I'm unsettled by a number of so-called wrestlers from the site who have talked to me for lengthy periods of time only to turn silent when our matches get close to reality.

For more than a month, I have discussed meeting a specific member for a match. He's been on the site over a year but has no reviews. This made me suspicious, but he returned all my messages and expressed an interested in finally getting a real-life wrestling session under his belt.

I did all the legwork: found a place to wrestle halfway between us, offered various dates and times that would work, etc. We discussed it several times. Last week, he specified that he could meet me for a match March 25th. That's coming right up, so I was psyched!

Today, I sent a message asking him to confirm our meetup. His response was to block me with no explanation. I'm in a small area of the country with very few opponents, so when this happens, it is a huge disappointment. I wish there was a way to warn other guys of members who are only "teases" with no intention of ever meeting.

Last edited on 3/21/2018 12:06 PM by Sparrhawk



AgentPoseidon (30)

2/17/2020 8:54 AM

I totally sympathize with the comments on here. The vast and I mean the 99% majority on this site when they make specific date and time and location plans with me actually do show up.

I did however report with an abuse flag a guy in Vegas who seemed legit and had 2 other positive recommendations. He made specific plans with me twice, noshowed twice, and deliberately didn't communicate that he wasn't coming until hours after our meeting time, didn't return calls or texts while I was at our meeting place. I chose to believe him the first time (oh SUDDEN family emergency, sorry). Not the second (oh gee I looked in my bank account, can't do it). Well, fool me once shame on him. Fool me twice, shame on me. A real passive aggressive sicko. I am grateful the abuse flag is there. I hope it prevents others from meeting him.


Spruceman (55 )

6/06/2018 3:49 PM

Some guys paly the game to the max---feed you the line; plan all kinds of details of a meet, arrange to meet all the way to saying the day – short of the exact time. Then nada, zilch, zero, no replies, sometimes a notice he suspended his profile or 'profile not found'. One of m most egregious was a guy in a near Denver CO, talked me up for months, then even said he was in DC on business and will meet later in the day --- on the site, so he's alive, but not a single word from him. Some even have some impressive past opponents in their histories. Reckon they are real to some, total fakes to others. Had a flurry of fakes within a couple hundred miles of there about that time, wondering whether several players in some contest as to who can fake the most or if it's one person with multiple accounts from multiple addys, e.g., desktop, phone, workplace, whatever


WrestlerandGeek (24)

3/26/2018 3:51 PM

All i can say is what everyone tells me: get over it and move on. There will always be tons of fakes here and anywhere else online. Usually they lack pictures or recommendations on here so next time, if u see theyve been on for a long time but have no recommendations or have 1 photo.and cant provide more, then they are fake. Hopefully you wont blog about this again cos you might make a bunch of enemies just for speaking out. Trust me, I know from my experiences here. DO NOT become an outcast here.


Dogfighter5 (125 )

3/23/2018 12:34 PM

Sorry for your negative experience and I think it is safe to say it has happened to all of us. One of the best and most beautiful things about meetfighters is both the past opponent and recommendation components. All though it may not be fool proof it is still very useful when validating someone. I wish that some of the phone apps would do something similar. I know you said this guy was fairly new but in the future ask yourself......do I really want to risk this with a new guy? These days if they do not have a few legitimate references (guys who I actually know or know of to be real and good) I will not invest into it. I do not care how hot their pics are or how good they can talk the talk because that is also a red flag. Hang in there unfortunately it's all part of the game my advice is to try and minimize this part as best as you can. Set yourself some of your own rules and standards that a potential opponent/ profile must meet and then STICK to it. Sometimes this can be easier said than done as these people are very good at what is called catfishing..


Mark uk (291)

3/21/2018 6:29 AM

Unfortunately once he has blocked you then you can't get to his profile to mark his as a timewaster. The best thing to do is contact admin before they remove your blog and wrap your knuckles for mentioning him in a blog.


Sparrhawk (9)

3/21/2018 10:56 PM

(In reply to this)

Mark, thanks for the advice. I removed his name from my blog post to keep it generic.I notified admin to mark as unreliable/no show and included the messages where he said we could meet this coming weekend. In response, the user has now deleted his profile.


Spruceman (55 )

3/21/2018 11:15 PM

(In reply to this)

I like to bring new guys to this site, and encourage them to be contributing members --- but to mitigate any 'fake rate' here, I don't 'invite' anyone to join until after I have met and tangled with them. Recruited 7 or 8 men so far. My blog has one egregious example of someone whom did not 'invite' to join. (and didn't).


Sparrhawk (9)

3/21/2018 3:16 AM

I didn't only because we never set an exact time to meet. I didn't travel to meet him yet.

He said he'd meet me March 25th. When I asked to confirm the plan and set the specifics, he blocked me without explanation.

I thought abuse flags were only when the person failed to show the day of the match. Maybe I'm splitting hairs?


Spruceman (55 )

3/21/2018 3:12 AM

Did you try setting an abuse flag on the person as unreliable? Don't see any on the aforementioned man's profile? Five years here with no opponents is almost a flag in its own right that something is amiss which would suggest he could be a no-ever-want-to meet.
