MTNBikeBear's blog

Stop Trolling. Start Rolling!

It has been too long since I joined this community and my contributions certainly do not match up to my potential. I could blame Covid, but even before that existed I did not put enough effort into diving into this world. The time is now.

First off, thank you to all members who have friended me and kept in touch with me over the years. Fighters with numerous opponents and reviews taking the time to chat with me makes me feel like a very lucky guy to be even given the time of day.

Also, I should give a huge shout out to BEARWTLFTR as he was the first guy to travel out here and show me some things and build a very unique and special friendship. He also is the only reason I don’t show up as having zero opponents and look like an absolute poseur ;)

I’m a glutton for punishment, so I have decided to set up a little US tour this coming July. The objective will be to meet some of the amazing people I have chatted with on here and also to finally determine what I’m made of. I don’t want to call out names but the locations so far are..

Rhode Island
West Virginia

The trip will span over the course of a week and I have 5 confirmed matches so far. The setups of the matches range greatly from wrestling with body punches, to less competitive such as me jobbing for a large heel.

For a guy who stays active enough but doesn’t work out, this is a lot. Reality has set in and I have come to the realization that I need to start working out, doing cardio and conditioning myself for this journey. I welcome any work out tips anybody has since I’m typically an “there’s an app for that” kind of guy who is terrible at asking for help.

I have roughly 3 months to prepare myself. I do not feel I need any strength training, but will be focusing on cardio and stretches to try and increase my stamina and flexibility. The good news? I finally have a real reason to want to get in better shape! I would hate to disappoint my opponents by not giving them the proper bout they deserve.

If I could give any advice to new members on the site or those like me who have been here a while with little to no action. INVEST!!

-Invest in yourself! Find the time. MAKE the time! This is clearly something you want to do if you joined this site. You’re more than a dreamer! I can come up with 1,000 excuses why I can’t, but you only need one real reason to defy all of them.

-Invest in others! Acknowledge when someone who has solid footing on this site gives you an opportunity. Be respectful and grateful for any chance you get to make real connections with those who have clearly put their money where their mouth is. Please realize that these people are the most at risk. We can look at lots of reviews they have and all they have from us is our word. They are the ones granting the chance, so take it, but don’t waste their time and be respectful of the opportunity.

-Invest in gear! If it’s your thing or something your opponent wants then do it. Looking the part can more easily put you into the mindset and become the fighter you want to become. People will also likely take you more seriously if you look the part.

Mentally, I am more ready than ever. Physically….. I’ll get back to you on that.

If you are in, near or between the states I mentioned and are in the heavier weight classes (preference is 300+ but not written in stone) please reach out to me. I’m all for meeting more great fighters from this community and depending on how beaten up I am maybe we can set up a match!

So I guess as the title says, it’s time to stop trolling and start rolling!

Last edited on 4/24/2022 6:50 PM by MTNBikeBear



RhodyRaybo (101)

4/26/2022 2:00 PM

Great blog. Hope you get a whole slew of matches.


MTNBikeBear (7)

4/26/2022 4:25 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks Rhody and maybe we will find a way to meet somewhere along the way.


Heel4youguy (1)

5/02/2022 9:24 PM

Hope you will share the story as you travel!


MTNBikeBear (7)

5/02/2022 9:30 PM

(In reply to this)

If people are interested I would love to write about it. Can make notes as I go and then perhaps a follow up blog upon my return. Thanks for the support!


Heel4youguy (1)

5/02/2022 9:31 PM

(In reply to this)

I think we would be interested!
