I went to see "Ralph" today. It was our third time we've met and the third time in the past 2 weeks. I got to his house after the 45 minute drive from my house and he greeted me with a smile and we talked a bit before going to his designated wrestling room like old friends. Why am I thanking him for this time in particular? Is it because of his gracious hosting? I love that, but that's not the reason. Could it be because he knows some good holds and I enjoy finding my head stuck between the thighs of a good wrestler? I love that, but that's not the reason. Is it because after he put me in some good holds, I was still able to wiggle out of them after a while and then nail him? I love that, but that's not the reason.

I'll tell you why...because we were supposed to meet yesterday, Saturday. But as a guy who wrestles a lot and meets lots of different guys, every once in a while you run into a bad apple. That happened to me Friday evening with another guy who wanted to come over that evening. In my communication with this individual I saw a few warning signs in the emails. But sadly, I didn't heed them. He didn't really want to wrestle, although we did a little. He only really wanted one thing, something I clearly said to him that I didn't want. He misled me. But all in all, I was the one to blame. I should have said "no thanks" in the emails. So I was pretty angry at myself the rest of Friday evening and well into Saturday. I messaged "Ralph" and asked if we could postpone our match from Saturday to either that evening or Sunday (my preference). He said he would try to get his work done so he could. I actually did have some things I had to take care of Saturday, but I was just too down from Friday to make the drive. I knew I needed just a little time to get myself pumped to meet with "Ralph" and clear my head of the episode Friday evening. When I arrived today (Sunday) at Ralph's house, he was chipper and happy to host as always.

THAT's the sign of a guy that I want to wrestle. Someone who not only put me in holds and maybe chat a little, but someone who will act like a genuine friend. Guys, the best wrestlers are not always the one who will give you the type of wrestling you like. The best ones often are the guys who will be a friend in the process. Looking forward to more meetings with "Ralph" and hope we all meet guys like him to grapple AND bond with.

Peace out.

Last edited on 10/14/2013 1:53 AM by RhodyRaybo



MAwrestler (19)

10/14/2013 3:06 AM

And thank you, Ray. The understandable postponement was worth it. It was a great wrestle. And you may in the future drop the "Ralph."



RhodyRaybo (102)

10/14/2013 3:08 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes, guys, yes...MAwrestler is "Ralph"...though I won't reveal his real first name. I'll let anyone reading this contact him and he can tell you. Peace out.


Guysmiley (41 )

10/16/2013 4:21 PM

Sorry for your "not totally unexpected" problem with the one fellow. But you're right, you didn't go with your gut as people so often say. Just be more careful next time. One has to be in this day and world. As for your followup, I too have a couple of fellows I can call on for support, which is sometimes needed. Nice to have a friend who understands something we don't share with just anyone.
