Rohit Patil's blog

Negative Recommendations should be observed..

Hello everyone. There are many here who has been through my profile and asked about the negative recommendation I got there. Initially I ignored the rising questions and also it was not possible to write and explain in detail to everyone, but I felt somewhere that my silence over the topic has been taken in other ways and many thought it would be my fault. The current Corona pandemic ensures me some leisure time and urges me to write this blog for self justification and eventually to get the justice. ( Though I am not that good in expressing myself )..

1). So the guy started talking to me. Asked my preferences. I was clear in my choices. Everyone on the planet has full liberty to talk to or meet someone of his choice. The choice might be weird, decent or anything for the world but remember it's 'his'/'her' choice and no one can judge him/her on that basis. If I don't want to meet anyone who is older than my parents, not in a good health condition, I have full sympathy to that but that doesn't mean I should talk to him , converse him or plan to meet him. At the end it's my choice to proceed further or not. My 'no' should be considered gracefully and ofcourse same applies to me also. How can I become arrogant if I am just stating my preferences or choices in a polite way? Is that make a person rude? Why clear thoughts and straightforwardness hurt egos?

2). MF team and officials, I would like you to consider the limited access you have given on the basis of past opponents /recommendations. Atleast no one should put a negative recommendation or flag just because he has completed the standard number of opponents or recommendations. I feel this is deleterious for others. There should be some way to appeal or review the conversation to get it cleaster clear and to enlighten the truth. Otherwise we all will be helping such hypocrites and morons of double standards for time being.

Thanking you everyone for reading such a long post. Pardon for mistakes.

Last edited on 3/29/2020 6:50 PM by Rohit Patil
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Tynesider (84)

3/29/2020 9:45 PM

I wouldn't give the negative recommendation another thought. These things happen and mean very little.

What I will say is that it wouldn't stand out so much if you had got a rec from your past opponents and given them one in return. It isn't too late to do it.

A for having limited access until you reach a certain number of opponents it is just one of the rules of the site. Maybe it is there to stop men joining and seeing everything on here without contributing to the site.


hugefan (79)

3/30/2020 12:58 AM

I really didn't know you could complain about someone unless you have met or arranged a meet at least. Seems unfair otherwise


Rohit Patil (11)

3/30/2020 3:43 AM

(In reply to this)

Exactly....still the site gives him such facility and this is unfair on the part..


Juggernaut (0)

4/02/2020 11:46 AM

(In reply to this)

Neither did I. I see no good reason why such a policy should be allowed, and most certainly not from another member considering a worldwide audience where cultures can vary widely and who hasn't even met you.


Rohit Patil (11)

4/02/2020 12:02 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes.. exactly....


NJWoodbridge (141)

3/30/2020 3:27 AM

I agree with Tynesider. The one negative recommendation means nothing.

However, IMHO, the lack of positive recommendations speaks volumes.


Sparrhawk (9)

3/30/2020 4:38 AM

(In reply to this)

I agree here. Positive recommendations are the lifeblood of why I would meet someone. Having a negative recommendation with zero positive ones would cause me concern.


Rohit Patil (11)

3/30/2020 6:42 AM

Not always ..what if I don't feel to write or lazy about just can't judge someone by positive or negative recommendations ..sure it's a great way to know the person, but not the only way...I don't write recommendations, doesn't mean I am fake ,not trustworthy or no show....


NJWoodbridge (141)

3/30/2020 12:48 PM

(In reply to this)

Rohit, You are correct. Recommendations are not the only way to get to know a member, but they are a start. And when I see someone I know recommending a member, I am more likely to be interested in that member.

I realize that some do not write recommendations and do not care to receive them. Fine. I was once like that, too. I reversed course (and decided not to be lazy about it) when getting other members interested in wrestling me became more difficult. And it became a self-inflicted pain in the butt to explain why I had so few recommendations.


Sparrhawk (9)

3/31/2020 1:01 AM

(In reply to this)

Please don't act like positive recommendations are meaningless. They prove that you've gone out of your way to meet someone, be courteous, show up and offer a good match. It's no different than seeing good reviews for a product on Amazon or Yelp. You may not value them, but most people do.

If someone is too "lazy" to post a good review, they are likely too lazy to travel to meet you as well. That's how I view profiles with no recommendations.



3/30/2020 8:29 PM
  • Every negative recommendation –> Abuse flag, gets highlighted to us. - We really don't get a lot.
    • Depending on the justification and history of both accounts we take additional action. - Or not.
    • If the flag system got used wrongly - people have sometimes problems reading bold text - we remove the flag and suspend the poster of the abuse flag.

About your point 2)

  • You need a minimum of 3 positive recommendations to post an abuse flag. - That might be unfair in some cases, but it is better than opening it up for all.

Rohit Patil (11)

4/01/2020 8:36 AM

Would love to thanks everyone including admin here for your precious views on the topic..while I am agree with some of you, and disagree with others...but that's how it should be.. everyone's point of view and thought should be respected...
Though I will assure you that I will think over all the suggestions and try to wok for betterment...
And last but not least, I would love to thank you all of you who has been visited to my profile and sent me message in inbox and offered good words..


Roadroller (1)

4/09/2020 7:22 PM

I agree with you bud. Interact with who you want to interact. If someone doesn't like your decision, they need to move on. It's that simple.


Rohit Patil (11)

4/09/2020 8:31 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks friend....
