TakeThePunchesAI's blog

Officially Been A Year on Here Now

Hey, I just wanted to take a moment to recap. Final month of the year and it just so happens that I officially have been on here a year. I came on looking to explore an interest I always had, but always enjoyed from the background. I spent a long time not very comfortable with my body and appearance and just not having confidence. But from my early 20s up to me in my late 20s now, that confidence grew more and more. And I finally had the confidence to take the step on here that I did. I'm glad I did it. It's been so much fun meeting not only being comfortable in my own skin, but just meeting the different people and having conversations, and physically interacting with different energies in matches.

There was much growth from me in many different ways this year, but you guys on here helped in that. I sincerely don't expect you guys to say some of the things you say, but it just makes me feel really good about myself. I had no idea the work I put into my body would get so much praise. All I see is things I need to work on and better. But I've learned that it's Okay to appreciate what you have and maximize what you have because that is enough. For obvious reasons I no longer partake in the chat, but I am grateful for all the people I was able to talk to and interact with on there. To all of those that I talk to regularly, I appreciate you taking the time to value my presence. I'm the lone wolf type so it's nice to be acknowledged every now and then.

I said I was going to give it a year and decide if I want to stay on here, I am definitely going to stick around a bit longer. I like it on here, and I have so much fun meeting with the guys the are willing to take the time with me.

I will note, I am striving to be in a whole other state in the new year, so we'll see where things go from there. I just wanted to make note of my appreciation. I hope everyone has a blessed rest of the month, Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Last edited on 12/03/2021 4:45 PM by TakeThePunchesAI
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GPStud (29)

12/03/2021 4:49 PM

That's great man
Hope u stay blessed


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/04/2021 1:08 AM

(In reply to this)

Sure man, you as well. You were one of my first friends on here (I think... I don't remember, lol).


GPStud (29)

12/05/2021 12:22 AM

(In reply to this)

Thnx man for calling me your friend
The feeling is mutual


synxiec (74)

12/03/2021 4:54 PM

Amazing. I’m glad this has been a place of joy for you. To be sure, I think you deserve every positive word you get. 🌻✌🏾


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/04/2021 1:08 AM

(In reply to this)

And you've consistently made me feel welcome all the time. Thanks for that man.


synxiec (74)

12/04/2021 10:05 PM

(In reply to this)

The nicest thing I could hope to hear on this site.




12/03/2021 6:33 PM

There's a person I know who believes in improving a little bit at a time. That's a smart approach. Patience with others and patience with self. Getting there is sometimes challenging, but the trip can sometimes have a greater impact than when you arrive.

Congratulations. Your story is or can be an inspiration to many here, so thank you for sharing.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/04/2021 1:09 AM

(In reply to this)

Leading by example and having a positive impact on people is what I'm all about.


Haarek (1)

12/05/2021 12:27 AM

Hi. You give so much positive energy into this group. You have some amazing abs, you're emphatic and easy to communicate with. Can't believe you're a lone wolf as you describe yourself.
I really like you, your comments and questions, you're an amazing young man. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new gutpunching year. Stay safe!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/05/2021 7:55 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man, some of the nicest things I've heard said to me this year. I was sheltered as a child, I was a outgoing child and obviously an outgoing person, but my parents were strict. So very naturally, I don't have that extra attachment. I don't have a problem with being a lone wolf though. I like being a free spirit.

Thank you so much for all our kind words man. You be safe as well.
