It was just after midnight when I arrived at the old farmhouse. I was glad I was able to find the place because it seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. As I stepped out of my car, my bare feet touched the dirt driveway. The air was still very warm and humid on this summer night in Kansas. I saw an older blue Ford Explorer parked off to the side. I knew it was Jim’s.

Jim was the reason I was here on this moonlit night. He and I were involved with the same man. It was a love tri-angle. Chuck, (the other man), and I have been lovers for over a year when Jim appeared on the scene. At first it became a friendly relationship between the three of us but soon Jim was in the bedroom and sexual tension began to build. In fact, our three-ways escalated into sexfights between him and I over Chuck’s body. We became extremely jealous of each other. Chuck enjoyed the attention but after talking with him he was unwilling to make a choice between Jim and me. I hated Jim for this and he hated me. I considered walking away from Chuck and the whole thing but I felt like that was not fair to ask that of me. Jim should be walking away, not me! I admit it, I had selfish reasons too.

The sex with Chuck was awesome but there were other perks too. Chuck was extremely rich. He had lots of money from an inheritance and was very generous with me. We have been living together for almost a year now. We traveled all over the world, staying in luxury resorts and dinning at the best places in the world. I didn’t want to give all that up. I was willing to fight Jim for Chuck and everything that came with him.

I walked up the old wooden steps on to the creaky porch. I could see a dim light inside the farmhouse. I carefully opened the torn screen door and stepped in. The old house had a musky smell to it as I entered the empty kitchen. I spotted the door that led to the basement. I slowly and carefully walked down the steps toward the dimly lit room below. The steps were very rickety as went down. I hoped the steps would not collapse as they squeaked and moaned on my way down.

As I stepped off the last old board, I felt the cool dirt floor of this dungy basement. It was dimly lit by an old bulb hanging from the low rafters with cobwebs. The floor was just dirt, no tile or wooden flooring. It was scattered with trash. I detected the scent of ammonia. Over in the corner sitting on an old stool was Jim. He was completely nude. His eyes were dilated. I knew he had been doing meth. “I wasn’t sure you’d show up”, he spoke in a soft voice. “Looks like you underestimated me again”, I replied.

I removed my old tee shirt and shorts and kicked them to the corner. My cock was already swelling as Jim stood to his feet. We both stared at each other, sizing up our naked bodies. We were about the same height and weight. He was a dirty blonde and I had dark hair. Our bodies were tanned and toned and very smooth. I suppose that’s why Chuck was attracted to both of us. “Would you like a hit?” He handed me the pipe. I took it. I knew that he was high and that would mean an advantage in our cockfight for him. I inhaled and felt a flood of euphoria fill my brain. “That will be the last thing we share because when this is over, Chuck will be all mine”, I quietly said.

“You realize one of us will probably never fuck again after this encounter”, Jim calmly said. “You will be that person because your cock will be useless after I am done with it” I said as my anger began to build inside of me. We both stared down at each other’s penises. His was about then same size as mine, perhaps a little thicker. They were both already turgid, dangling downwards, over four inches of meat. They were both shaved with no pubic hair whatsoever. Sweat was beginning to form on both our nude bodies as we stared at each other. Jim tossed the crack pipe over in the corner of the small room. As if cued by an unspoken word we circled each other, claws out. Our cocks quickly hardened as we exchanged angry insults. All I could feel was sex and hate as my balls boiled with angry energy of sperm furious to be released. We charged at each other, simultaneously grabbing the hair on our heads and pulling back and forth, attempting to rip it out. Our naked bodies collided as we struggled for advantage. Our feet were kicking at each other, his long toenails cutting my shins. He was stronger than I thought as I could feel my head begin to be pulled down as my scalp was on fire! We grunted and cursed at each other as my head slowly was going down.

I released his hair and began to claw at his smooth chest. “You cunt!” he yelled as I found an aroused nipple. I quickly started to dig at it and was able to get it my thumb into it. “Awwwwww!” he screamed out. I had tried to sharpen my nails in anticipation of this fight. So far it was paying off. He let go on my hair and went for my chest as well. We both were clawing and scratching our chests, trying to hurt and inflict damage as we danced around the dirt floor. Unfortunately it was obvious that Jim had also prepared for this catfight, his nails were also sharp and even longer than mine. I winced in agony as both my nipples were savagely attacked. “Ugggghhhh!” Jim began to pull on my tits. He pulled me back and forth and then from side to side. His vise-like grip was so tight that his fingertips were practically touching each other through the flesh of my breasts. Blood began to run from down my tanned chest. “Noooooooo!” I screamed out. I tried in vain to pull his hands away from my chest. Unable to loosen his grip I attacked his face, clawing at his eyes. I missed but left deep scratch marks below his eyes and down his checks. Jim responded by releasing my nipples and holding his face in panic.

We stepped back from one another, and glared. “Had enough, bitch?” Jim shouted? "Fuck you cunt! I can take anything you can dish out!" I countered. Your cock won't be worth even sucking when I'm through with you." I replied. “Your cock isn't worth sucking now!" Jim replied. We now began to slowly circle like a couple of cats. We grabbed each other by the hair again and yanked as we both squealed. Hair was torn out by the roots. I managed to get Jim in a headlock on my right side. I had a good hold of his head with my right arm as I pulled on his hair with my left hand. We staggered back and forth in this position for a few minutes kicking and trying to stomp each other’s feet until Jim’s left hand made its way through my legs from behind. He grabbed my balls and began squeezing hard. I pulled on his hair harder now, but I was forced to let his hair go and try to pull his hand from between my legs. In a flash, Jim was out of the headlock and got behind me. With his arms wrapped around me from behind, he had me by my nipples once again. The pain I felt was excruciating as my chest was still sore from our earlier tit-fighting. I was able to strike back with my elbows as I landed several good shots to his sides. He was forced to release his hold as he couldn't protect himself from my flying elbows.

Jim shoved me to the dirt floor from behind and I landed spread eagled face down. He then proceeded to send a swift kick up between my legs that caught more of my inner thigh than my crotch. Before he could land a second kick, I grabbed his ankle and he came crashing to the floor on top of me. My head hit the floor and I was dazed for an instant. Jim quickly turned me over to get a good vantage point on my cock and balls. He was between my legs and before I could regain my senses, he was gripping my swollen cock, pulling and twisting it. I started to pull on Jim’s hair hoping to stop his attack on my sex organ. Jim then began to lift my midsection up off the floor by my cock. He held me there for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity. I thought my dick was going to be torn from my body. Then he let go of my organ and my ass came crashing to the floor. My cock was in searing pain as I tried to recover. Jim straddled me and started choking me. I tried to pull his hands away from my throat but his grip was tight! My air passage was being cut off as we struggled like this for over a minute. I kept trying to get to his face as he choked me. Out of desperation I reached down and found his erect cock. I gripped it tight, jabbing my sharp thumb nail into the underside of his shaft. He cried out but kept choking me. It became a squeezing contest, my throat vs. his cock. We struggled some more and just when I thought I was going to pass out he let go!

Still sitting on top of me Jim reach down and pulled my hand off his wounded cock. Blood ran down from it onto my thigh. I gasped for air rubbing my sore neck. He moaned as he held his injured cock. His cock was fully erect as it leaked blood and semen. I knew I had to act fast. I sat up and pulled his hair to the side and rolled him off me. He went for my hair as we struggled side by side trying to get the advantage over the other. Our bare legs were kicking and flying everywhere. I managed to get on top for a moment but he was able to roll me off. We rolled around the dirty floor of this old cellar for several minutes, grunting and groaning, fighting for position. We ended up in dual headlocks as we paused, trying to catch our breath.

“Give up now”, said Jim in a low whisper as both our chests were heaving. We were cover in blood, sweat and dirt. Our chests were scratched and seeping blood from the attacks. Our cocks were hard but aching from assaults. “I will never give Chuck up to you” I murmured. “Have it your way” was Jim’s answer. He reached down with his free hand and attacked my rock hard dick. I quickly matched his move by getting to his large boner. We struggled to keep the mutual headlocks and cock locks. I could feel his long nails going on the attack to my vulnerable sex organ. I did the same. We both moaned and we were hell bent to destroy the other’s sex organ. Our barefeet kicked and scratched at one another as our claws tore at our hard shafts. At one point I could feel Jim’s large vein as I dug in. I was hoping to spear it with my middle nail. He cried out as I felt warm liquid cover my hand. “OOOOOOooo!!! Fucker!!!” he screamed out. But he continued to maul my cock. I soon felt an intense pain inside my {removed}! His sharp nail had entered the slit. He was cutting it even as his other fingers were dug into my shaft! I cried out in agony!

With our legs tightly intertwined, arms wrapped around each other’s necks, and our free hands between our legs, attacking our exposed sex organs, we laid side by side in this death grip on the filthy basement floor. Jim and I whispered curse words at each other as we both suffered. We could feel our heartbeats through our hard but bleeding cocks. I was amazed we were still erect, despite the mauling each penis was enduring. And we continue to dig and claw at our wounded meat. I soon felt my {removed} being torn open even more. Jim knew what he was doing, even though he could not see my cock, he realized he had been able to get to a crucial area on my penis and was attempting to damage the head of my manhood. I was trying to do the same to his shaft, hoping I could make him bleed even more and weaken him. We were at the point of no return in this male catfight. Neither one of us would back down.

We were both exhausted from the intense fight. Our cocks were severally injured, and because of that, it seemed like our brains were sending even more blood flow to them. This seemed to fuel our hatred for each other and we continued to maul each other’s manhood. Our hands were tired from all the squeezing and clawing. But I could tell that Jim was changing his tactics on my cock. He released but then rewrapped his hand around my shaft. I could feel a different kind of pressure now. He was no longer clawing my hard meat; he was trying to bend it! In fact, he was trying to break my cock in half!” NO!” I shouted! “I will do the same to yours!” But Jim ignored my plea and continued. I frantically tried to do the same to his cock! Jim squeezed my hard shaft and at the same time was trying to force part of it backwards till it would snap. I attempted to do the same but the harder I squeezed the more it would slip, perhaps because of the blood and pre-cum. I felt Jim’s long nails dig into my erection. His stronger, longer nails kept my cock from slipping out as he squeezed. I began to feel my hard shaft bend even more! I was losing!

I tried to pull away but our bodies were hopelessly locked together. I finally released his cock and tried in vain to pull his hand away from my struggling penis. He fought to keep his hold as my tired hand tried to keep him from bending it more. This was his chance and he knew it, with renewed strength he squeezed even tighter while using his index and middle finger together to bend my shaft back. I begged in fear for him to stop but it was too late. There was an audible snap, soon followed by a tearing sound as the already mutilate head of my penis was bent backwards! Pain shot thru my penis as blood and other fluid poured from the {removed}! I moaned in despair as Jim’s two fingers continued to puncture the underside of my manhood. I was in shock as our headlocks were released and I looked down to see my defeated cock, strangely contorted. Jim used his other hand to continue the attack my broken organ as we lay side by side. Our legs were still tangled and I could not roll away. I tried again to pull both his hands from between my legs but I was too weak. Blood was everywhere. Jim’s cock was bleeding too but not nearly as bad mine. Now he was using his long nails to open up the underside of my ravished cock. Everything went black.

The next thing I remember was waking up with a rope tied around each ankle, spread eagle to the basement ceiling. I was on my back but my ass was off the ground a couple feet. Blood covered my entire front side from my shredded cock. Jim soon appeared with his damaged but erect cock in front of me. It was obvious he had been smoking meth again. He too was covered in blood. “I’m glad you finally woke up, I wanted you to feel me go deep inside you, you hurt my cock but I can still fuck you”, he said. “But you will never be able to fuck again”. I moaned in humiliation as his wounded but stiff cock penetrated my hole. He groaned from the pain I inflicted on his meat but it was nothing that he had done to mine. Mine was unrecognizable now and Chuck would be his lover. I blacked out.

Last edited on 4/24/2021 1:22 AM by Admin



Jman96 (0)

6/25/2018 9:03 AM

Do you EVER post a good
Ending? Like maybe the reader gets to win? I read nearly all your stuff and the reader always loses man.


fourinhands (0)

10/22/2017 4:59 AM

Hell....mine was broken a long time ago, Stevie......


Stevie (14)

3/29/2013 6:24 PM

Thanks for your comment and you are correct, there is no "bone" in a penis, but it is a well know fact that it can still break when fully erect. See this article:
