PA Wrestler's blog

Twitter’s Fall? - Precautions for Connections & Change

This has already been stated before all over the place, but seriously people, PLEASE, if Twitter is your main or only social media, find a backup. I know that a lot of people use Twitter as an outside platform, a way to meet up with other wrestlers or to keep up-to-date or in touch with friends and fellow wrestlers. Please, have a backup, don’t lose those connections.

We knew that massive layoffs were being done throughout the company, with insane numbers being let go. But after the ‘ultimatum’ that was sent out to remaining employees, needing to ‘work hard’ and do 60-80 hr weeks, or take a 3-month severance and leave..reports are saying upwards of 75% of that remaining workforce is accepting that offer. Unless things change, in the coming days/weeks, Twitter May legit only have 10-20% of its original workforce to keep it afloat.

Unless massive change is done and quickly, this platform is legitimately going to crumble and implode. Again, please have a backup, or find out the contacts or social medias of close friends 🙏

I honestly didn’t plan for this. I genuinely just use Twitter as another wrestling platform and form of communicate with a few guys exclusively over there. I also knew others do the same. So wanted to post a reminder while laying out some of the information we knew as the public. Again. Precautionary.

Not sure why simply stating things that are known, turns things sore for people who have no involvement in any of it. Never mentioned politics, never called out any groups nor specific individuals. Yet some people seem genuinely butthurt over this, depressing and sad. 😓

Last edited on 11/19/2022 8:50 PM by PA Wrestler



dgwrestler (50)

11/18/2022 2:23 PM

Twitter is not going to fall lol. Musk built rockets and cars, he won't fail at Twitter.

I find Twitter to be the most interesting place on the internet (maybe after MF.)


mcic (153)

11/18/2022 3:56 PM

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I would have to agree. Twitter is not going anywhere anytime soon. The company had way too much fluff and unnecessary positions. Musk came in and cleaned house to get rid of the waste. That is what any smart business owner would do. He actually expects people on his payroll to work. That is why Tesla and Space-X run efficiently.


PA Wrestler (48 )

11/18/2022 6:16 PM

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Damn. The delusions run deep. For proper context, Twitter is a company that was running in the red for several years. It wasn’t earning money, wasn’t even breaking even each year.

Musk bought it, overall spent roughly 52 billion. About 1/4 of his entire net worth. Again, for a company he is claiming to ‘bring back to its greatness’, which is still when Twitter was not earning extra no profits for this wise business man..

He then proceeds to ‘clean house’, but firing about 50% of the employees. This isn’t some local business. Let’s treat it properly, it’s a multi-billion dollar, global, social media company and platform. So stop comparing it like it’s some regular old company that just got bought up. Give it context.

Of the remaining employees. The ones you say need to ‘work hard’, were then given that ultimatum. To expect to work extra hard, and work extra long days and weeks. Never heard mention of getting paid better, or proper overtime, just “work more”. Why? Perhaps firing half of the workforce, he is now compensating. Of those remaining, 75% are reportedly leaving and taking the only 3-month severance. The entire moderation team is gone, the support staff vanished, testing teams gone, who knows who else.. Again, multi-billion dollar GLOBAL company. You need these sort of ‘extra’ positions and departments because of the outreach had.

Further more, Tesla itself is mad at Musk, their stock dipped after it seems like he’s spending more time over at Twitter, than he is at the company he runs. His Blue Checkmark program? Up for a few hours before failing. Massive companies and entities being trolled by people and having their stocks plummet due to tweets from people pretending to be them. Legitimately risking lawsuits as they only were possible due to Musk’s Checkmark program.

It’s a mess. It’s a company that was never earning profits, desperately trying to do anything and everything, yet quickly failing at each turn and slowly imploding. Use some common sense, rather than seeing a billionaire and assuming he’s a godsent genius who is holier than thou 🙄


dgwrestler (50)

11/18/2022 6:43 PM

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I think you are pointing out a bunch of headlines from left-leaning newspapers. They overdramatize the situation and have been writing negatively about Musk for the past year. Musk spent his own money to legally buy Twitter, not to bring it back to some glory days, but rather to bring forth Twitter to the glory it has never seen before.

You say he spent 1/4 of his wealth to buy Twitter (which is his free choice) ? Well, to give you a little perspective, he spent 100% of his wealth on Tesla and SpaceX, which required 100x more engineering power than Twitter and far greater personal risk.

I don't have the chutzpah to insult Musk's intelligence and decision-making. I only wish to learn more from one of the greatest minds of my lifetime.


PA Wrestler (48 )

11/18/2022 6:52 PM

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Aaaahhhh, now your response makes far more sense. Whatever, simp as much as you’d like. The original post was again a precautionary thing for those who solely had that as their only platform. 🙄


dgwrestler (50)

11/18/2022 7:29 PM

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yep thanks, can't wait to see you "Warning" about FTX lol.


Jvallee8 (0)

11/19/2022 7:35 AM

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Left leaning indeed...😅🤣


ruinurabs (42 )

11/19/2022 3:46 PM

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Despite the layoffs at Twitter and around the US (and elsewhere), this is still a labor-led market ... not an employer-led market. When there are still many better paying jobs at other companies in need of those skill sets, it is crazy to think that those who remain will commit to the hours and demands Musk has made/is making.

Many people like citing Musk's success at Tesla and SpaceX, but forget how long it took to turn them into something profitable. Also note the huge turnover in staff at both companies ... far higher than other companies in those industries ... industries which have far fewer competitors than Twitter. And there is a cost to constantly having turnover and having to recruit new talent.

To be sure, it probably made some sense to make cuts at Twitter, but a scalpel rather than a meat axe would have worked better.


PA Wrestler (48 )

11/18/2022 6:19 PM

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Lol sure bro. That’s why he is out 1/4 of his net worth, set to lose money each quarter, set to lose more due to not having the Twitter company up to compliance (due to the firing), and is running a company that hasn’t even broken even on earnings for several years now 🤣

Dude just burned away literal billions as a ‘smart business man’. It’s going to crumble, in one way, shape or form. Just because his COMPANY builds rockets, does not mean he is a rocket scientist.


dgwrestler (50)

11/18/2022 6:50 PM

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He is the Chief engineer of SpaceX. What are you talking about? does anyone build better rockets than SpaceX? his Engineer title in SpaceX is not some symbolic title, its actually real.


ruinurabs (42 )

11/19/2022 3:52 PM

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Being a brilliant engineer doesn't make Musk a brilliant manager or company owner. Don't confuse the different skills sets.


dgwrestler (50)

11/19/2022 4:17 PM

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When Tesla and SpaceX rank as the most desirable place to work at for recent engineering graduates, I think I can comfortably say that as a company owner he is at least very decent :)


ruinurabs (42 )

11/19/2022 7:41 PM

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Yes, cheap labor eager to prove themselves fresh out of school all would love jobs there. And after a year to three years, gone elsewhere!


dgwrestler (50)

11/19/2022 10:35 PM

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Cheap labor lol. Companies fight over those graduates; they know the latest and greatest engineering knowledge.

I think he is a great engineer and a great owner-operator. Does anyone make better rockets than SpaceX, no didn't think so. Tesla revolutionized the car industry single-handedly.


synxiec (74)

11/18/2022 5:02 PM

This gets a thumbs-up from me as sound advice even if the platform weren’t in the state it was in.


Peter Hughes (61 )

11/18/2022 10:00 PM

Methinks the wrestler doth protest too much...


bobster (30)

11/18/2022 11:07 PM

The sky is not falling. Chicken Little, Musk and twitter will survive.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

11/19/2022 12:48 AM

It always seems so strange that Musk can somehow be the "richest man in the world" from being CEO of an auto company that isn't even among the 25 largest automakers in the world. And no, his family doesn't own a diamond mine in South Africa. His father owned one share of a mine in Zimbabwe. But he certainly does know how to make money - fire half the workforce and require the remaining workers to do twice the work they've been doing.


trock2828 (4)

11/19/2022 4:18 AM

huh...and here we thought this was a site that didn't allow As for Elon, I like his chances moving forward...pretty smart guy there.


Jvallee8 (0)

11/19/2022 7:29 AM

Can't stop laughing...musk stopped paying 13 million dollars ANNUALLY to feed Twitter employees that included wine on tap...lazy ass employees. NO NEED TO START FEAR MONGERING 🙄😅🤣😅🤣


BamaJDon41 (10 )

11/19/2022 7:44 AM

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That's odd. Musk complains about providing free food at the San Francisco HQ, yet he's also complaining about how all these employees were working at home. How does Twitter provide free food to people working at home? And his claim was that the cost was $400 per meal. Seriously? The people actually running the cafeteria say the cost was $25 per day per person. Not the ridiculous claim of $400 per meal per person. Some people will believe ANYTHING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


dgwrestler (50)

11/19/2022 2:40 PM

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This is the exact difference in the mindset of people who hate Musk and those who Like/Nutrual with Musk; great of you to bring up the Cafeteria story.
The food may cost $25 per person. Sure, no one is disputing them, but what about the cost of people preparing it? facility cost? Why was the food free if almost everyone worked from home?

To quote Musk
"Twitter spends $13M/year on food service for SF HQ. Badge in records show peak occupancy was 25%, average occupancy below 10%. There are more people preparing breakfast than eating breakfast."

That's how you get 400 per meal, I hope the oddness is cleared.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

11/19/2022 5:46 PM

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Thanks for that "neutral" quote. I'm sure we all can believe everything Musk says. 😆 People actually working at twitter with no reason to lie and who aren't trying to justify cutbacks say attendance was 20 to 50%. It's clear who's got the most credibility.


dgwrestler (50)

11/19/2022 5:55 PM

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I Believe Musk, plus besides the point of 10%-50% staffing level. Cutting a free luxury lunch program at a company that's losing money is something any rational person will do.


Jvallee8 (0)

11/19/2022 7:31 AM

PA wrestler can fact check it...🤣😅


NJWoodbridge (141)

11/19/2022 12:58 PM

Well, all I can say is that I am glad Musk did not buy a wrestling promotion or a sports franchise.
