RhodyRaybo's blog

2 Police Officers in one week????

As a wrestler for the last 8 years, I have found myself wrestling men of various professions. I'm not sure how this happened, but I actually wrestled 4 different church organists! 2 of them I still frequently rumble with. There are several professionals that I find quite desirable to roll with because of how rugged they usually are, Contractors and mechanics, though I haven't wrestled a lot of either, the few times I have, they didn't disappoint. As a fan of the Food Network, I find chefs quite desirable to roll with, but that has only happened a couple times. Turned out, that out of the 3 chefs I have rolled with, 2 of them were tough as nails. The third one was fun to roll around with, but he wasn't much of a fighter. Last year at Thunderdome I wrestled a retired police officer (he knows who he is). I admitted to him that wrestling a police officer was something of a fantasy of mine. He admitted that he got told that alot. He was a nice guy and fun to roll around with.

But this past week, I realized as of this morning that I have not only rolled with, but OVERPOWERED 2 police officers! My head is still spinning from the thought. In my last blog I talked extensively about a "fight session" that was hosted by an officer at my church. He also belongs to the church. There was lots of exercise and a lot of intense "fighting" which was more like wrestling than anything else. Every single time I took on the officer, I pinned him! And, he was stuck until I freed him!!! I was like "are you KIDDING me????". Also, in the last couple weeks at BJJ class, which I just began in April, I got to roll with this big guy who's around 40 years old and has been taking it for about a year. Strangely enough, when we rolled last Tuesday morning before the end of class, he had to tap, and when the timer went off ending the roll, he was still on the bottom. I didn't realize until I saw him TODAY at class that He TOO is a police officer! My head is spinning at the thought, especially since this has been a desire I've had for a while, to wrestle a police officer. They are both VERY NICE guys, very pleasant, very friendly. I'm grateful for the experience and hope to roll with both of them again soon.

Hmmmm...pinning a police officer...not bad for a guy in his mid 50's who used to walk around in high school with a "kick me" sign on his back. Peace out.

Last edited on 6/13/2019 7:36 PM by RhodyRaybo



Terryrassler (41)

6/14/2019 7:33 PM

Enjoyed this story. You have come a long way from that young guy in high school. You kick ass in a regular basis. Even some
Police officers. I look forward to taking you on...


RhodyRaybo (102)

6/14/2019 7:58 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks Terry


jman926 (8 )

11/26/2019 4:05 PM

Almost makes me want to go back to church!!
