Wish I could write this guy a review. As much as I love Meetfighters, I
do try to get matches from one other source .... Craig's List. What can
I say? I got fed up with the nickel and dime policies of Globalfight,
plus I hadn't gotten any matches through there in months, so I left.
Bearhuggers isn't that active, sadly. And Wrestlemen is just another
money making site. So I often get matches from Craig's List and hope for
the best. I can say, it's not always bad. Most guys lately have been
"one and done", but at least they are willing to try it at least once.
This brings me to my most recent CL opponent. I will call him "Mike".
Mike was visiting the Providence area from Florida to attend a
conference for his job. I guess he did frequently use CL to meet guys
for various reasons, but in his initial response he told me that
wrestling sounded like fun and he could host at his hotel, which was
only 10 minutes from me. I told him I was game.

Anyway, after exchanging texts all day long on the day of his arrival, I
got to his hotel room not quite sure what to expect. I was greeted by a
man about my height, a couple years older than myself, with salt and
pepper hair. He was about 25 lbs heavier than I am, though I am the
more muscular one. He wasn't in the greatest of shape, but he did have
a lot of stamina for someone who hadn't wrestled much. Anyway, we
greeted each other, chatted a few minutes, then when he was sitting on
the bed, I ATTACKED! I had him pinned and scissored in a matter of
seconds. (insert more here). After we were in appropriate attire, we
continued for over an hour of exchanging holds with me showing him some
holds and letting him administer a few to me. It was fun and sweaty. He
loved my scissors and my bear hugs. He cried for mercy, I gave him
none. He pinned me and I showed him how I have learned to get out of
various holds. I had a lot to tell him and show him. Time seemed to go
by quickly with him. Anyway, His stay was for about 4 days, so I
managed to meet him two more times for more wrestling. It was fun,
though he had a couple of physical issues that caused us to have to go
at a slower pace than we began with.

I wish I could write a review of "Mike", but seeing he was a Craig's
List guy and not on Meetfighters, I can only blog about him. But we hit
it off quite well. I don't know if we will ever see each other again.
The conference he was in Providence for is in a different city each
year. But nonetheless, he really enjoyed it and told me we would
probably be meeting again sometime down the road.

Last edited on 6/22/2017 4:21 AM by RhodyRaybo



riverrat (2)

6/26/2017 2:00 PM

I have the same issues in trying to meet someone to wrestle around with. Granted, I have no skills and still consider myself a novice, so there are alot of guys who show no interest because they seek a challenge. I look to wrestle for the erotic end of it. But, I, too, have sought out matches on Craigslist and have actually found a couple that ended up being a really good time. I enjoy this site, but ever since I've joined, I haven't been able to add anyone to my "past opponents" list. The 2 I have listed I actually met through Globalfight in past years. Both good guys. Anyone who expresses any interest in wrestling me are miles and miles away. That always seems to be the case. Good luck to you


RhodyRaybo (102)

6/26/2017 3:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Wishing you all the best as well


Sparrhawk (9)

10/01/2017 4:43 AM

(In reply to this)

I bet you're a great teacher. Nice details in the blog post.
