Shapeshifter's blog

Very very short scissor scenario

His left arm was already locked firm around my throat as I felt his right snake into position to secure the immobilising choke, shifting his body behind and beneath me to free his hither-to mostly idle legs and coil them around my waist, a soft groan of pleasure travelled upon warm breath against my ear as my hot, exhausted, sweating body settled between his eager thighs and he slowly, casually, crossed his feet at the ankle and stretched his legs to full extension.

Thighs which were already firm to the touch began to take on a new, ridged shape and purpose as thick muscle forged from devotion and discipline set about transforming from flesh to what felt like living marble.

He groaned again, that same pleasurable moan, his sweat-damp head beside mine as he brought his lips close to my ear and whispered ā€œSquirm for meā€, ensuring this demand was met by cranking up the already crushing pressure building around my waist.

One feeble hand pushed against the thigh which was slowly squeezing in my right side, but it didnā€™t budge, and I heard a small laugh from behind before he rolled on to his back and his legs shifted, keeping me held firm but now encircling me, cinching in my waist as they formed a figure four bodyscissor.

He let the thickness of his legs and natural tightness of this position work their squeezing magic, before he began slowly flexing and relaxing his thighs and calves, causing rhythmic, pulsating waves of incredible pressure.

ā€œYouā€™re locked deep in my coils now, boyā€ he whispered, the tip of his tongue gently touching my ear as he licked his lips ā€œThereā€™s no escape from thisā€.

The sincerity in his voice grew as his legs - did they never tire?? - began to squeeze down in prolonged bursts, bearing down and forcing me to involuntarily groan from the rush of air that my weak attempts at flexing my abs, my last defence in this position, created.

The groans soon became chokes as his arms began to match the pulsing rhythm of his legs ā€œIā€™m going to squeeze you limpā€ he promised ā€œIā€™m going to take my time crushing you and sapping every last ounce of energy you haveā€ a prolonged squeeze now, equal parts both scary and exhilirating, I moved to tap, but the pressure eased just enough to bring me back from that brink ā€œDonā€™t tap, Iā€™m not letting you submit. Youā€™re mineā€.

Last edited on 3/16/2020 6:20 PM by Shapeshifter



Wrapmeup (3)

3/19/2020 9:06 AM

Great scenario. Thanks for posting Would enjoy that anytime :)


swmrOtter (7)

7/06/2023 12:17 AM

Great writing, like the crescendo of the tighening grip. What happened next šŸ˜œ
