RhodyRaybo's blog

They're Getting Indoctrinated Young!

Last Thursday evening I was at my son's DoJo waiting for his class to end. I was chatting with one of the other dads there. As we're chatting we hear some loud moaning that sounded like my son. The other dad said sounds like "Victor" (not his real name) is on top of your son. We walk into the studio and sure enough, there were our two sons grappling like many of us would. I took a couple pictures and cheered my son on as he had "Victor" locked in a scissors lock.

When they were done and getting their gear together, "Victor" made a few jokes about my son possibly enjoying that for the "wrong reasons" and that maybe he, himself, enjoys it for the 'wrong reason". I asked why he thought it could be the wrong reason and his response was because he enjoys it so much. ARGHHHH!!!!! That is what our culture teaches about wrestling, if you enjoy it you're either gay or there's something wrong with.

Now, I'm not attacking gay guys here, I've wrestled many and have formed many good friendships with these guys. But our culture needs to once and for all get it through their skulls that two guys rolling around trying to dominate each other does NOT reflect their orientation. It's a practice as old as humanity itself. Even in the Bible, we have Jacob wrestling with God for an entire night.

Well, that's my rant for the weekend. Peace out!

Last edited on 10/26/2013 2:16 PM by RhodyRaybo



SileX (204 )

10/26/2013 8:06 PM

I'm not sure there is a right or wrong reason here. What matters is that they enjoy wrestling because, well, wrestling is a lot of fun!


RhodyRaybo (102)

10/26/2013 9:09 PM

Totally agreed! But that's not what our culture has predetermined about wrestling. A 15 year old boy has to question why he enjoys wrestling! Very sad!
