as sacred the same things as people did in like… the 1920s.

It’s frustrating.

That’s before we get into the fact that a lot of the things people value in being masculine require people to look and act like a predator (in a bad way) to everyone around them and move as if they might do violence to anyone who opposes them.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2/20/2023 4:54 PM

(In reply to this)

Yeah man. And yes, in the past, since you brought that era up. A little later in the times of hollywood black actors we had (a little black history to those who might not know, I'm not supposed to but I'm a nerd, lol), Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte. They were black men who they emasculated, and it was a thing back then to emasculate black men at that time. They had black men doing all kind of things to present them in the most feminine (I'm just giving context to the time period, not calling anybody out) way, to make us appear weak. And black men then did it because they didn't have the power that the black men of my generation today have. We do what we want and we wear what we want, no compromise.

But that's just men in general.


nukite (0)

2/20/2023 5:25 PM

I think generally at the moment there's a dismissiveness towards younger people. I don' like it and I don't participate in it.

Do remember, though, that the generation above us said exactly the same about us! Then my father had to deal with the fact that he just missed WW", and so on. It's tiresome, but it's nothing new.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2/20/2023 5:36 PM

(In reply to this)

That's a fair statement. Thank you for sharing your viewpoint.


Merseywrestle (60 )

2/20/2023 6:30 PM

I am of the older generation now but if anyone calls you not masculine whether it be because of your build, which I think is awesome you can see you train hard, or what you wear then it's a problem with them and society at that time. I see that you are proud of yourself keep that up and rise above it. Like I said I am of the older generation but willing to learn and understand society today, I may not agree with it at times but the importance is to listen and be open. Like I said your awesome.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2/20/2023 6:34 PM

(In reply to this)

Lol, well thanks for that man. But I don't really want the focus to be on me. I'm just like apart of the new generation of men, but this needs to be like overall.


Merseywrestle (60 )

2/20/2023 7:27 PM

(In reply to this)

There has to be a starting point an individual so that it builds to the community, that individual is you ☺️


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

2/21/2023 2:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Lol, noted.


Theszlou (0)

2/20/2023 10:40 PM

The under 50s are a bunch of puffs. I’m 75, even now I take on these muscled up permaxtanned nancy boys and have them begging.

God help us if we ever have to fight a war.


Dadjobber (0)

2/21/2023 4:26 PM

(In reply to this)

Are you real...?


Tuhin biswas (3)

2/21/2023 7:34 AM

I really don't care if someone called me fem I used to care in my school days but now I don't give a flying fuck I am a mixture of masc and fem and I love it I would behave wear however I want whatever I want I don't care what some trash insecure toxic people say and I think nor anyone else should


Dadjobber (0)

2/21/2023 4:27 PM

(In reply to this)

Spot on bud 👍


G-manGary (4)

2/21/2023 1:08 PM

Just decided to read your blog.
Damn you have a very solid set of abs.
Ignore anyone who thinks you look what THEY think you look like.
Your a solid athletic man. Plus that says masculine.
Your a fighter and take on the men, good for you. Keep it up.
I have met some great guys who are black and they still are friends, wave when they see me... I wave back or chat if time. It is who they are, they have earned respect and trust and that goes both ways.
So keep at it mate, you are one solid fighting machine


rochroll (20)

2/21/2023 9:02 PM

I am not sure why people need to degrade someone for any reason they can come up with, whether it be masculinity or anything else. A person should do what they want or wear what they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone in the process. What further irritates me is when they lump a whole age group together and paint everyone with the same brush. For every generality someone puts out there I am sure I can point out an unlimited amount of exceptions. I say be yourself and the hell with the guy who tries to degrade and put everyone is boxes.


wldct1998 (4 )

2/23/2023 5:38 AM

It's interesting how masculinity gets defined by people based on their own personal preferences or their own cultural upbringing and they think everyone should, well, think exactly what they think. Good for you being who you are. It's better to be underestimated. They underestimate you at their own peril.


serjjibucks (29 )

2/23/2023 4:48 PM

You might remember me once a woman tell me that she not felt atracted by guys who wear speedos like me because she considere it not masculine at all, as a matter of fact, i wasn't pretent to atract you girl! Just i like wear it. Years later she came out as lesbian after she pretended to change my tastes .
