Mark uk's blog

When does age become an issue?

OK, so this is by no means meant to be controversial or being put out there to provoke anyone, so please do not get offended and overly defensive. However, I will be interested to see if old people (whatever age that starts at) and young people (whatever age that finishes at) will be willing to contribute to the conversation.
Many of us have been wrestling a few years and i can confirm that there are some really good wrestlers on this site. Recently I read a profile of a guy in his late 20's (which was really old when i was 18 lol) who was inexperienced but in good shape. Although stating he is straight he does offer wrestling and a number of none wrestling services. He clearly says he is not interested in anyone over 40. I have seen him wrestling on another video site recently and I can only describe it as a frantic and at times worrying display of how someone will get injured but we were all rookies once.
Now, I have wrestled some bigger and smaller guys of all ages with exceptional stamina and strength. Yep, and not all of them look like cover models. I think the youngest on here was 18 and the eldest is 70. I like to think I am fit. I am not ripped but do gym 5x, bjj 2x and cage fit 1x a week. I've done Tough Mudder twice and can handle myself.
I suppose I can understand if a guy is gay or Bi that there can be (not always) a sexual expectation as well but this guy states Str8 and no sex.
So my question is - If your both fit, want to wrestle, gain experience, better yourself, why would a guy label an age requirement?

Last edited on 3/08/2016 2:56 PM by Mark uk



buzzcut (2)

3/08/2016 5:33 PM

Part of it could have to do with the personal connection. It is often easier to identify with people close to your own age, simply because of their life-experience. Another part could be that many wrestlers prefer opponents close to their own size and age for the sake of even-matching.

People on meetfighters often speak in generalizations, tho. I just got a challenge from a 23 yr old man who states "no one over 30." I'm twice that age. Lol. So, clearly there are silly exceptions.


hephaestion2014 (47)

3/09/2016 1:02 PM

Rules are made to be broken and limits and ranges we put on opponents are negotiable.

When I first joined the site, I had in my head I'd wrestle no-one younger than 30 and no-one over 50 ... a rule I pretty much broke straight away. And have had good wrestling experience on both ends of breaking that restriction.

Why not wrestle younger? I was concerned that with the i-macs and twitbooks and my wrinkles and less young body, in the post match drink after that they'd look like my carer, or I'd be their babysitter :-)

Why not older? Fitness. I was concerned as its a contact sport that there was a possibility as I was learning I might injure them, and it'd be forever for them to recover. I'm not proud of that patronising attitude, believe me.

I've been up against and watched a few guys in the 59+ category that I'm ashamed to admit that when I first joined, I would have sailed past their profile. But the more I have wrestled, the more I have learnt not just about techniques but people too.

I'd suggest that if the put their age range down for non erotic wrestling, they just don't know better at the moment.

Of course, in erotic matches, I guess some people have an archetype that they are looking for ...


untouchable1 (12)

3/09/2016 10:23 PM

Personally speaking, in experience, I've found most older guys who I've given a chance, to turn out to be creepy and not true to their words.
When we've decided to meet and wrestle, or have a drink or whatever, and it's clearly mapped out what will and won't happen, it nearly always leads to them trying something else. That puts me off.

I also see a higher majority of older guys not 'looking after themselves' as much as younger guys. Okay, there are some larger younger guys, but I find so many older guys are greatly overweight and not able to 'keep up' like they say they can.

Like someone said above, connection does well too. Young guys are into things most young guys do, and don't expect older guys to be so, the same with attractions between people, it's usually same age or younger for most guys, young or old.

There are exceptions, great, fantastic exceptions, and I hope one day, these will outweigh the negative experiences.

(I'm hoping this makes sense, I'm not gret with words, ha)


Peter69 (20)

1/06/2017 10:05 AM

(In reply to this)

I am sorry that you find old boys like me creepy "at times". I'm 67 and have had 6 meetings to wrestle so far. They have all been fun, some more than ours, I have all ways done the best I could. I have written the truth about myself and each of the guys that I have met knew exactly what I could do and what I could not do. I have also written blogs about each of the meetings.
What more can anyone do.


Spruceman (55 )

8/14/2017 3:30 PM

(In reply to this)

Take a look at my profile–all current pics–then tell me to my face I am unfit and creepy. Then let's have a match here on my mats. I frankly believe age is totally irrelevant. It's one thing if a guy has a debilitating permanent illness or injury. It's another if he is in shape and spends three hours a day working out to stay in shape. I am stronger now at almost 75 than ever in my life. If you have any doubt about that, meet me on the mats. Let's just see who ends up tapping on the mats like a woodpecker in a tree.

Same goes to other guys who believe that by wrestling younger men they will never grow old. Straight, gay, whatever, irrelevant–I'm here for sport. If I wanted only sex, I'd be at fuksRus dot whatever


turnbuckl (38)

3/09/2016 11:30 PM

It is all about chemistry and similar wrestling styles. To dismiss someone because of their age is up to them, but they may be losing out on a hot experience. I prefer to wrestle beefy daddies-who i am attracted to and like and have a sense of humor and many are in better shape than younger men. Don't take any of this personally. And don't try to analyze this fetish/ will drive yourself nuts. There are so many fetishes within the fetish.


Spruceman (55 )

3/10/2016 8:23 PM

I suspect too many guys think over 60 is either one foot in the grave or one in the nursing home. I've encountered outright refusals, some nasty, for invading their space with a solicitation to wrestle. Others checking out profiles simply look at the age and read no further I have received responses which make it absolutely obvious they did not read the recs; otherwise they could not logically have said some things in their replies. Then there is the sex appeal thing; but must everyone you wrestle have to have sex appeal if one is the least bit into the sport aspect? One of my best wrestling encounters is with a guy who is not the least bit gay.

I recall back in the 1960s, that personal ads (print media only back then) would have explicit race/ethnicity parameters. Now such would be considered hostile, or (at a minimum) "passé thinking." Maybe 50 years from now, age restrictions (other than 'be legal') will be considered in the same way.

While we're at it, might as well put in a plug to check my profile – all of it, including the recs.


hephaestion2014 (47)

3/11/2016 2:00 AM

(In reply to this)

You still on a lot of "dating" apps see people being blunt about racial preferences ... we haven't come that far, I'm afraid so age will be a lot longer


Spruceman (55 )

3/11/2016 2:26 AM

At least with "dating" [from wild raw sex, to a lifetime romance] one is talking about something far more "intimate" than two sweaty bodies rubbing together on a wrestling mat in many cases. Lots of guys I'd be willing to wrestle with, I probably would not (a priori) be interested in having sex with. "Some of my best matches are even with straights" As long as a guy is reasonably clean, behaves with civility, respects safety & health protocols, and is willing to adjust style and intensity for egregious differences in experience, weight and similar parameters, I'm not going to refuse a guy of legal age.


buzzcut (2)

3/11/2016 10:10 PM

And the opposite is also true. I like sexual connections with men I have no interest in wrestling. I have no problem dating bigger men; but unless they're extremely experienced Pro wrestlers, I have zero interest in a match with heavyweights. The reason is, over half of the Pro transition moves require that you lift your opponent. Unless they've got strong gymnastic skills, they can't provide enough assist on an un-sprung mat, so they're essentially sandbagging everything. I can't counterbalance their inertia, so simple things like whips get me ring-winded from heaving their bulk around the mat. I'm at a huge disadvantage, so I decline them. It's so much easier at my experience level, when the physics and geometry of opponents are similar to mine.


Spruceman (55 )

3/11/2016 11:29 PM

(In reply to this)

Guess I left some ambiguity in what I said. Never said I'd turn down a bit of sex play with a rasslin' mate---just that finding wrestling buds has priority; as wrestling guys are far, far fewer and harder to find
than f*ck buds :)


Greekprofantasy (32)

3/14/2016 5:34 PM

For me it's all about chemistry and similar likes. It's not a bad thing to have some rules but rules are often broken. From my experience I have wrestled older guys that where really good and I have wrestled guys have my age with their wind gone out in like 5'.

Honesty and knowing what you like, staying true to your words is always the best way arround. I find more than often guys saying different things than what they say on their profiles.


Spruceman (55 )

8/14/2017 3:36 PM

Hey. Couldn't agree more, except if a gay is really into the sport, age shouldn't matter all that much to we gay guys as well. BTW. If you are ever over my way, hit me up and take that top age in your match history up another five years. Same offer to anyone else here who is really into the sport. I don't give a frack whether or not you are sexy looking, just be fit, HWP, and ready to rumble on my mats


the123champ (24)

12/13/2018 3:00 PM

I totally agree! My only requirement is that you he in decent shape (like you say, be able to wrestle for a good while!) And respect my "no sex" rule. Other than that, be 20 or 70, 160lbs or 260lbs, i don't care.


jobberasian (27)

12/18/2018 6:20 AM

I actually prefer older, more experienced fighters. They are generally very strong and more safety conscious. So - bring it on mature men! :D
