Loser of a Cockfight

Sex between a true bottom and a true top is a sacral act. It depends both on the sameness (maleness) of both partners, as well as, and more importantly, their difference (you can't have unity without difference or diversity). A top's sexuality is masculine: expanding, entering, exploring, conquering, reaching outside itself, penetrating, discovering. A bottom's sexuality is feminine: accommodating, drawing-in, opening, submitting, beckoning, receiving, being-discovered. The loser of the fight must embrace the role of the feminine, as he has been humiliated by his rival in the fight.

The loser of the cockfight willingly sacrifices his maleness to the top by spreading his legs and allowing the top to penetrate him and conquer him internally. This receptivity, submission, accommodation is very feminine. But it is precisely *as a male* that the loser performs this feminine act. It is as a male and only as a male that he is able to give his maleness as an offering to his rival. It is very free, even though it is very natural. The loser, having given himself entirely to the winner, then receives from the victor the top’s own maleness, which moves inside him and ultimately releases inside him. The bottom becomes yin and the top is yang and they are two men united in a perfect union of masculinity and femininity.

Anal sex is key, because it is the most intimate act two men can share, as well as the most fitting way for a cockfight loser to submit to his rival, and for the rival to dominate and fill his bottom. As a true man, the winner of the fight’s sexual organ is his penis. The loser’s primary sexual organ is now his anus/rectum. The winner must always be the clearly masculine, dominant. It is totally inappropriate for a loser to try to command or control his top. Rather, a loser must revere and submit to his rival, and constantly be trying to please him because he has been humiliated and lost the cockfight.

Last edited on 12/07/2018 3:56 PM by Stevie



BACF1 (2 )

12/09/2018 9:47 PM

your thoughts on bottoms, WOW hahahahaha


Snakee (4)

12/09/2018 8:32 PM

That may be your experience, your preference, and your opinion, but that should not define a cockfight for everyone. Communication is key so in a cockfight like any other fight whatever the two cockfighter is agreed-upon before the match is how the match should go. Whether it involves sword fighting or CBT or hands-on or first to go limp or first to cum. That should be agreed-upon by the two men cock fighting. Same with stakes. So many try to define cockfighting to their own personal tastes when it can be quite varied in style.
Be safe, be open minded, and have fun


Stevie (14)

12/09/2018 10:05 PM

(In reply to this)

You are absolutely right, it’s just my opinion, not meant to be anything else .


Spruceman (55 )

12/08/2018 11:19 PM

I would never throw a match in order for this power bottom to get f***ed good 'n' hard, despite of allure of having some hot beefcake do it to me. Should be "winner chooses whether he's top or the bottom.

Life has its all-powerful tough bottoms and its weak, not-tough tops. Weak vs strong, skilled vs not skilled, masculine vs effeminate are different axes, not necessarily with a high R-square to top vs bottom.


Chicago (35)

12/08/2018 9:54 PM

What a great way to describe it


BamaJDon41 (10 )

12/07/2018 8:07 PM

Well written, thoughtful, informative and hot.


Stevie (14)

12/07/2018 9:39 PM

(In reply to this)

Thank you!
