Parisbb's blog


A little post of anger...

I do travel a lot for my passion.. Ballbusting.
I regularly do trips in the USA and all over europe for that.
I am meeting a lot. BUT I still got a bunch of people who cancel at the last minute (2 hours ahead let say), or who don't show up or who, at the moment of seting up a meeting just block me !
I found that really rude! i would NEVER do that to someone who had cross atlantic or at least flew 2 to 4 hours for coming close to me to meet!
Not speaking of people barking they want to meet and that NEVER reply to my solicitations!

Last edited on 3/08/2020 12:53 AM by Parisbb



rasslin bodybuilder (207 )

3/08/2020 5:30 PM

i feel the same way like you do. I gave up trying to set up matches because these people just set up matches and never fulfill their promise (i am reasonable and i let them have all my contact info down to landline, and i am ok if they have unforeseen circumstances as long as they inform me) but no note, no phone call/text, just direct blocking me off. I am not sure how do the administrators on the site filter profiles and I cannot talk about their behavior without getting penalized for pointing out the obvious. whats the use of putting these fake meetings as no-show/unreliable and nothing was done about it.... and these fake people just go around cat-fishing other people. maybe these profiles after being flagged as no-show by certain number of members should be suspended for awhile



3/08/2020 7:45 PM

We are doing a lot behind the sceens.
We invest every single day countless of hours in flagging accounts with mandatory verification and blocking accounts. And catching duplicates.
Most fake accounts are caught in the first hours of registrations.
Obviously a few will always slip through, and for those we need the help of the community, setting the flag for no show or fake is helping.

But also everyone on the internet has to use common sense, don't fly to someone without a fake check (a face to face call, you can use our chat for that, skype, facetime, WhatsApp. They is no reason in 2020 to reject a video call before meeting) especially when this profile has 0 past opponents.

It is frustrating as a site owner to read these rants without understanding in the slightest the effort needed to keep the site close to fake free.

Please for everyone, if you find a fake account, REPORT HIM, even if we can't act on a single report without evidence, every report stays attach to the account, and if enough people report we can take appropriate action. Like mandatory verification. Or blocking.

@Parisbb It is just not understandable for me that you have time to type this blog post, but don't report or flag one single profile. Based on your blog, you found countless profiles cancelling you last minute. Why you protect them? And don't flag them? This is direct support of cat-fish accounts.

If you don't use the tools we give you, IMHO you don't have any right to complain about the situation.

Even I have to rant sometimes ;) Cheers! :)


Parisbb (23)

3/09/2020 4:42 AM

(In reply to this)

So you want some names...

Admin: [Names removes, violation of ToS§ 3]

Now... explain me how to handle those cases with your tools?



3/09/2020 4:33 PM

(In reply to this)

Please read what I wrote before and read our ToS §3 again.
No naming and shaming are allowed in public spaces.

Use the report member function and the abuse flag system.
Don't mention names in a blog post or introductions.


Maybe caps helps??? Not sure what else to do to make people read...

Now... explain me how to handle those cases with your tools?
–> you click on report member, and post the same message you posted here in the report filed.... Not that hard? :)
The advantage is, it stays connected to his profile and does not get lost in a random blog post.
You don't have to worry if we can act on the report or not, every single report helps. Even one single report alone is in some cases not enough, multiple reports to the same person do get our attention. I can promise you that.

But you have to understand, that only reports are visible for us, if you name a member in your profile or in a blog post, we can't possibly track that.
@rasslin bodybuilder: I highly recommend you remove your naming from your introduction too. And create a report out of it if you did not do that already.


rasslin bodybuilder (207 )

3/09/2020 4:45 PM

@admin, please do something about guys who flakes and block people like me just because i put in effort in asking them why they didnt show up after extensive planning. if something as simple like this also is too much to ask, i dont know what else can be done but to move sonewhere else



3/09/2020 5:18 PM

(In reply to this)

„ please do something “

What should the „something„ be?
You can still report a member even he has blocked you.


rasslin bodybuilder (207 )

3/09/2020 5:23 PM

forget it. i have did my part.


Parisbb (23)

3/10/2020 4:03 AM

Oups... awfully sorry... not in my habbits...
Handling a community has been part of my job for 18 years... but when you got several problems at the same time... brain forgets the elementary stuff not to do.

Should i redo the flagging or not?

In fact the flag "no show" should be larger... "unrialable" would be better for me. Semantic i know.


Mark uk (291)

3/10/2020 12:02 PM

A sad part of this and other wrestling sites I am afraid. Follow admins advise if the opponent has been totally unreasonable.
Some reasons for cancelling are genuine and although it can be inconvenient it can sometimes not be avoided by one of the parties. However, zero contact to show/cancel is unacceptable by anyone.
Had a recent experience with a guy from Iowa city who I thought I new and trusted. I was very wrong.


Juggernaut (0)

3/11/2020 10:53 AM

(In reply to this)

There most certainly can be legitimate reasons for needing to cancel, but there is no excuse (save being incapacitated) for not giving notice. And the earlier, the better. As soon as you know something may come up, let your perspective opponent know.


Juggernaut (0)

3/11/2020 10:49 AM

How do you determine if someone cancelled because they changed their mind or if their cancellation was for a legitimate reason? Hopefully, people will schedule their meeting at a time that they know will be open and free. Even so, life happens and things do come up unexpectedly. A last minute cancellation is only suspect if it happens more than once.

Personally, if I agreed for someone to travel for the meet-up and I needed to cancel (for anything less than an emergency), I'd at least offer to pay some portion of their travel expense. With that in mind, if I'm not sure, I'd just rather not set the date. If I was doing the travelling, I'd be sure to have a Plan B.
