Mark uk's blog

survivor series 10 - younger vs older

Wednesday 20th February will see another battle between the young challenger jay219 and the experienced mark_uk. This will be their 10th match and the kid is determined to take the veterans title from him. In the 9th meet the kid came close for a while but the big guy came back and showed the kid who is the boss on the mats. This week the kid promises to bring more to the match. Watch for the press release on thursday but who do you think is going down this time. The Champ or The young punk ??

Last edited on 2/18/2013 10:40 PM by Mark uk



Mark uk (291)

2/25/2013 9:39 AM

So how did the match go. Well I remember that first match back in August and this young guy opening the door to me looking like a rabbit in the headlights of my range rover. This time it was different, very different. Jay opened the door with a look of I'm gonna take you today Mark. Little social chit chat but just the usual hows life and man hugs before we stripped down. Although I got the first sub there was that look of disappointment but determination still on his face. he turned the tables and lead the match 2-1 then 3-2 then 4-3 but that was it. The adrenaline kicked in and the champ regained control and pushing the punk harder and harder. sweat dripping and 3 hours later we finish. Just an outstanding match and still fun and laughter going on at the same time. I had always teased Jay that I would let him beat me on our 50th match but something tells me I may not be controlling that time as much as i though. Survivor series 11 already on the cards and i better start getting my shit together or the punk will have me this time.
