SeonCruz's blog

About this Cat named SeonCruz :3!

Inspired by a chat a TODAY! I staright up stole this from someone but, it's not a bad idea! This way, I can give people who are really nervous about talking something to glance at before they decide if they wanna burn some time on a guy like me. :3!

Are you aggressive? Hmmm, i'm more playful than anything. I can be, but only when it's called for.

Do you like to wrestle seriously? I can. I usually don't. I'm here more for the fun and experience than medals and trophys.

Yeah, but do you like to win? Couldn't care less. Unless i'm wrestling and we get really competative and then i'll try and win... But if I don't even then things are still rather hot so, i'm good either way~

What are you into? Wrestling. Boxing. Gutpuching. Being gay. Being a furry. Yeah! I'm pretty chill and type like I talk so, trust me when I say if we get to meet, we're gonna figure out what we both like and go from there. :3

You into erotic or whatever? I mean it's fun somedays. Some days i'd kill for it. But most of the the time everything else around the experience is why i'm there. Not just a hard dick.

So can we fuck? Hit me up after a couple matches. And maybe a dinner date.

So why do you wrestle? Shit's fun. I like competition. I like playing around. I like hearing a dude grunt when I drive him to the mats. Like that give in take. Just hits a lot fo my buttons.

Do you box? Yup. It's fun. One sided is fun. Acutally trying is fun. Lace up if you wanna. :3

Do you like to fight hard? Hard is relative. If i'm fighting for a cash prize? Sure. If not? We'll see how the other person is and match that intensity, usually.

Are you competitive? Yup! It goes along with me being playful. I find things are more fun that way

Are you good? Yeah. Maybe? Shit... I donno...

Are you strong? Yeah dude, like when I stub my toe? I only tear up a -lil- bit.

Are you skilled? I can do a cartwheel and look good doing it, also can do up to 30+ hit combos in any fighting game of your choosing.

Are you good at boxing/sub/pro/standup? Yeah, Kinda, Yeah, Hell yeah.

Can you host? Usually! I have a friend that if people end up in my area we work togehter to get a place to host and throw down at. Having friends is nice. I hope you have some as well! :D

Do you ever get out to [insert place]? I travel sometimes. Conventions and work things here and there so sometimes. Just depends on where the wind takes me as it were. I try and keep track of where folks are and post when i'm gonna drop by another neck of the woods that isn't mine. Gotta meet folks!

Are you one of those people that are into [insert thing]? Profile's a pretty flesh'd out thing. But never hurts to ask.

I like your profile pictures. Dude, uploading them is so quick! :D

"You have a nice body." And i'm getting stronger too! This cat's gonna lift all the things! :3!

Do you cyber? Hell yeah I do. But, it's time consuming so I don't do it much anymore. Ask me for a log sometime.

What about phone? Ffffff, nah.

Hope you enjoyed. Another other questions, toss them my way. It's worth it. :3!

Last edited on 8/04/2017 12:48 AM by SeonCruz



osakarob (78 )

8/04/2017 1:16 AM

Great post. You've got a real personality! And I think *that* is the key ingredient for great meet ups. Roll around, have some laughs, be with someone genuinely fun.


handto 2000 (11)

8/05/2017 2:51 AM

Thanks for sharing a bit about you. You sound like a good guy.


handto 2000 (11)

2/19/2024 1:03 AM

It has been years since I messaged you. Never heard back. Perhaps you just aren’t into me. Or, perhaps you just didn’t find my massage. I’ll send another and hope for a response. I’d like to wrestle and play with you.
